Lol: ISIS Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling By Throwing Gays Off Rooftops As Hundreds Cheer


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Their actions are crude, but they do know the danger the gays pose to a society.

ISIS Celebrates Gay Love by Tossing 4 Gays from Roof of Building - The Gateway Pundit

They see what gays are doing here. They sure won't put up with it there.

Before you get the vapors over this, be glad they aren't coming here for asylum.
No, you're just telling us how happy you are that ISIS is doing it.

So what's the difference between the gay-haters and ISIS? It's hard to distinguish the two groups.
No, you're just telling us how happy you are that ISIS is doing it.

So what's the difference between the gay-haters and ISIS? It's hard to distinguish the two groups.
Genius.....I bet you could read a road sing and find some nefarious subliminal message.......
BTW, ALL Muslims oppose the homosexual lifestyle and abhor their very existence. The Koran is clear on this.
Now, how a gay liberal could support and defend Muslims as a fellow protected class is a fucking mystery.
BTW. ISIS is the epitome of evil.
Killing gays just because of who they are? EVIL.....Just fucking evil
Wow. Evil motherfuckers.

BUT....they arent displaying a confederate the left isnt interested.
I'd rather see isis get wiped off the face of the earth with some well placed bombs. But that's me. I don't celebrate the horrendous actions of terrorists
Wanna Be Tossed From a Roof? Be Gay in a Muslim Place.


They killed the teen age boy but let the “respected elder” off by sending him to Iraq to fight with ISIS.

Following the example of their Prophet, they take prepubescent boys in to “warm their beds” and toss them aside when they not longer please them. Was this teenager one of them simply trying to scratch a living by doing the only thing he knew?

Make you feel warm and fuzzy about the Religion of Peace?

Read the full story @ or or
No, you're just telling us how happy you are that ISIS is doing it.

So what's the difference between the gay-haters and ISIS? It's hard to distinguish the two groups.
So why are you gay-lovers celebrating Obama bringing ISIS here via the Syrian refugee "crises"?
Their actions are crude, but they do know the danger the gays pose to a society.

ISIS Celebrates Gay Love by Tossing 4 Gays from Roof of Building - The Gateway Pundit

There actions are more than crude, they are despicable. Those are real people being thrown to their deaths just because they are (allegedly or actually) gay. It utterly depraved and sickening.
The Muslim cult is depraved and sickening, yet liberals want to move them here for sick and depraved reasons.
The progressives will still support Islamists coming into America and Europe, despite their obvious feelings towards gays. Islam will help destroy White Christian society, and that is the left's top priority. Both the queers and Islamists are just tools being used by the left to achieve their goal.

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