Looks like American media could take some lessons from the British media



Watching the press ask questions of Trump and the British Prime Minister, I was shock when a reporter asked Trump:

Who could believe anything you say when you change your position on everything?

Trump said he very, very rarely changes his position, then swerved into how smart he was when he said England would leave Brexit and everyone else said something different. Then repeated that about 3 or 4 times.

Asked about Russia invading the Ukraine and the sanctions, the Brit PM said she feels strongly and until the Minsk Agreement is met, the sanctions won't be lifted.


Even after the Russian cyber attack in the democracy of the United States of American, Trump, it seems, still plans to lift the sanctions.

You want torture and feel abortion should be punished. Those are not the positions of English women one English woman reporter asked. He said he liked torture and believes in it.
Watching the press ask questions of Trump and the British Prime Minister, I was shock when a reporter asked Trump:

Who could believe anything you say when you change your position on everything?

Trump said he very, very rarely changes his position, then swerved into how smart he was when he said England would leave Brexit and everyone else said something different. Then repeated that about 3 or 4 times.

Asked about Russia invading the Ukraine and the sanctions, the Brit PM said she feels strongly and until the Minsk Agreement is met, the sanctions won't be lifted.


Even after the Russian cyber attack in the democracy of the United States of American, Trump, it seems, still plans to lift the sanctions.

You want torture and feel abortion should be punished. Those are not the positions of English women one English woman reporter asked. He said he liked torture and believes in it.

He couldn't very well ignore the questions like he does with American reporters. Bannon can't come on and say the English reporters should learn to keep quiet.

He avoided the one about abortion.
At the beginning he said governments first duty is to their citizens , I guess that is what the Mexican Pres. thinks as well.
Watching the press ask questions of Trump and the British Prime Minister, I was shock when a reporter asked Trump:

Who could believe anything you say when you change your position on everything?

Trump said he very, very rarely changes his position, then swerved into how smart he was when he said England would leave Brexit and everyone else said something different. Then repeated that about 3 or 4 times.

Asked about Russia invading the Ukraine and the sanctions, the Brit PM said she feels strongly and until the Minsk Agreement is met, the sanctions won't be lifted.


Even after the Russian cyber attack in the democracy of the United States of American, Trump, it seems, still plans to lift the sanctions.

You want torture and feel abortion should be punished. Those are not the positions of English women one English woman reporter asked. He said he liked torture and believes in it.

He couldn't very well ignore the questions like he does with American reporters. Bannon can't come on and say the English reporters should learn to keep quiet.

He avoided the one about abortion.
At the beginning he said governments first duty is to their citizens , I guess that is what the Mexican Pres. thinks as well.
The Mexican President was going to come here until Trump tweeted some nonsense. So the President of Mexico cancelled.

And you can bet it was Trump's people who called back and begged for an audience.

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