LOL...Palin Exposes Liberals For Their Ignorance: Snares Them In Trap This Afternoon

The fact that Palin exposed a Washington elite correspondent shows they are not in touch. Liberals are out of touch with everything patriotic. This is not at all surprising since American history curriculum has been watered down and distoerted by the libs. Negatives like slavery and treatment of the Indians get emphasis—even the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end WWII is presented as a war crime—while positives like patriotic activism such as the Boston Tea Party and the wisdom and contributions of the founding fathers get short shrift. Palin embodies Patriotism. You can see it in her speeches.
Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

can't leave it to baby killers like you
You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?
You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?

You were probably ready to jump all over Sarah Palin about this, and then suddenly realized "Oh crap".
What a way to expose liberals for their ignorance. Sarah Palin wisely warned Tea Party activists to keep working hard right up until Election Day — and not to “party like it’s 1773″ yet. Intellectually superior leftists from Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas to PBS “moderator”/Obama cheerleader Gwen Ifill took to Twitter this afternoon to snicker about Palin’s historical illiteracy.

But it’s the Palin-bashers who humiliated themselves, via Cuffy Meigs. The democrats are in full spin control trying to play this down.

Read This link:

Perfunction: Historic Illiteracy: Idiot Sarah Palin "Party Like It's 1773" After The Election!

Michelle Malkin The significance of 1773: Moron leftists mock Palin, embarrass themselves

Perhaps they should refudiate their comments about the far superior brain trust that is Caribou Barbie?
Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Nah, that wouldn't work, because your statement is ignorant and not logical. Progressive Elitists do not find teachers jobs. Teachers find their own jobs, which is completely disconnected from any history fact. For instance, you don't have to be a teacher to know history, and knowing some history does not mean you know all history. So it has nothing to logically do with a women that was running for VP, but didn't have a clue what a VP did, and couldn't identify a newspaper she reads history in. I might add, Bush was smart enough to say that he didn't read, and had other people do his reading for him.
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Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Trouble is their mockery becomes sound bites, and factual truth only makes it on Fox News and circulates on the internet; but that has become sufficient.
can't leave it to baby killers like you

Being one of those "so-called" baby killers, I resent that remark, however true it is. We have to live the pain of what we did in the name of America and American people for the rest of our lives. We don't need reminders of what happened, we see reminders everytime we sleep. So please, find another way of attack. :eusa_angel:
Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Nah, that wouldn't work, because your statement is ignorant and not logical. Progressive Elitists do not find teachers jobs. Teachers find their own jobs, which is completely disconnected from any history fact. For instance, you don't have to be a teacher to know history, and knowing some history does not mean you know all history. So it has nothing to logically do with a women that was running for VP, but didn't have a clue what a VP did, and couldn't identify a newspaper she reads history in. I might add, Bush was smart enough to say that he didn't read, and had other people do his reading for him.

It appears you are the ignorant one; keep it up and remove all doubt.

Reading Into Bush's Book ListBy Richard Cohen
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Washington Post
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while positives like patriotic activism such as the Boston Tea Party and the wisdom and contributions of the founding fathers get short shrift. Palin embodies Patriotism. You can see it in her speeches.

Why would libs oppose the Boston Tea Party? LOL! And some founding fathers made the mistake of leaving speeches behind.

Now Palin is about as UnAmerican as a citizen can be, who up until the time of being a VP, was in favor of destroying America and seceding Alaska from the Union. Is that patriotic to you? That unAmerican whore is anything you want her to be. So don't insult America with that kind of looney unAmerican statements. She is a traitor to America, and far from being a patriot. That is word reserved for American heros and those that build America up, not tear it down.

Don't you know your history of Palin?? LOL!
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Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Nah, that wouldn't work, because your statement is ignorant and not logical. Progressive Elitists do not find teachers jobs. Teachers find their own jobs, which is completely disconnected from any history fact. For instance, you don't have to be a teacher to know history, and knowing some history does not mean you know all history. So it has nothing to logically do with a women that was running for VP, but didn't have a clue what a VP did, and couldn't identify a newspaper she reads history in. I might add, Bush was smart enough to say that he didn't read, and had other people do his reading for him.

It appears you are the ignorant one; keep it up and remove all doubt.

Another ignorant fool makes an appearance. Throw him meat! Throw him meat!!:lol:
Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Trouble is their mockery becomes sound bites, and factual truth only makes it on Fox News and circulates on the internet; but that has become sufficient.

Did you really just say "Factual truth only makes it on Fox"?

Things are getting really sad these days for progressive elitists. They control the education system in this country, yet wonder why it’s such an epic failure. Maybe if some of these arrogant snobs knew things, like historic dates in this country’s history, they would know know how to find qualified, quality teachers to teach the kids that are failing today.

