Long Live The King????

Yeah, I never get that.

It is the monarchy that is responsible for slavery in this nation.

The monarchy actually HAS institutional inequality in their nations. . just look at the House of Lords. That system is BASED on a caste system.

Whenever I see lefty authoritarians pushing identity or class baiting type bullshit on this forum, inevitably, it is supported by members from common-wealth nations, like that Dragonlady, CNM, Toro, etc. etc.

So what the hell gives? They know that their system is inherently MORE unfair than ours, it is officially built into their system, yet they are here purposely pushing identity politics and socialist conflict?

What the holy fuck?
I'm not. I will respectfully disagree with you on some things and agree with you on others. I have no problem with that, but today I am grieving. Those you mentioned are not.

No coronation necessary?
It is automatically proffered on The Queen's death. We now have King Charles the Third.

But yes; there will be a Coronation Ceremony.

Look; he's a bit "enviro nutty" but if that's his major fault then the Palace will keep it in check.

It is automatically proffered on The Queen's death. We now have King Charles the Third.

But yes; there will be a Coronation Ceremony.

Look; he's a bit "enviro nutty" but if that's his major fault then the Palace will keep it in check.

I thought he had to be coronated first. Evidently not.
It's the same old. One must recall that Magna Carta and the fact that the only Dictator since about the 12th Century was a Republican: Oliver Cromwell.

But that is a long time ago.

The system has it's faults, but it also has its strengths. When we had a PM whose Government was on the nose and couldn't get its budget passed there was a stalemate in Parliament. The Queen's Representative: the Governor General) sent the matter to the people, who voted the Government OUT. The lefty (insert appropriate pejorative) still haven't got over it. I celebrated by casting my first vote against the Government of the day (and for a Black man to boot: my first vote).

No Civil War required.

But who will that king be?

Elizabeth was loved by most Britons. Son Charles? Not so much. Charles has made an ass of himself in every possible way. I won't enumerate his past follies, The concern is that his wild enviro-whacko mentality, if he does become king, that will play into the course The U.K. has ready begun to tread. In case you hadn't noticed the UK is no place to visit, much less live these days. Strike after strike after strike. A new and somewhat timid conservative government on an unsteady path. Labor rising - a hint of a string of nationalizations in the air. Add in a king who appears to have autocratic leanings and it's not hard to imagine a shot at a Socialist Paradise and possible rejoining of the already leftward march of The European Union.

But is there some chance that Charles might step aside for William? And if so, perhaps some stability?

I think not.

It seems more likely - not only in my own thughts but also those of a goodly number of family and friends who are UK citizens - that Charles will rule and there will be a leftward trend that could be long term. Or it could be so repellant that (remember, it's not an absolute monarchy though Charles might so imagine it) that the monarchy comes to a a screeching halt and some sort of republic be declared. If so would the result be the America we so recently lost? Or more likely like the sort that has afflicted France?
Unless Charles died first, he was ALWAYS the Heir Apparent.
I was surprised to learn that he chose Charles III as his name though. I would have thought he would have gone with George VII following his Grandfather, George VI.
I'm not. I will respectfully disagree with you on some things and agree with you on others. I have no problem with that, but today I am grieving. Those you mentioned are not.

I understand, and I do not, in any way fault you for that.

Some people are raised, since birth, steeped in their traditions, and those become part of their very identity.

I have lots of friends and family that are Catholic. I am, and have been aware of the corruption in the IOR, and the church vis-à-vis child sex abuse. Is that in anyway connected to the global intel agencies, like the Epstein scandal? I can't say.

But I had refused to take that last sacrament and left the church because of it. I won't be associated with corruption. Some folks? Tradition and their institutions are more important, and they can ignore facts and history. These powerful institutions, are that much a part of their identity.

I understand, you have been raised since birth to love the monarchy, you were raised to be a subject, not a citizen.

Americans are not that way.

We and our families ARE sovereign. We owe allegiance to no one but each other. Worrying about, or talking about this old woman is dumb, to a real

I understand, and I do not, in any way fault you for that.

Some people are raised, since birth, steeped in their traditions, and those become part of their very identity.

I have lots of friends and family that are Catholic. I am, and have been aware of the corruption in the IOR, and the church vis-à-vis child sex abuse. Is that in anyway connected to the global intel agencies, like the Epstein scandal? I can't say.

But I had refused to take that last sacrament and left the church because of it. I won't be associated with corruption. Some folks? Tradition and their institutions are more important, and they can ignore facts and history. These powerful institutions, are that much a part of their identity.

I understand, you have been raised since birth to love the monarchy, you were raised to be a subject, not a citizen.

Americans are not that way.

We and our families ARE sovereign. We owe allegiance to no one but each other. Worrying about, or talking about this old woman is dumb, to a real

You do know that the "Anointing of the sick", or the Last Sacrament, is for HEALING??

Biden and Cromwell though; the parallels are still there.

ps: I am responding to a thread. I don't mind who is on it. lol

Oh and don't be concerned; I'm an "eyes open" Constitutional Monarchist. Any leaning towards Despotism will be vigorously opposed whenever identified. (Yes; of course IDing it may be a problem).

I understand, and I do not, in any way fault you for that.

Some people are raised, since birth, steeped in their traditions, and those become part of their very identity.

I have lots of friends and family that are Catholic. I am, and have been aware of the corruption in the IOR, and the church vis-à-vis child sex abuse. Is that in anyway connected to the global intel agencies, like the Epstein scandal? I can't say.

But I had refused to take that last sacrament and left the church because of it. I won't be associated with corruption. Some folks? Tradition and their institutions are more important, and they can ignore facts and history. These powerful institutions, are that much a part of their identity.

I understand, you have been raised since birth to love the monarchy, you were raised to be a subject, not a citizen.

Americans are not that way.

We and our families ARE sovereign. We owe allegiance to no one but each other. Worrying about, or talking about this old woman is dumb, to a real

Britian has the monarchy. We have the Kardashians. Britian has rulers steeped in history. We make royalty as necessary and dump them when no longer needed.
Other than that our loyalty to royalty is the same.
Any leaning towards Despotism will be vigorously opposed whenever identified.
It already has been. . . You are either asleep, not paying attention, or in denial.

Top comments by folks paying attention to what is going on in the world;

It is automatically proffered on The Queen's death. We now have King Charles the Third.

But yes; there will be a Coronation Ceremony.

Look; he's a bit "enviro nutty" but if that's his major fault then the Palace will keep it in check.



King Charles lll.
But... but... Dr. Oz says incest is okay...
Third cousins, doofus. It's in the Law somewhere. But I do admit; it's a "not for me" area. Second cousins, for genetic reasons, are the most prone to mutations.


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