Lol, Dimocrats and GOPe think they hit a home run today


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
Today's kabuki theater brought to you by the Senate Democrats, will not change a single thing. The only reason they were calling for a seventh FBI investigation was nothing more than another stall tactic, and it failed miserably.

So the Democrats have now blown their wad, they have nothing left in their little bag of tricks. The Senate will vote on confirming Kavanaugh and God willing, he will be our next Supreme Court justice.
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
What's even more discouraging is that the GOP is also chock-full of progressive statist swamp dwellers, who will now look like a seriously acceptable alternative to these goons..... None of them give a flying fuck about individual liberty or restraint, and establishment republican rule will only hack away at them from a different angle.
For democrat Marxist dupes, this is all about the big picture and undermining the process and the system. The Marxist hope is to bait repubs into equally ridiculous attempts to block any future lefty scotus appointment, create chaos and ultimately undermine the system.
The W Post is already posturing for the next step as they use Kavanaugh’s own response as a counter political angle...
Brett Kavanaugh just got remarkably angry — and political — for a Supreme Court nominee
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
Dianne Feinstein Looks like a cadaver and the dude in the middle. What’s up with his head. He looks like a grey alien.
For democrat Marxist dupes, this is all about the big picture and undermining the process and the system. The Marxist hope is to bait repubs into equally ridiculous attempts to block any future lefty scotus appointment, create chaos and ultimately undermine the system.

That is how they worked things in the Algerian Civil War.

They would go at the moderates, and stage it to look like radicals of the other side did it, in order to destabilize the nation/colony.

In our case they target a SCOTUS nominee unfairly and then protest his temperament when he fights back.
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
Except for what if one or all of these ladies is actually telling the truth. Have you considered that?
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
Except for what if one or all of these ladies is actually telling the truth. Have you considered that?
Yeah, most rational people have. No evidence or corroboration. That's why we reasonable people have considered that and consider it bullshit.
This thread is NOT about the Kavanaugh hearing, but the gullibility of the old FDR political establishment that is teetering on the brink of collapse these days, and they will do ANYTHING to maintain their political patronage networks, but they have grown tone deaf.

See, unlike the past where these types valued independent critical honest thought, these goons today do not. They only recruit ideologues, yes men, sychophantic minions and amoral opportunists. They are completely insulated from the thought of real American people who live outside the beltway, between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.

The Kavanaugh case illustrates this in spades.

It is obvious that Dr Ford was jumped and mollested by two other people in high school, in fact these two men have come forward and confessed their foul deed.

Two Men Claim They Had 'Encounter' with Christine Blasey Ford, Not Kavanaugh | Breitbart

But the Senate Democrats are laughing and joking because they think they have energized voters to come on out and vote for Democratic candidates this year in the midterms.


No, the Democrats have shown to the entire planet what moral scum they are and how far they will go to attain power over the rest of us, and Kavanaugh and his family was nothing more than a speed bujmp to their victories this fall.

Aint gonna happen folks.
Except for what if one or all of these ladies is actually telling the truth. Have you considered that?
Yeah, most rational people have. No evidence or corroboration. That's why we reasonable people have considered that and consider it bullshit.
Could it be true without evidence and corroboration?

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