Looks like Hurricane Milton is gonna be huge...Now a Cat 4

Faun loves that type of stuff... so I gave him some...
When 90% of your posts are insane conspiracy theories, it makes kind of difficult to tell when you’re joking….
When 90% of your posts are insane conspiracy theories, it makes kind of difficult to tell when you’re joking….


OK smartass Zionist Fascist Traitor, why don't you answer some simple climate questions for us...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Faun loves that type of stuff... so I gave him some...


Well, we know nuke subs have a lot of surplus voltage, and we have microwave emitters, what better use than to jack up a cane by warming the water right beneath it.... to keep the Co2 FRAUD going... right before an election... and only Putin would be the one who would know and be a risk of tattling...

This cane's strengthening is breathtaking. It certainly invites conspiracy theories. But not from THE DOCTOR, not yet...

BTW, if you had it to do over again, would you advise Kamala to NOT ACCEPT Dick Cheney's endorsement???

Well, we know nuke subs have a lot of surplus voltage, and we have microwave emitters, what better use than to jack up a cane by warming the water right beneath it.... to keep the Co2 FRAUD going... right before an election... and only Putin would be the one who would know and be a risk of tattling...

This cane's strengthening is breathtaking. It certainly invites conspiracy theories. But not from THE DOCTOR, not yet...

BTW, if you had it to do over again, would you advise Kamala to NOT ACCEPT Dick Cheney's endorsement???


Hey, I'm sold.
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Well, we know nuke subs have a lot of surplus voltage, and we have microwave emitters, what better use than to jack up a cane by warming the water right beneath it.... to keep the Co2 FRAUD going... right before an election... and only Putin would be the one who would know and be a risk of tattling...

This cane's strengthening is breathtaking. It certainly invites conspiracy theories. But not from THE DOCTOR, not yet...

BTW, if you had it to do over again, would you advise Kamala to NOT ACCEPT Dick Cheney's endorsement???

Ok, I’ll bite

What would Israel’s motivation be for creating Hurricanes to hit Florida? What would that possibly do for them?
Ok, I’ll bite

What would Israel’s motivation be for creating Hurricanes to hit Florida? What would that possibly do for them?

Keeps the Co2 FRAUD ongoing... and helps Kamala and the Dems in a month...
Ok, I’ll bite

What would Israel’s motivation be for creating Hurricanes to hit Florida? What would that possibly do for them?

C'mon now, thinks this through... Florida has the second highest population of Jews in the country. You think it's just coincidence most of us are safe in the southern part of the state while the hurricane is about to create havoc through the center of the state?
How do you think hurricanes are monitored?

Deflection detected. Notice the subtle shift to this is a normal weather recon flight and there's nothing more to see here? They focus on the innocuous monitoring that always occurs as a fig leaf masking this storm's sinister engineered origins.
Deflection detected. Notice the subtle shift to this is a normal weather recon flight and there's nothing more to see here? They focus on the innocuous monitoring that always occurs as a fig leaf masking this storm's sinister engineered origins.

It's not a deflection. Do you know? Because there's no evidence of cloud seeding. Cloud seeding may generate more rainfall, but it doesn't increase windspeed. In fact the theory was it would decrease windspeed, though that was never proven.
Everyone can just choose to move. Simple.
It's easy to say that. Not so easy when you have a good job, good schools for your kids, a great sense of community in your neighborhood, and/or you can't replace your home without incurring a great deal of debt.
So US taxpayers should fund that?

I love it when Republicans demand MOAR socialism.
So US taxpayers should fund that?

I love it when Republicans demand MOAR socialism.
???? I don't know where you got the idea that I even suggested the government should fund that. I just love it when Democrats/leftists manufacture things to accuse us of.
No it isn't simple. Not an easy thing to do. But Americans should take responsibility for the choices they make. If I choose to live on a hurricane prone coast, I should take the responsibility for the risk I am assuming and protect myself the best that I can. And I should not expect others to do that for me.

I certainly did not expect the government or my neighbors to be responsible to replace whatever we lost to wind, hail, tornadoes, lightning or whatever living in Texas and the midwest. We expected to buy insurance to cover that kind of damage. And if our house was in an area susceptible to flash flooding, we had flood insurance.

Just take responsibility!

A growing number of home listings come with major climate risk compared to homes listed for sale five years ago, according to an August Zillow analysis. Across all new listings on the website in August, 55% carry a risk of extreme heat and one-third are at risk of extreme wind exposure. Nearly 17% of homes for sale are at major wildfire risk, 13% have an air quality risk and 13% are at risk of flooding.
It's an excuse for democrat murder.
This is what happens when you have a political party that thinks the American People are a threat to their power.

At best they are reluctant to life a finger to help anyone unless it's something that will virtue-signal to their base. At worst they're happy to see people who won't vote for them suffer.

When it comes to these storms everyone needs to just cut the BS, pitch in and help. But that will never happen as long as you have a political party that is always feeding us a line of bull shit about everything.
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