Trouble is their mockery becomes sound bites, and factual truth only makes it on Fox News and circulates on the internet; but that has become sufficient.

Did you really just say "Factual truth only makes it on Fox"?


A larger proportion of the American public accepts that as fact than rejects it; you find yourself in the minority.
Nah, that wouldn't work, because your statement is ignorant and not logical. Progressive Elitists do not find teachers jobs. Teachers find their own jobs, which is completely disconnected from any history fact. For instance, you don't have to be a teacher to know history, and knowing some history does not mean you know all history. So it has nothing to logically do with a women that was running for VP, but didn't have a clue what a VP did, and couldn't identify a newspaper she reads history in. I might add, Bush was smart enough to say that he didn't read, and had other people do his reading for him.

It appears you are the ignorant one; keep it up and remove all doubt.

Reading Into Bush's Book List
By Richard Cohen
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Washington Post
Another ignorant fool makes an appearance. Throw him meat! Throw him meat!!:lol:

I'll repeat my response to your original statement as bolded above, but as originally posted, ignorant fool... !
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I'm not her biggest fan by any means but that is just too fucking hillarious!!! :lol:
I am speculating that other than George W. Bush, Sarah Palin has received more hateful press than any other figure in modern politics. If she had bungled that date it would be fodder for the media for days. As it is. . . .crickets. . . . .

This is how the liberal left treats strong conservative women. It isn't pretty:

Prologue: The Palin Myth: From hero to Harpy in Eight Short Weeks

. . .in the fall of 2008. . .

. . .If you listened to Democrats and the mainstream media, you learned that Palin was a Buchananite (she wasn’t), a member of the Alaskan Independence Party (nope), and a biblical literalist who believed dinosaurs roamed the earth several thousand years ago (an utter fabrication); that she was anticontraception (incorrect), wanted to teach creationism in schools (not really), and didn’t believe that man may be contributing to global warming (untrue); that she banned books (a gross distortion), claimed that she could see Russia from her house (never happened), faked her pregnancy (unbelievable), slept with her husband’s business associate (a myth), thought the Iraq War was a mission from God (not so), and didn’t know that Africa was a continent (baloney).

When they weren’t mangling facts, the press did their best to undermine Palin’s accomplishments. . . . .

. . . .The Project for Excellence in Journalism found that Sarah Palin received much more negative coverage than she did positive. . . .Feminist activists denied Palin her womanhood because she did not share their politics. Comedians made fun of her accent, clothes, smarts, and looks. Campaign operatives (said) Palin was an incompetent ‘diva’, a ‘hillbilly’ who may have been suffering from postpartum depression.

Palin was routinely insulted and described in the crudest language. She has been called a ‘freak show’, a ‘joke’, an ‘extreme liability’, a ‘turncoat b*tch,’ an ‘insult’, a ‘fire-breather’, ‘xenophobic,’ a ‘sitcom of a vice-presidential choice,’ a ‘disaster movie,’ a ‘shallow’ person, ‘chirpy,’ a ‘provincial’, a ‘disgrace to women’, who was ‘as fake as they come,’ a ‘snide’, ‘babbling, barely housebroken, uneducated being,’ the ‘queen of fake outrage,’ a ‘cabrona’ ‘preposterous,’ a “f—king retard,’ a ‘balloon head,’ a lady of ‘glamour with no need for smarts’, an ‘atrocity,’ a ‘dangerous person,’ a ‘very special liar,’ a ‘nauseating,’ ‘cocky wacko,’ a ‘jack in the box,’ “Napoleon in bunny boots,’. . . .

--Matthew Continetti – The Persecution of Sarah Palin – Pages 1 and 2

And the list of even more insulting and crude adjectives and characterizations goes on for another full page of small type. And that's just Pages 1 through 3 of a 250 page book.

Not only is it a well documented summary of the orchestrated and planned destruction or attempted destruction of Sarah Palin, but gives you an excellent insight into the tactics and methods of those determined to destroy somebody like Sarah Palin. She of course isn't the only target.

Just in case anybody is interested. . . .
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You guys are hilarious. Making such a big deal out of a date from hundreds of years ago.
Can you really believe that date anyway? After all, it came out of a "book" NOT the Bible?

I assume this is directed at Gwen Ifill and Marcos.
This is how the liberal left treats strong conservative women. It isn't pretty:

How is she "strong," at all? Strong willed? LOL.... Doesn't make her a good leader. George Bush had "will", but he was also the most arrogant, corrupt, misinformed leader in 100 years.

You'd have a point if she was indeed strong as a candidate. But she's instead a caricature.

The woman can't even name a Supreme Court case.
Tea Party: The Party of GOTCHA!

Yeppers..quality leadership there..boyeee! They pwn!

Yes, how cynical of Palin to make a correct historical reference, knowing idiot liberals would claim she made a mistake.

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