Looks like Obama's two years at Columbia is another lie

From the article:

Henry Franklin Graff, professor emeritus of history at Columbia for 46 years, has cast doubt on claims Obama attended classes at the New York City university.

“I have no recollection of Barack Obama at Columbia, and I am sure he never attended any of my classes,” Graff told WND in a telephone interview.

“For 46 years, I taught political history, diplomatic history and one of the pioneering courses on presidential history, and every future politician of note who went through Columbia in those years took one or more of my classes – every one, that is, except Barack Obama.”

Graff further told WND no professor he knew could remember having Obama as a student at Columbia.

“Nobody I knew at Columbia ever remembers Obama being there,” Graff insisted.
The Great Gasbag joins Washamerican as another certified far right extremist loon.
The Great Gasbag joins Washamerican as another certified far right extremist loon.

Sorry jake, but your attacks are becoming less and less cute. Either address issues or I'll have to consider just putting you on ignore.
It's so bizarre. Why can't the left admit - just once - that Obama's past is a mystery? It may not be shady or even important, but for Chrissakes - it is definitely odd. Where the hell is the press? Sarah Palin's cherry was investigated, but not Obama's transcripts?
The Great Gasbag joins Washamerican as another certified far right extremist loon.

Sorry jake, but your attacks are becoming less and less cute. Either address issues or I'll have to consider just putting you on ignore.

Who cares, son? You offer nothing of consequence, expect to get it in return.

The issue is not Obama, but the extremists to the far right who have become the issue with their insanity on this issue.

The only real point now will be when your cause violates tort and criminal statutes.
It's so bizarre. Why can't the left admit - just once - that Obama's past is a mystery? It may not be shady or even important, but for Chrissakes - it is definitely odd. Where the hell is the press? Sarah Palin's cherry was investigated, but not Obama's transcripts?

They see the signs. They know about his past affiliations and his lies. And frankly, the man is their messiah. It's a sin for them to speak ill of him. It's an ends justify the means mentality. It sucks b/c it ruins it for true spirited liberals who don't want this nonsense.
The Great Gasbag joins Washamerican as another certified far right extremist loon.

Sorry jake, but your attacks are becoming less and less cute. Either address issues or I'll have to consider just putting you on ignore.

Who cares, son? You offer nothing of consequence, expect to get it in return.

The issue is not Obama, but the extremists to the far right who have become the issue with their insanity on this issue.

The only real point now will be when your cause violates tort and criminal statutes.

What are you babbling about?
Thinking Americans realize that a very small % of the wacks to the extremist right have become the issue with their lies, their affiliations, and their deranged hatred of a candidate who beat them soundly.

The issue is the Obamahaters, not the president or his past.
From the article:

Henry Franklin Graff, professor emeritus of history at Columbia for 46 years, has cast doubt on claims Obama attended classes at the New York City university.

“I have no recollection of Barack Obama at Columbia, and I am sure he never attended any of my classes,” Graff told WND in a telephone interview.

“For 46 years, I taught political history, diplomatic history and one of the pioneering courses on presidential history, and every future politician of note who went through Columbia in those years took one or more of my classes – every one, that is, except Barack Obama.”

Graff further told WND no professor he knew could remember having Obama as a student at Columbia.

“Nobody I knew at Columbia ever remembers Obama being there,” Graff insisted.

Ah, so some geriatric professor can't remember Obama out of 46 years of students. That sure is some compelling proof you have there, Gabby. Thanks! :thup:
Thinking Americans realize that a very small % of the wacks to the extremist right have become the issue with their lies, their affiliations, and their deranged hatred of a candidate who beat them soundly.

The issue is the Obamahaters, not the president or his past.

But the liberals questioned McCain didn't they? And he stood up and answered the questions. Obama couldn't even cough up his birth certificate, lol!
The narcissist Obama is, he would waving those transcripts around like a flag if he had them in his own name.
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Jackson, that is the weakest defense of 2012.

McCain was not born in the USA. Obama's birth certificate has been produced. All of the questions that either man had to answer were answered.

This stuff to the far right is McCarthyism of the worst sort.
Thinking Americans realize that a very small % of the wacks to the extremist right have become the issue with their lies, their affiliations, and their deranged hatred of a candidate who beat them soundly.

The issue is the Obamahaters, not the president or his past.

You are quite delusional son, and your village is looking for you...
Thinking Americans realize that a very small % of the wacks to the extremist right have become the issue with their lies, their affiliations, and their deranged hatred of a candidate who beat them soundly.

The issue is the Obamahaters, not the president or his past.

:lol: It is you big government nut jobs that are the problem.

I dont care which party you identify with. You easily forfeit your liberties.
Thinking Americans realize that a very small % of the wacks to the extremist right have become the issue with their lies, their affiliations, and their deranged hatred of a candidate who beat them soundly.

The issue is the Obamahaters, not the president or his past.

You say this every day. It's your response for everything. It's like you're autistic.

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