Long shot Newsom recall drive gets serious in California

Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

On the outside chance the recall happens, they'll just replace Newsom with someone just as bad or worse. When the state recalled Gray Davis for his Enron corruption and incompetence, he was replaced with useless Arnold Schwarzenegger, then the disgraceful Jerry Brown, who set the stage for the reprehensible Gavin Newsom. The next governor will likely be one of the many radical commie hispanics or marxist black supremacists who populate the upper echelons of California government.

California's a fucking sewer now...
Has been for a long time. I am glad I got out of that shit hole seven years ago. Don't miss a thing other than friends that couldn't get out.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
Yet, the right wing refused to invest in the Mexican economy on a for-profit basis to help keep them there.
how come your guy obama didnt do that?....
He should have; but, the left is not whining about refugees like the right wing who love their Big Government nanny-Statism known as the alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
he should have but what danny?....why didnt he?...and learn what a refugee is danny....
Healthcare reform was a priority. Learn what promoting the general welfare is harry....
so he wasnt able to do more than one thing at a time?....sounds like you are just making excuses for the guy danny...
wow. Right wingers had nothing but Repeal not Any better solutions at lower cost. That effort cost him most of his political capital and the right wing still tried to repeal it when you got Your guy installed.
more excuses danny....you are the one who claims obama was a great president,why could he not handle what you asked?.....
Wow, I'm laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Promote the general welfare? Wow, what politician has done that in the last 80 years? That doesn't mean to increase the welfare rolls, moron. It means providing the opportunity for you to enjoy your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of EARNING your living. I don't owe you one.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

He is an elitist lying sack of trash.

Yeah, one data point, well more than one since jerks like you attack the Speaker for not wearing a mask at a hair solon, and the Mayor of SF dined without a mask too.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes and shut your mouth. Trump has continued to mock mask wearing, attend rallies where he and his followers don't wear mask and along with his security, and others have become infected by Covid. Both the City Hall in SF, The Governors Mansion in CA and the H. of Rep. have not become spreaders of the virus as has the White House.

Why are you defending him? He is a hypocrite. He even apologized for it.

Why are you attacking him, he apologized. We don't know if the very exclusive and very expensive restaurant tested for the virus before the get-together, and if they were each had been taken their temperature as they entered.

trump has mocked the wearing of masks, made false promises to mislead the public and is culpable for all of his supporters, employees and people like you who believe him ended up very ill or dead. Let's be real and call this virus the Trump Pandemic of 2020.
Did Newsome put an exemption in for restaurants who test for the virus?


Ok, he is a hypocrite and a liar.
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

He's not? He's going about his business, eating in restaurants, going to work, going shopping, going to parties. You're hiding under your bed, and he's laughing his ass off at you.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Remember this guy??


Yes, I do. And so does Arnold!

But this is 2020.

California is totally different today.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

He is an elitist lying sack of trash.

Yeah, one data point, well more than one since jerks like you attack the Speaker for not wearing a mask at a hair solon, and the Mayor of SF dined without a mask too.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes and shut your mouth. Trump has continued to mock mask wearing, attend rallies where he and his followers don't wear mask and along with his security, and others have become infected by Covid. Both the City Hall in SF, The Governors Mansion in CA and the H. of Rep. have not become spreaders of the virus as has the White House.

Why are you defending him? He is a hypocrite. He even apologized for it.

Why are you attacking him, he apologized. We don't know if the very exclusive and very expensive restaurant tested for the virus before the get-together, and if they were each had been taken their temperature as they entered.

trump has mocked the wearing of masks, made false promises to mislead the public and is culpable for all of his supporters, employees and people like you who believe him ended up very ill or dead. Let's be real and call this virus the Trump Pandemic of 2020.
Did Newsome put an exemption in for restaurants who test for the virus?


Ok, he is a hypocrite and a liar.
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

He's not? He's going about his business, eating in restaurants, going to work, going shopping, going to parties. You're hiding under your bed, and he's laughing his ass off at you.
He is rich enough to get tested before attending events.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
Yet, the right wing refused to invest in the Mexican economy on a for-profit basis to help keep them there.
how come your guy obama didnt do that?....
He should have; but, the left is not whining about refugees like the right wing who love their Big Government nanny-Statism known as the alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
he should have but what danny?....why didnt he?...and learn what a refugee is danny....
Healthcare reform was a priority. Learn what promoting the general welfare is harry....
so he wasnt able to do more than one thing at a time?....sounds like you are just making excuses for the guy danny...
wow. Right wingers had nothing but Repeal not Any better solutions at lower cost. That effort cost him most of his political capital and the right wing still tried to repeal it when you got Your guy installed.
more excuses danny....you are the one who claims obama was a great president,why could he not handle what you asked?.....
Wow, I'm laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Promote the general welfare? Wow, what politician has done that in the last 80 years? That doesn't mean to increase the welfare rolls, moron. It means providing the opportunity for you to enjoy your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of EARNING your living. I don't owe you one.
Well said, but it won’t sink in.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

He is an elitist lying sack of trash.

