Looks like that Rachel Maddow interview ruined Rand's momentum...

Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
Read the second link. Not even a full percent (1%) care about his Civil Rights remarks from the Rachel show.

And I am sure that was AFTER the show and the rest of the world could see what he said.
Read the second link. Not even a full percent (1%) care about his Civil Rights remarks from the Rachel show.

And I am sure that was AFTER the show and the rest of the world could see what he said.

Those polled were asked to rate from the most important to the least important the pressing issues of the day. The choices given were:

Least important in a field of economy issues in a time where the economy is still fragile and recovering is not saying much.

I'd rather see a overall poll question, based on that question and that question alone.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.
Also, I wouldn't put much stock into Rasmussen's polling of this race. Every other pollster shows Paul with a narrow lead.
Rachel Madcow cant carry that much power either way...she needs an audience first.

the youtube videos and msnbc video of it got sent all around the world though thousands of times over. it still won't effect him though
It may drop him a point or two down, but nothing to worry about...
People in Kentucky don't care if their Senator is a racist.

Hell, they would prefer it.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.

This is worse than being a half governor. :eusa_whistle:
I'm critical of Rand Paul's position on the Civil Rights Act, at the same time though I stand with him on most issues.

The thing about it is this shit wasn't race baiting. It's an honest question to ask Mr. Paul where he stands on the Civil Rights Act. I agree with the man's principles and understand where he's coming from. I also don't consider him racist because he has a different point of view then mine. He is only doing what I would do 90% of the time and standing for the rights of private business owners. However in this case I disagree with him.

No real big deal, but it's a legitimate question. Would you have voted for the Civil Rights Act? There are people who wouldn't feel comfortable voting for Paul if that was the case. Personally, I'd have trouble doing it, but I still would over the democrat in the race.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.

This is worse than being a half governor. :eusa_whistle:
Different people.

Rand would actually do what he says to his people and serve out his 6-year term.

Sarah would probably do about 3 and go on to another deal or something.
People in Kentucky don't care if their Senator is a racist.

Hell, they would prefer it.

And *I* Would CALL UPON YOU CHRIS...to substanciate this Claim...LEST you be of that mind in which YOU call down upon others.

*SO*...You made a claim. Should be EASY for YOU to BACK IT UP.

*I* call upon YOU to do so...or to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

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