Long Live The King????

A constitutional monarchy isn't that bad, frankly. It's actually more democratic than our idiotic system of allocating votes by land mass.

The main reason why the UK's monarchy has lasted is because of the outstanding characters of George VI and Elizabeth II in being symbols of their countries. They've really become mascots more than rulers at this point.

Will Charles III be up to the task? Who knows.
I think there is an upside to a Royal family that has no power other than whatever influence they may try to exert on public opinion. With someone else to be a lighting rod for gossip, and hatred, the Prime Minister can be a caretaker of a small and efficient government.

Theoretically, anyway. Governments don't stay small, and I guess there's no evidence that a parliamentary system leads to smaller government.

I like the idea of one branch of government, the parliament, which selects and has supremacy over the government and the judiciary.
The Real King
There’s no “need” for a lot of things.

No “need” for a national anthem or a flag. The crown is part of tradition and patriotism for the British
The Brits like living under a monarch which is proof they are idiots.

Birthright monarchs are the antithesis of liberty.
Why would they care about controlling the entire planet, all of its resources, all of its wealth, and everyone on it?


Gee, I don't know, what the hell are they meddling in Ukraine?

Right. The British Royals are doing that.. Not the vast majority of decent people who think Russia invading one of their smaller neighbors is a bad thing.

This really sums up JoeyB's time on USMB. This statement here, is all you need to know about his critical thinking skills, and how easily he is led by propaganda.

The British have a system where the people vote for a Prime Minister, and that's the PM they get.

We have a system where you can have an overwhelming number of Americans vote against a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, and he still gets to be president, and still claims to be president even after even MORE people voted against him the next time.

The sad thing is, most Republicans knew Trump was nuts, but they were too afraid of the small number of MAGA Nazis to say it publicly.
I guess it's fitting that in this upside-down world, someone like Charles can be a "king".... a man who was good friends with a known pedophile, cheated on his wife, associated with other crooks and sickos, and is one of the elites behind the "Great Reset." You know, the new collectivist world the globalists want to create where according to them, "you'll own nothing and be happy." :dunno:

Wow, a video with a bunch of conspiracy theories.

One just imagine the Duke of Cambridge becoming William V, and getting access to the files, "Grandma and Father killed Mummy!"
I think there is an upside to a Royal family that has no power other than whatever influence they may try to exert on public opinion. With someone else to be a lighting rod for gossip, and hatred, the Prime Minister can be a caretaker of a small and efficient government.

Theoretically, anyway. Governments don't stay small, and I guess there's no evidence that a parliamentary system leads to smaller government.

I like the idea of one branch of government, the parliament, which selects and has supremacy over the government and the judiciary.

Nobody really wants smaller government. Anyone who tells you he wants smaller government is a fucking bald-faced liar.

What everyone wants is government that benefits them and not the other guy... and they don't want to pay for it. They don't want the OTHER guy getting benefits.

The fastest way to make government smaller would be to pass a balanced budget amendment with a requirement to pay down the National Debt in 50 years. Then you'd be amazed how fast people would want smaller government.
Right. The British Royals are doing that.. Not the vast majority of decent people who think Russia invading one of their smaller neighbors is a bad thing.

The British have a system where the people vote for a Prime Minister, and that's the PM they get.

We have a system where you can have an overwhelming number of Americans vote against a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, and he still gets to be president, and still claims to be president even after even MORE people voted against him the next time.

The sad thing is, most Republicans knew Trump was nuts, but they were too afraid of the small number of MAGA Nazis to say it publicly.

I figured it wouldn't be long before some dipshit made this about Trump...
I'm fascinated by the hateful, visceral reaction that any discussion of the royal family eventually brings...
Birthright monarchs are the antithesis of liberty

Um, no.

We have less liberty in this country than they have in the UK.

The UK ended slavery without firing a shot in 1820.
We had a bloody civil war and we STILL haven't fixed our racism problem.

The UK only locks up 69,000 people.
We lock up 2 million. We have trigger happy cops armed like soldiers because any idiot they pull over for a traffic violation might have a gun.

I mean, yeah, you can argue that electing a head of state with real power to cause harm is better than a hereditary head of state that is largely ceremonial.

But we can't even get that right, as we've had two presidents in recent memory who were rejected by the people.
Um, no.

We have less liberty in this country than they have in the UK.

The UK ended slavery without firing a shot in 1820.
We had a bloody civil war and we STILL haven't fixed our racism problem.

The UK only locks up 69,000 people.
We lock up 2 million. We have trigger happy cops armed like soldiers because any idiot they pull over for a traffic violation might have a gun.

I mean, yeah, you can argue that electing a head of state with real power to cause harm is better than a hereditary head of state that is largely ceremonial.

But we can't even get that right, as we've had two presidents in recent memory who were rejected by the people.
Um yes

A leader forced on the people who cannot be removed from power is the antithesis of liberty.
Is he still in power?

I don't think so

Try serving a search warrant on Fuckingham Palace and see what happens
The British people could get rid of the monarchy if they wanted to. In the 80's and 90's we came very near doing that. Arguably it was Dianna's death which seemed to cause that to rise which also ended it. The Royalty and all the stuff that goes on with it is one if not our best Tourist attraction. That is pretty much the reason we keep them now.
The British people could get rid of the monarchy if they wanted to. In the 80's and 90's we came very near doing that. Arguably it was Dianna's death which seemed to cause that to rise which also ended it. The Royalty and all the stuff that goes on with it is one if not our best Tourist attraction. That is pretty much the reason we keep them now.

That's pathetic.
what is pathetic about it Blues Man?
You do not get back the money you all have been forced to fork out over hundreds of years to support a birthright monarch from a few tourists.

You have basically sold your liberty for a few bucks.
The British people could get rid of the monarchy if they wanted to. In the 80's and 90's we came very near doing that. Arguably it was Dianna's death which seemed to cause that to rise which also ended it. The Royalty and all the stuff that goes on with it is one if not our best Tourist attraction. That is pretty much the reason we keep them now.
For me it is Captain America's in Norwich.

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