Yeah, one data point, well more than one since jerks like you attack the Speaker for not wearing a mask at a hair solon, and the Mayor of SF dined without a mask too.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes and shut your mouth. Trump has continued to mock mask wearing, attend rallies where he and his followers don't wear mask and along with his security, and others have become infected by Covid. Both the City Hall in SF, The Governors Mansion in CA and the H. of Rep. have not become spreaders of the virus as has the White House.

Why are you defending him? He is a hypocrite. He even apologized for it.

Why are you attacking him, he apologized. We don't know if the very exclusive and very expensive restaurant tested for the virus before the get-together, and if they were each had been taken their temperature as they entered.

trump has mocked the wearing of masks, made false promises to mislead the public and is culpable for all of his supporters, employees and people like you who believe him ended up very ill or dead. Let's be real and call this virus the Trump Pandemic of 2020.
Did Newsome put an exemption in for restaurants who test for the virus?


Ok, he is a hypocrite and a liar.
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

He's not? He's going about his business, eating in restaurants, going to work, going shopping, going to parties. You're hiding under your bed, and he's laughing his ass off at you.
He is rich enough to get tested before attending events.
So what you are saying is that if you are rich all these bullshit rules dont apply to you.

seems an odd position for a Socialist idiot.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

He is an elitist lying sack of trash.

Yeah, one data point, well more than one since jerks like you attack the Speaker for not wearing a mask at a hair solon, and the Mayor of SF dined without a mask too.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes and shut your mouth. Trump has continued to mock mask wearing, attend rallies where he and his followers don't wear mask and along with his security, and others have become infected by Covid. Both the City Hall in SF, The Governors Mansion in CA and the H. of Rep. have not become spreaders of the virus as has the White House.

Why are you defending him? He is a hypocrite. He even apologized for it.

Why are you attacking him, he apologized. We don't know if the very exclusive and very expensive restaurant tested for the virus before the get-together, and if they were each had been taken their temperature as they entered.

trump has mocked the wearing of masks, made false promises to mislead the public and is culpable for all of his supporters, employees and people like you who believe him ended up very ill or dead. Let's be real and call this virus the Trump Pandemic of 2020.
Did Newsome put an exemption in for restaurants who test for the virus?


Ok, he is a hypocrite and a liar.
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

He's not? He's going about his business, eating in restaurants, going to work, going shopping, going to parties. You're hiding under your bed, and he's laughing his ass off at you.
He is rich enough to get tested before attending events.
So what you are saying is that if you are rich all these bullshit rules dont apply to you.

seems an odd position for a Socialist idiot.
I am not the one believing in right wing fantasy under our form of Capitalism.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

His own actions, as well as the actions of many of his peers, show he is not nearly as concerned about it as his proclamations would indicate.
Not when he can afford testing before going out. Isn't Capitalism wonderful.
Did his edict have an exemption for those who are willing to get tested?


That means you are a moron.
No, it means you don't understand reason. Would anyone be complaining with the equivalen to perfect testing in that market where everyone has tested negative?
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
Yet, the right wing refused to invest in the Mexican economy on a for-profit basis to help keep them there.
how come your guy obama didnt do that?....
He should have; but, the left is not whining about refugees like the right wing who love their Big Government nanny-Statism known as the alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
he should have but what danny?....why didnt he?...and learn what a refugee is danny....
Healthcare reform was a priority. Learn what promoting the general welfare is harry....
so he wasnt able to do more than one thing at a time?....sounds like you are just making excuses for the guy danny...
wow. Right wingers had nothing but Repeal not Any better solutions at lower cost. That effort cost him most of his political capital and the right wing still tried to repeal it when you got Your guy installed.
more excuses danny....you are the one who claims obama was a great president,why could he not handle what you asked?.....
Wow, I'm laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Promote the general welfare? Wow, what politician has done that in the last 80 years? That doesn't mean to increase the welfare rolls, moron. It means providing the opportunity for you to enjoy your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of EARNING your living. I don't owe you one.
im sorry you almost pissed your pants.....but i did not say anything about the general welfare....
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
Yet, the right wing refused to invest in the Mexican economy on a for-profit basis to help keep them there.
how come your guy obama didnt do that?....
He should have; but, the left is not whining about refugees like the right wing who love their Big Government nanny-Statism known as the alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
he should have but what danny?....why didnt he?...and learn what a refugee is danny....
Healthcare reform was a priority. Learn what promoting the general welfare is harry....
so he wasnt able to do more than one thing at a time?....sounds like you are just making excuses for the guy danny...
wow. Right wingers had nothing but Repeal not Any better solutions at lower cost. That effort cost him most of his political capital and the right wing still tried to repeal it when you got Your guy installed.
more excuses danny....you are the one who claims obama was a great president,why could he not handle what you asked?.....
Wow, I'm laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Promote the general welfare? Wow, what politician has done that in the last 80 years? That doesn't mean to increase the welfare rolls, moron. It means providing the opportunity for you to enjoy your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of EARNING your living. I don't owe you one.
Well said, but it won’t sink in.
it wont with me because i never said what he claims i said...
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

His own actions, as well as the actions of many of his peers, show he is not nearly as concerned about it as his proclamations would indicate.
Not when he can afford testing before going out. Isn't Capitalism wonderful.

