Lol: ISIS Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling By Throwing Gays Off Rooftops As Hundreds Cheer

Indeed. Homosexuality is, indeed, utterly depraved and sickening.
Please don't hack up my posts in order to misrepresent what i said.
Given that the link exists to the original, and that it was intended as a glaringly obvious and self-evident (to anyone who's ever read your crap) excerpt, in order to facilitate a counterpoint, and given the use of the elipsis preceding your text fragment, in order to get your goat and goad you into a response...

Please feel free to go pound sand, Princess... now... go whine about it elsewhere.
So...what kind of point is it if you have to change another poster's post? Answer: Not much.
Oh, be quiet, and mind your own business.

I could have accomplished the exact same thing by including the entire lame-ass and long post, and simply increased the size of the font and/or bolded the part to be counterpointed.

The 'excerpt' technique is oftentimes employed around here as a matter of expediency, rather than subjecting the eyes to pointless visual noise; something that I and a great many others do, frequently, every day, day-in-day-out, without whiny-baby spittle bubbling out of the mouths of pansies, pissing and moaning about the 'excerpt' technique.

Now, on the other hand, had I gone out of my way to change the verbiage, or misrepresented it in any way, you might have had a point I merely quoted verbatim, a general remark, the proceeded to add my own counterpointing context, sans any indicating that the flake-in-question agreed with me or not.

Now, go dry-hump somebody else's pants-leg, Queenie.
Poor Kondor, look how defensive he is. Can't help but know why.....
I don't think I've ever read any of his posts, so I have no idea why.
...Snip and elipse to your hearts content, but don't do it in an attempt to change the meaning of my words.
It wasn't done in an attempt to change the meaning of your words - that's the beauty of it...

Meanwhile, shut the phukk up, whiny little Princess...
This ugly thread reveals a lot about how jealous America's RWNJ's are of ISIS. The whole undercurrent of this thread is basically, "Oh! To live in a country where we could just throw all the people we don't like off of rooftops!"
...Snip and elipse to your hearts content, but don't do it in an attempt to change the meaning of my words.
It wasn't done in an attempt to change the meaning of your words - that's the beauty of it...

Meanwhile, shut the phukk up, whiny little Princess...
There was absolutely no beauty in the homophobic rant you hitched up to my post, just vulgarity. And quit whining yourself, you stupid 'man'. :)
This ugly thread reveals a lot about how jealous America's RWNJ's are of ISIS. The whole undercurrent of this thread is basically, "Oh! To live in a country where we could just throw all the people we don't like off of rooftops!"
Why would us rwnj's need to throw homo's off of roof tops when here is a segment of the population that seems to be dying off quicker than the rest of us.
The gay-haters are now sympathizing with ISIS. Is there any depravity they won't stoop to?

For example, it seems unlikely that opponents of the Gay Agenda are likely to stoop to willingly accommodating such sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Most - of the thinking variety, anyway - will not sympathize with ISIS or even the Iranians in such matters.

But, then again...

Most will find both bemusement and amusement in the irony of watching Liberals defend Militant Islam on the one hand and severely condemning it on the other.

Moral Relativism at its most dysfunctional, transparent, hypocritical, self-defeating and inefficient.

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