LOL...Palin Exposes Liberals For Their Ignorance: Snares Them In Trap This Afternoon


May 29, 2010
What a way to expose liberals for their ignorance. Sarah Palin wisely warned Tea Party activists to keep working hard right up until Election Day — and not to “party like it’s 1773″ yet. Intellectually superior leftists from Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas to PBS “moderator”/Obama cheerleader Gwen Ifill took to Twitter this afternoon to snicker about Palin’s historical illiteracy.

But it’s the Palin-bashers who humiliated themselves, via Cuffy Meigs. The democrats are in full spin control trying to play this down.

Read This link:

Perfunction: Historic Illiteracy: Idiot Sarah Palin "Party Like It's 1773" After The Election!

Michelle Malkin The significance of 1773: Moron leftists mock Palin, embarrass themselves
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Yet another of those liberal started Palin threads.
Where is the Palin zombie pic?
Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.
I can't crawl inside their heads but if I had to put $$ on it, I'd guess this is a silly case of not checking the context first. For Gwen at least I'd give the benefit of the doubt to knowing when the first Tea Party was.

Just a case of her obvious bias and the nature and speed of the tweet that has caused a self tackle (turf monster style). But it's still funny without a doubt.
Palin's in the news again. What liberal can't ignore her this time?
This is just too funny... I like the lib glib reaction...

They keep trying but they always end up flat on their asses.

I think their getting a Charlie Brown complex...
Look at the usual suspects, congregating again for a hot-button issue... well, to them, anyway.

We're all rooting for Ms. Palin to win the ticket. Yay dumb people. ... You'll guarantee four more years of Obama.

No one doubts your heroes are gonna make significant gains this November. And no one cares. Nothing is going to change. They are two factions of the same corporate entity. Get over it, and get over yourselves.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as each side perpetually blames the other for the slow death of an empire that was always based on greed, consumption, compromised values and unmitigated class separation.

You guys keep playing the partisan smarm game all you like. See you on the other side, when your heroes are back in power, and the world keeps sinking. There is nothing, NOTHING you free market capitalists can do about it.

Afterall, your ideology caused the problem in the first place.
October 19, 2010
Historic Illiteracy: Idiot Sarah Palin "Party Like It's 1773" After The Election!

QWEN I'm-a-hate-FILLed-moron said:
OMG, will this blithering idiot ever shut up?!

Seeking to channel the sign-bearing, flag-waving enthusiasm of the "tea party" movement into ballot-box victories, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told hundreds of supporters Monday they couldn't "party like it's 1773" until Washington was flooded with like-minded conservatives.

I mean, 1773?! WOW. Glad I wasn't the only one who caught this latest Palin gaffe:

This person is a SENIOR CORRESPONDENT?!?

Look at the usual suspects, congregating again for a hot-button issue... well, to them, anyway.

We're all rooting for Ms. Palin to win the ticket. Yay dumb people. ... You'll guarantee four more years of Obama.

No one doubts your heroes are gonna make significant gains this November. And no one cares. Nothing is going to change. They are two factions of the same corporate entity. Get over it, and get over yourselves.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as each side perpetually blames the other for the slow death of an empire that was always based on greed, consumption, compromised values and unmitigated class separation.

You guys keep playing the partisan smarm game all you like. See you on the other side, when your heroes are back in power, and the world keeps sinking. There is nothing, NOTHING you free market capitalists can do about it.

Afterall, your ideology caused the problem in the first place.

How inspiring .. Mr Happy....:lol:
Are these libtards truly so ignorant that they don't realize,

after a MILLION "gaffes" on THEIR parts,

that they are in DESPERATE need of some historians to Proofread their tripe,

BEFORE they say/publish any of it?

Wouldn't the first Tea Party event, held on April 15, 2009 be the rebellion? And the result be the American Revolution, which did not start in 1773? I mean, wouldn't one think Election Day is the beginning of the Revolution for them, and taking back "their" country.
She probably meant election day was the rebellion, but her analogy needs a little work.
Tea Party: The Party of GOTCHA!

Yeppers..quality leadership there..boyeee! They pwn!
Look at the usual suspects, congregating again for a hot-button issue... well, to them, anyway.

We're all rooting for Ms. Palin to win the ticket. Yay dumb people. ... You'll guarantee four more years of Obama.

No one doubts your heroes are gonna make significant gains this November. And no one cares. Nothing is going to change. They are two factions of the same corporate entity. Get over it, and get over yourselves.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as each side perpetually blames the other for the slow death of an empire that was always based on greed, consumption, compromised values and unmitigated class separation.

You guys keep playing the partisan smarm game all you like. See you on the other side, when your heroes are back in power, and the world keeps sinking. There is nothing, NOTHING you free market capitalists can do about it.

Afterall, your ideology caused the problem in the first place.

Interesting who you claim the partisans are, and yet this gaff is because of an over zealous partisan so eager for a "gotcha" that they fail to think before proclaiming the "gotcha".

They are all partisan you simple fuck, wake up.
Look at the usual suspects, congregating again for a hot-button issue... well, to them, anyway.

We're all rooting for Ms. Palin to win the ticket. Yay dumb people. ... You'll guarantee four more years of Obama.

No one doubts your heroes are gonna make significant gains this November. And no one cares. Nothing is going to change. They are two factions of the same corporate entity. Get over it, and get over yourselves.

We have entered into an era of one-termers, as each side perpetually blames the other for the slow death of an empire that was always based on greed, consumption, compromised values and unmitigated class separation.

You guys keep playing the partisan smarm game all you like. See you on the other side, when your heroes are back in power, and the world keeps sinking. There is nothing, NOTHING you free market capitalists can do about it.

Afterall, your ideology caused the problem in the first place.

Interesting who you claim the partisans are, and yet this gaff is because of an over zealous partisan so eager for a "gotcha" that they fail to think before proclaiming the "gotcha".

They are all partisan you simple fuck, wake up.

Juggs has a problem with his addiction to koolaid. He fails to see the irony of partisans calling others partisan. Very funny! :lol:
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Interesting who you claim the partisans are, and yet this gaff is because of an over zealous partisan so eager for a "gotcha" that they fail to think before proclaiming the "gotcha".

They are all partisan you simple fuck, wake up.

Juggs has a problem with his addiction to koolaid. He fails to see the irony of partisans calling others partisan. Very funny! :lol:

How adorable. Coulter showed up. Still avoiding that Glenn Beck challenge, I see? Good decision.

ba1616, what does that even mean? Where is my "gaffe" that you allege? Because I said "you guys?" LOL... Boy are YOU GUYS ever desperate.

It's interesting how cons rationalize that anyone not on their side must somehow be on that "other" side. Tea-baggers are a hoot.

So, great.... I'll admit that the dems are the lesser of two evils. Super... that's about as close as it gets to any "partisan" assertion from this camp. Nice try. .... See, the dems have failed this country for decades. Clear enough for you?

I'll say it again: Obama is failing on energy, mankind's greatest problem right now. He's a pro-corporate shill who has maintained nefarious Bush League tactics, transferred Bush's financial sector, and continued to socialize losses while privatizing gains. ... His Congress is impotent, lacking any semblance of balls during a time when it absolutely should be telling the GOP to go fvck itself. They'll get no support from me.

In fact, as a registered indie, I'm actually going republican in my district in Nov. ... But only because the GOP candidate here is not a tea-bagger, and instead reveals himself as the rare, sane, civil, pragmatic, secular moderate. Refreshing.
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