Look at how supporters of Israel have reacted to criticism of Israel. They are crying just like Trump critics were crying when Trump was elected


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Look at this narcissism. Look at this level of narcissism here. We all saw it when Donald Trump was elected. Remember

And Israel supporters some of them not all of them …have the same type of narcissistic reaction to criticism of Israel, even if it’s from a Jewish man whose parents were in concentration camps in WW2.

A friendly reminder to some of my fellow Trump supporters that support Israel. Don’t go down the road the far left wing BLM anti-trump people do… who cry and yell at the air. Imagine that adults crying and yelling at issues like this.

Some of the supporters of Israel here act in a reasonable, dignified fashion. But clearly others are being quite narcissistic and very emotional lashing out at people for no good(prime example calling somebody anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel) reason just like BLM supporter did when they were screaming at police officers, crying and things like that.

Nobody whines more than you, you worthless bitch.
If he wants to whine then that's his business.He doesn't support Hamas; he's still OK most of the time. You? You're a anti-Jew grub!! As long as he wants Hamas GONE then the rest is just tactics!!!

If he wants to whine then that's his business.He doesn't support Hamas; he's still OK most of the time. You? You're a anti-Jew grub!! As long as he wants Hamas GONE then the rest is just tactics!!!

Look at this narcissism. Look at this level of narcissism here. We all saw it when Donald Trump was elected. Remembe
You are a disgusting POS. I sincerely hope the day comes when YOU suffer the kind of horrors in your life that Israelis suffered on 10/7. THAT would be the kind of justice people like you deserve.

Nobody whines more than you, you worthless bitch.

Thanks for a perfect example of what the OP just said?

It's long past time to crate up America's glut of Holocaust theme parks and dump them on the Knesset steps where they are most needed.
If only those people actually cared half as much about their own country as they pretend to care about other countries.
You are a disgusting POS. I sincerely hope the day comes when YOU suffer the kind of horrors in your life that Israelis suffered on 10/7. THAT would be the kind of justice people like you deserve.

Israel has never suffered.
They are the deliberate cause of all the problems in Palestine and Israel, and likely even caused Desert Storm and the illegal invasion of Iraq as well.

Look at actual history.
Like who blew up the British peacekeepers in the King David Hotel bombing?
Who gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator?
Who then started wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin?
Who violated the UN partition and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Who stole 85% of Palestine since 1948?
Israel has never suffered.
They are the deliberate cause of all the problems in Palestine and Israel, and likely even caused Desert Storm and the illegal invasion of Iraq as well.

Look at actual history.
Like who blew up the British peacekeepers in the King David Hotel bombing?
Who gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator?
Who then started wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin?
Who violated the UN partition and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Who stole 85% of Palestine since 1948?
Actual history proves you wrong

The PLO and now Hama caused all the problems and refuse to live in peace.

The invasion of iraq was legal and israel had NOTHING to do with desert storm
Look at this narcissism. Look at this level of narcissism here. We all saw it when Donald Trump was elected. Remember

And Israel supporters some of them not all of them …have the same type of narcissistic reaction to criticism of Israel, even if it’s from a Jewish man whose parents were in concentration camps in WW2.

A friendly reminder to some of my fellow Trump supporters that support Israel. Don’t go down the road the far left wing BLM anti-trump people do… who cry and yell at the air. Imagine that adults crying and yelling at issues like this.

Some of the supporters of Israel here act in a reasonable, dignified fashion. But clearly others are being quite narcissistic and very emotional lashing out at people for no good(prime example calling somebody anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel) reason just like BLM supporter did when they were screaming at police officers, crying and things like that.

Doesn't Israel have the right to exist? Shouldn't Palestinians accept that Israel has the right to exist? Do you think Martin Luther King Jr. would have been against blacks committing violence in order to bring about civil rights? Or would he have supported terrorist attacks against whites as an acceptable solution to bring about civil rights?
Israel has never suffered.
They are the deliberate cause of all the problems in Palestine and Israel, and likely even caused Desert Storm and the illegal invasion of Iraq as well.

Look at actual history.
Like who blew up the British peacekeepers in the King David Hotel bombing?
Who gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator?
Who then started wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin?
Who violated the UN partition and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Who stole 85% of Palestine since 1948?

There's nothing that Zionist shills hate more than those troublesome facts that destroy their Hasbara script.

Arabs and Jews managed to get along reasonably well until the invasion of foreign, Nazi trained and armed(1) Zionist terrorist gangs. The genocidal butchers of Irgun, Haganah, Lehi etc, however, committed atrocities that would make any SS member blush. (2)

Re: likely even caused Desert Storm and the illegal invasion of Iraq as well.

You're right again. AIPAC and the countless similar treacherous and parasitic Israeli lobbies that dominate America's Foreign Policy and have manipulated US politicians into sending thousands of young American G.I. to die fighting Israel's wars.

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

America's inexcusable complicity in Israel's current Gaza Genocide is neither moral nor in America's best long term interests but when has America's gaggle of "Israel Firsters" ever cared about America's best interests?


(1). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

(2). " 9th April, 1948: 65th anniversary of Deir Yassin Massacre!"

EXCERPT "Around 250 people were murdered in cold blood. Of these, 25 were pregnant women who were bayoneted in the abdomen while still alive. Fifty-two children were maimed under the eyes of their own mothers, before being slain and having their heads cut off. The Jewish Agency and the commander of the British ground troops were aware the massacre was taking place, but no one attempted to intervene." CONTINUED
Israel has never suffered.
They are the deliberate cause of all the problems in Palestine and Israel, and likely even caused Desert Storm and the illegal invasion of Iraq as well.

