LOL!!!! Biden's approval hits ANOTHER new low!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Eat it raw Joe!

Biden approval hits new low as economic discontent rises, Post-ABC poll finds​

Majorities of Americans support President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package and a pending bill that would spend nearly $2 trillion on social programs and climate initiatives. Yet despite the backing for these measures, Biden’s approval rating has ticked down to a new low, driven largely by more negative views among Democrats and independents, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Overall, the survey offers a set of harsh judgments about the president’s performance and the state of the economy. Together, they send a stark warning to Democrats about their prospects in the 2022 midterm contests.

Recent losses in the Virginia elections and a close call in the New Jersey gubernatorial race have put Democrats on edge, with reason. The Post-ABC poll finds that, if elections were held today, 46 percent of adults overall would back the Republican candidate for Congress and 43 percent would support the Democratic candidate. Among registered voters, the GOP advantage goes to 51 percent vs. 41 percent for Democrats, a historically strong result for Republicans on this measure.

I don't believe this part of the story in the link in the OP.

Majorities of Americans support President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package and a pending bill that would spend nearly $2 trillion on social programs and climate initiatives.
I don't believe this part of the story in the link in the OP.

Majorities of Americans support President Biden’s $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package and a pending bill that would spend nearly $2 trillion on social programs and climate initiatives.

I don't know about the climate part, but today's Americans have no problem sitting on their asses and collecting social handouts.
Biden approval hits new low as economic discontent rises

Gee, if Bidden's most popular popularity hits another new low, his face is going to be all scratched and bruised from his face continually bouncing off the concrete.

But naturally Joe will try to tell people instead that they are simply confused and uneducated, mislead by dangerous Rightwing superstition, and don't understand that what Joe is doing is really for our own good!
Eat it raw Joe!

Biden approval hits new low as economic discontent rises, Post-ABC poll finds​

Sorry to burst your bubble but the update disapproval of Joey Xi Bai Dung has risen to 62% or an approval rate of 38%.
Personally, I believe his disapproval is much higher than 62% and is more like 75% disapproval.

No one really cares about the monstrosity of an Infrastructure bill. That's the media prodding people. They especially don't care when gas, groceries, other goods keep going up and up and up. To make matters worse, Biden keeps pushing the vaccine mandates even as we see double vaccinated people getting sick all around us. This just can't go on. I have never in my lifetime seen a president fail so massively in such a short amount of time.

This is Biblical. No one deserves it more.
This is exactly what the Democrat party wants. They'll gladly sacrifice Biden for Marxism-communism. And if they pass this spending, totalitarian wet dream of a bill, they'll blame Biden and throw him away only to replace him with an even bigger ignoramus. That's why we should never let this insane spending bill pass.
Eat it raw Joe!

Biden approval hits new low as economic discontent rises, Post-ABC poll finds​

Gee, if Bidden's most popular popularity hits another new low, his face is going to be all scratched and bruised from his face continually bouncing off the concrete.

But naturally Joe will try to tell people instead that they are simply confused and uneducated, mislead by dangerous Rightwing superstition, and don't understand that what Joe is doing is really for our own good!
Tramps approval rating was 34 after the fist full year
Change you can believe in.

Recent losses in the Virginia elections and a close call in the New Jersey gubernatorial race have put Democrats on edge, with reason. The Post-ABC poll finds that, if elections were held today, 46 percent of adults overall would back the Republican candidate for Congress and 43 percent would support the Democratic candidate. Among registered voters, the GOP advantage goes to 51 percent vs. 41 percent for Democrats, a historically strong result for Republicans on this measure…

The poll finds overwhelming support for parents having a say in what their children’s schools teach, including nearly half of adults saying parents should have “a lot” of say on matters of curriculum. The findings break largely along party lines, with those who say “a lot” supporting Republicans by big margins.

Overall, Americans are divided over which party they trust to handle education, with 44 percent choosing Democrats and 41 percent choosing Republicans. That represents a significant weakening in what has historically been an advantage for Democrats on this question.

At this point, in the first year of Biden’s Presidency, I dont give a shit about the polls.

Democrats control the White House, Senate and House
We need to pass as much of our agenda now while we still can and not worry about what Republicans or the polls say
At this point, in the first year of Biden’s Presidency, I dont give a shit about the polls.

Democrats control the White House, Senate and House
We need to pass as much of our agenda now while we still can and not worry about what Republicans or the polls say
It really isn't about the People, is it? It's about party and power.
The Constitution has lost, and WE the People have lost.
It really isn't about the People, is it? It's about party and power.
The Constitution has lost, and WE the People have lost.
We the people elected the Democrats

A weekly poll is not an election
At this point, in the first year of Biden’s Presidency, I dont give a shit about the polls.

Democrats control the White House, Senate and House
We need to pass as much of our agenda now while we still can and not worry about what Republicans or the polls say
Virginia is Red again.
Yet, the dems need to push through "their agenda" before the next election.
Why the rush? :eusa_whistle:
Because we saw what happened with Obama as he wasted time trying to get Republican bipartisanship.

Dems pushed through Obamacare and it cost them the 2010 midterm
But it was worth it
It really isn't about the People, is it? It's about party and power.
The Constitution has lost, and WE the People have lost.
Same shit you guys said in 2016. Get over it. Elections have consequences.
Again, come see me in 6 months. Then we might have something to talk about.
While Biden is still playing janitor, I'll give him a longer runway.
Because we saw what happened with Obama as he wasted time trying to get Republican bipartisanship.

Dems pushed through Obamacare and it cost them the 2010 midterm
But it was worth it
Not very convincing.
Let's try this. Biden ran as a moderate, then when elected as a moderate
he went all 'Bernie Sanders' to the left, stunned enough democrats to where a
blue state turned red. Now with mid terms approaching, and the writing on the wall
that there has been major buyers remorse, they have little time to push their
socialist agenda down the throats of the People.
This sounds more like truth than your unconvincing retort.

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