Lockheed-Martin Opens in Israel’s Tech City


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Another goog thing happening in Israel. Lockheed Martin has always been one of America's largest defense and aerospace industries. Lockheed was big on its own, but when it merged with the Martin Company, it got even bigger.

Lockheed-Martin Opens in Israel’s Tech City
Posted by: Raphael Poch April 16, 2014 , 10:32 am
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Lockheed Martin F-16C Barak used by the Israeli Air Force. (Photo: Aldo Bidini/ Wiki Commons)

Lockheed-Martin, one of the world’s largest aerospace and defense companies, officially opened a branch in Be’er Sheva. Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson said at the opening of the company’s new offices that opening up a branch in the city of Be’er Sheva comes as the Israel Defense Forces push forward on a “Move to the South” campaign that seeks to transfer Israel’s military bases to the southern part of the country.

Lockheed-Martin has been growing its international presence with major operations in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. Current IS&GS customers include NATO; British air traffic management organization NATS; the Australian Tax office; and the United Kingdom Ministry of Justice.


Lockheed-Martin Opens in Israel's Tech City | Breaking Israel News

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