Look at actual history.
Like who blew up the British peacekeepers in the King David Hotel bombing?
Who gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator?
Who then started wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin?
Who violated the UN partition and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank?
Who stole 85% of Palestine since 1948?
You need a history lesson. What was the time frame for all of those events?

Do you still hate all Japanese because of Pearl Harbor and their war crimes? Do you still hate Germans because of their war crimes? Do you hate yourself because of all the vicious acts against the Native Americans? Do you haste all Chinese because of COVID?

Also, you apparently misinformed regarding the 1967 war. I suggest educating yourself before you say something else stupid.
Look at this narcissism. Look at this level of narcissism here. We all saw it when Donald Trump was elected. Remember

And Israel supporters some of them not all of them …have the same type of narcissistic reaction to criticism of Israel, even if it’s from a Jewish man whose parents were in concentration camps in WW2.

A friendly reminder to some of my fellow Trump supporters that support Israel. Don’t go down the road the far left wing BLM anti-trump people do… who cry and yell at the air. Imagine that adults crying and yelling at issues like this.

Some of the supporters of Israel here act in a reasonable, dignified fashion. But clearly others are being quite narcissistic and very emotional lashing out at people for no good(prime example calling somebody anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel) reason just like BLM supporter did when they were screaming at police officers, crying and things like that.

Yeah, wake us all when Israel supporters pull shit like this:

In what has become a running trend across the globe throughout December, pro-Hamas protesters once again crashed a Christmas production, this time in Melbourne, Australia. Named "Carols by Candlelight," the event is held to raise money for blind children.

They don't just hate Israel. They don't just hate Jews. They hate you and your way of life. They hate that you celebrate Christmas. They hate that you care enough to raise money for children. They hate that you spend time with your family. What is happening across the West is a soft revolution meant to shame and suppress those who would dare partake in the traditional aspects of society, and the revolutionaries are winning.

Or this:

Apparently believing that ruining people's Christmas was a good way to generate public support for their cause, groups such as 'Mothers for Justice in Palestine' and the Long Island chapter of the 'Party for Socialism and Liberation' joined in the march.

You're siding with the Far Left on this, whether you like it or not.

And newsflash: if you vote for Trump, you're voting for a President who supports Israel very strongly - much stronger than Biden.

The protesters were seen unfurling banners targeting companies that do business with Israel in an attempt to intimidate them into boycotts of the only democracy in the Middle East.

And how about this:

The fact is the very same astro-turf "protesters" who supported BLM are now being swapped out for "PALESTINE!" mode.

The very same deranged imbeciles.

And for some fucking reason, you just refuse to get it.

Bottom line?

Wherever you stand on the whole Israel/Palestine debate, the insufferable antics of the "pro-Palestine" demonstrators have been undeniably and objectively a thousand times more revolting and disruptive to ordinary citizens than anything anyone on the "pro-Israel" side has done.

Which makes this entire thread intellectually dishonest to the core.

So ya know what?

Maybe take a fucking seat.
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You are a disgusting POS. I sincerely hope the day comes when YOU suffer the kind of horrors in your life that Israelis suffered on 10/7. THAT would be the kind of justice people like you deserve.
100% agree

IF it were true .

DSOR and avoid being a Gullible
Israelis were living there 2,000 years prior.
Pally Wallys were there over 4000 years ago .
So there
Eh er er eh er .

And the Ally Pally God blessed his people 5000 years ago and loudly said ,
" They have been Made in My image ." And it was light and bright so the day was named Sun Day .
Israelis were living there 2,000 years prior.

There were no "Israelis" 2,000 years ago and the ancient Hebrews who did live in the Levant are in no way related to the modern day Jewish Israelis.

Additionally, those same ancient Hebrews who massacred the Canaanites and stole their land were, themselves, subjugated and occupied by the Romans.

The only "right" that the Jewish Israelis have to land in Palestine is that "right" granted to them in their own mythology.
Now hands up those who want to see Israelis frog marched back into western Khazaria ( ex Ukraine) which is where most started life ?
Just as a peace keeping exercise and all done in the best possible taste .

Never mind . Just a thought .

Or , shipped into California to get them out of debt .
Look at this narcissism. Look at this level of narcissism here. We all saw it when Donald Trump was elected. Remember

And Israel supporters some of them not all of them …have the same type of narcissistic reaction to criticism of Israel, even if it’s from a Jewish man whose parents were in concentration camps in WW2.

A friendly reminder to some of my fellow Trump supporters that support Israel. Don’t go down the road the far left wing BLM anti-trump people do… who cry and yell at the air. Imagine that adults crying and yelling at issues like this.

Some of the supporters of Israel here act in a reasonable, dignified fashion. But clearly others are being quite narcissistic and very emotional lashing out at people for no good(prime example calling somebody anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel) reason just like BLM supporter did when they were screaming at police officers, crying and things like that.

Yeah how dare anyone "cry" about Hamas kidnapping, raping and murdering Jews.
Actual history proves you wrong

The PLO and now Hama caused all the problems and refuse to live in peace.

The invasion of iraq was legal and israel had NOTHING to do with desert storm

....... israel had NOTHING to do with desert storm.

Tell that to Howard Kohr:


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
Tell that to Howard Kohr:


AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
he is unimportant and proves nothing

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