looks like I am being persecuted here at this "conservative" site

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yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
The mods do tend to be mostly conservatives. I believe most members here are conservatives too. It's like liberal talk radio vs conservative talk radio. Hardly any liberal talk radio out there because liberals aren't jackoffs who listen to liberal talking heads the same way conservatives listen to liars like Rush. Or the 5 conservative radio hosts who were anti vaxers who have died of covid. Or the one idiot who purposely gave himself covid because he wanted to achieve natural immunity.

Dennis Prager, a conservative radio host, revealed that he was infected with Covid-19 on his radio show and says that he wanted to catch the disease.
yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
BooHoo, maybe you should return to FB, oops, I guess FB isn't PC anymore--Zuckerberg changed it to Meta. You might be better received by your fellow loons over there.
yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?

You need to tip the Mods
I send them Fava Beans and a nice bottle of Chianti
yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
My post vanishes as well. I post anyway.
yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
I notice that many christians aren't happy unless they can cry martyr.
You need to tip the Mods
I send them Fava Beans and a nice bottle of Chianti
actually, I did find the thread I was looking for.. so I was wrong about that particular one

However, I do think they erased thiss one

and I know they erased the one about the dimss being a cult

btw do you believe the dims are a cult?
actually, I did find the thread I was looking for.. so I was wrong about that particular one

However, I do think they erased thiss one

and I know they erased the one about the dimss being a cult

btw do you believe the dims are a cult?
I was wrong thinking this one post RE the pope had been deleted. It wasn't.. just forgot where it was

But there was a thread about the dims being a cult that was erased/censored

How does complaining about the moderators belong in the Religion & Ethics forum?

PMing them works wonders.


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yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
The wingnuts who tell you to get lost if you don't like the terms of service here are the same wingnuts who whine and cry over Twitter enforcing their terms of service.
yeh, my threads disappear and etc..

Jesus said His followers would be "hated by all"

other posters can say the most juvenile, disgusting, insulting things and I don't see them being attacked...

oh well, who said life is fair?
Karen: A perpetual professional victim. Characteristics: whining, complaining, having to obey or follow rules and laws is restrictive to a Karen.....unless its others that must be forced to follow them. A Karen self professes to be the final arbitrator of morality........they dislike moral codes they find restrictive to their own person.

All these characteristics of a KAREN can be summarized into one word. "Self Centered".
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