Where's your evidence he's getting tested every time he goes out? And how about the Mayor of San Francisco? Is she getting tested every time she goes out? How about the Mayor of Austin? Is he getting tested every time he goes out? Dr. Birx? The Mayor of Chicago? Andrew Cuomo? Chris Cuomo? All of these other people who have broken their own rules? And what does capitalism have to do with anything, you retarded ape?
He is not the one claiming the pandemic is a Hoax.

His own actions, as well as the actions of many of his peers, show he is not nearly as concerned about it as his proclamations would indicate.
Not when he can afford testing before going out. Isn't Capitalism wonderful.

Where's your evidence he's getting tested every time he goes out? And how about the Mayor of San Francisco? Is she getting tested every time she goes out? How about the Mayor of Austin? Is he getting tested every time he goes out? Dr. Birx? The Mayor of Chicago? Andrew Cuomo? Chris Cuomo? All of these other people who have broken their own rules? And what does capitalism have to do with anything, you retarded ape?
Where is your evidence they haven't been tested?
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Newsom is a progressive, and very smart and courageous. His management of the Trump virus has not been about seeking popularity, but about saving lives. The Restaurant Owners are pissed off for his effort to to do so, and while I have empathy for the Restaurant Employees, the owners are in a business which is risk but can be highly rewarding.

The blame for closing up goes to Trump for the current President assured the biddable people that a) summer would end the virus, b) the virus is nothing more than a flu, c) we have turned the corner, d) trump continued to have rallies, and parties just before the election, and following the election to this day. Trump mocked masks, as did Pence and members of his family. How well did that work out for him and his family.

Wow, I did not know we had such soy cucks in the forum. New pegging related toys must be coming for Christmas.

What an atrocious governor - depriving people of a right to work while his donors can do whatever they want. Saving lives? Yeah right... looks like he won't even be saving his job. Maybe the next petition could include some tarring and feathers.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

Not to worry.

My state will NEVER recall him. No matter what he does.

This is a Democratic state forever.

Just the thought of a Republican (ugh!) makes most people here sick to their stomach.

Silly goose, Californian's have elected more Republican Governors in the Second half of the 20th Century and the first two decades of the 21st. than Democratic Governors; they recalled one Democratic Governor and replaced him with a body builder actor.


Pat Brown
Jerry Brown
Gavin Newsom.

That was so 10 million illegal wetbacks ago...
Mexifornia has harvested enough filthy subhumans voting on free shit to keep the state blue forever.
It's the republic's foreign super shithole or North Mexico / Venezuela

You have no clue as to California History. But that fact does not matter to a damn liar like you.

The Reader might consider reading about the Bracero Program and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (signed by President Reagan).

No other program in America’s history has fucked over good Americans like the the Bracero Program did. It was the catalyst to tens of millions of illiterate, low grade human cockroaches invading our nation, the catalyst for Mexico’s people stealing CA, NV, AZ and NM for the Democrat Party.
No Bracero Program...no Mexicrat Party today. Simple shit.
Yet, the right wing refused to invest in the Mexican economy on a for-profit basis to help keep them there.
how come your guy obama didnt do that?....
He should have; but, the left is not whining about refugees like the right wing who love their Big Government nanny-Statism known as the alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
he should have but what danny?....why didnt he?...and learn what a refugee is danny....
Healthcare reform was a priority. Learn what promoting the general welfare is harry....
so he wasnt able to do more than one thing at a time?....sounds like you are just making excuses for the guy danny...
wow. Right wingers had nothing but Repeal not Any better solutions at lower cost. That effort cost him most of his political capital and the right wing still tried to repeal it when you got Your guy installed.
more excuses danny....you are the one who claims obama was a great president,why could he not handle what you asked?.....
Wow, I'm laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Promote the general welfare? Wow, what politician has done that in the last 80 years? That doesn't mean to increase the welfare rolls, moron. It means providing the opportunity for you to enjoy your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of EARNING your living. I don't owe you one.
im sorry you almost pissed your pants.....but i did not say anything about the general welfare....
Sorry, I was replying to the thread and there was a leftist in the thread that mentions promoting the general welfare. Sorry, my remark was not aimed at you.
Gavin Newsom has been an utter failure of a governor, which is not surprising given his radical views and his stint as mayor of San Francisco. There have been a few recall attempts already, but none of them gained any traction. This one, however, is reportedly making his staff somewhat nervous.

I hope they'll recall him; and they should recall that awful Whitner woman in Michigan, too. Oh! Wait! Throw in Hogan of Maryland!! He's governor of my state and he's got the presidential bug BAD, constantly calling hour-long press conferences till people have gotten sick of it. And this guy sure has mask fever.

Don't forget Cuomo the Killer...

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