Looks like that Rachel Maddow interview ruined Rand's momentum...

you keep using those words but it isn't race-baiting to understand that you can discriminate in your private life but not in a business that serves the public.

the racists are starting to make my stomach turn.

as for your "poll"

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Paulapollooza

Pollster.com: 2010 Kentucky Senate General Election: Rand Paul (R) vs Jack Conway (D)

*The Very sight of your FACE in the mirror Makes your stomach turn...is more appropo...ADMIT IT. *

YOU are making fucking excuses Jillian.
come on man, that was uncalled for

Allright. You are correct. It was.

I reteact it. -Outright-


I apologize. I am wrong. No excuse. Just idiocy.
*The Very sight of your FACE in the mirror Makes your stomach turn...is more appropo...ADMIT IT. *

YOU are making fucking excuses Jillian.
come on man, that was uncalled for

Allright. You are correct. It was.

I reteact it. -Outright-


I apologize. I am wrong. No excuse. Just idiocy.
ones looks have no bearing in the arena of ideas and debate
Before this, I actually had some respect for Rachel Maddow. I'd watch her every so often, because she had people of all stripes on and did not appear to be like Matthews and Olbermann, who both lack journalistic integrity.

After this Rand Paul thing...I don't respect her all that much any more.

Oh well. Like she needs one guy's respect anyways...I'm sure she has her own faithful following.
Damn right, Rachel has a following. All the networks are talking about the interview as well as most on this board.
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No, it's more like Damn Rachel for spinning the answer Rand gave her in an attempt to make him look bad when there was nothing to make him look bad with.

There's plenty about Rand that is bad.

He really is clueless.

What areas would you say he was clueless in? He seems pretty set in keeping individual freedoms for all citizens as a serious issue. Are you against freedom for the private sector?
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.

Hard to say if this means he won't win, but it's fun to watch. This guy is supposed to be the Tea Partiers' biggest triumph so far and he steps on his dick right out of the starting gate.

Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.

I know, her interview with him is all over the internet. He was brave going on her show and attempting to explain himself but he needs to firm up that effort.

There are many good reasons to have him in the senate but he has to get through this and it won't happen by avoiding the press. I don't know if he can ever get beyond the impact of that interview.

And they say nobody watches Rachel... They do througout internet world.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.

Hard to say if this means he won't win, but it's fun to watch. This guy is supposed to be the Tea Partiers' biggest triumph so far and he steps on his dick right out of the starting gate.


Yeah. He might want to tone down his association with the teaparty. I never understood that relationship. Odd couple.
you keep using those words but it isn't race-baiting to understand that you can discriminate in your private life but not in a business that serves the public.

the racists are starting to make my stomach turn.

as for your "poll"

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Paulapollooza

Pollster.com: 2010 Kentucky Senate General Election: Rand Paul (R) vs Jack Conway (D)

*The Very sight of your FACE in the mirror Makes your stomach turn...is more appropo...ADMIT IT. *

YOU are making fucking excuses Jillian.

actually, nutbar, that's your face you're looking at. mine is just fine.

i'm not making excuses for anything. i posted information. i know how information offends you loons. that's why you have no clue what mainstream is.

Come on T, while Jillian may be a little misguided :razz: , she's good peoples . Use all that venom on the true dipshits like Chris and rockhead .......
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I guess I need to learn more about Rand Paul, but I'm with him on this (from the 2nd link):

...Rand Paul has expressed some issues with the private property provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...

The Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination only in public facilities. Since then, we've seen attacks against private organizations like the Boy Scouts of America. IMO, the Federal Government is going too far legislating morality.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.

:eek: Exhaustion!
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.

Better question, was the poll before or after he flushed his principles down the toilet and wholly embraced the LIBERAL view of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
No, it's more like Damn Rachel for spinning the answer Rand gave her in an attempt to make him look bad when there was nothing to make him look bad with.

That's a crock. So yesterday Rand Paul is complaining about too much 'blame game' going on,

and here you are trying to blame Rachel Maddow for his beliefs.

Look, he either believes businesses should be able to be 'whites only' if they want to, or he doesn't. He has now taken both sides of that view, so

1. he's lying now
2. he was lying before
3. he had an epiphany in the space of 24 hours, saw the light, and went from sincerely believing one thing to sincerely believing the other.

take your pick.
No, it's more like Damn Rachel for spinning the answer Rand gave her in an attempt to make him look bad when there was nothing to make him look bad with.

O please. Rand's problem is that he has a radical position. Maddow didn't bait him into giving a crazy answer. He did that all on his own, and Maddow gave him several chances to walk it back. That he pressed further into full-blown crazy isn't her fault.
Also, I love this claim that Rand is doing "the hard part" by arguing for this position.
No, it's more like Damn Rachel for spinning the answer Rand gave her in an attempt to make him look bad when there was nothing to make him look bad with.

Are you serious? So its her fault he said businesses should be allowed to have NO _________ Allowed here? As a man, you are about to walk in with your family and some yahoo kid behind the counter says, you are not allowed to come in here....imagine this.


What year do you live in and what country?
I'll take my business elsewhere and use my power, along with my family and friends, to try to get the place shut down.

Oh, and if you don't think racism happens in places of service these days just because the CRA exists, you're naive and sorely mistaken. It's happened to people I've known. The servers just "conceal" it.

Thank God the government makes that illegal and a person can legally sue. If ol Rand gets his way, it will be legal for a kid behind the counter to scream at a family they are not allowed there.

You can tell you have never been discriminated against. It must be great living your life and a lot of people want the good ol days. I have had first hand experience with that crap in a place called Meridian Mississippi. I don't ever want a MAN or his family to ever have to endure that crap. This was back in 84 and I hoped it got better there. Ol rand wants it to be worse. He wants it so its actually legal to have signs posted. No concealment needed. How do you defend this?

What kind of America is this? Is this 63 all over again?
No, it's more like Damn Rachel for spinning the answer Rand gave her in an attempt to make him look bad when there was nothing to make him look bad with.

O please. Rand's problem is that he has a radical position. Maddow didn't bait him into giving a crazy answer. He did that all on his own, and Maddow gave him several chances to walk it back. That he pressed further into full-blown crazy isn't her fault.

Oscar Wao is delusional if he thinks ol Rand was baited. HE SAID THIS CRAP BEFORE. and Maddow was actually trying to get him an out, but he kept going further and further down the hole.

To say ol Rand was smeared somehow is laughable. Was he smeared when he said this BP oil disaster was an "accident"?

He is the gift that wont shut up.
Was this before or after Maddow? Also, he just turned down going on Meet the Press after accepting a invite on there. The third person to do so in 63 years. Rand's not ready I guess to spin his bullshit yet.
The reason he gave for cancelling Meet the Press was exhaustion. Not good for the third day of his campaign.

:eek: Exhaustion!

A three day exhaustion? He bitches about not getting his honeymoon period and then he claims he is exhausted.

This is as bad as being a half term gov. :eusa_whistle:

Rand/Palin/Bachmann/Beck are the perfect representation for the tea baggers. Perfect.
Are you serious? So its her fault he said businesses should be allowed to have NO _________ Allowed here? As a man, you are about to walk in with your family and some yahoo kid behind the counter says, you are not allowed to come in here....imagine this.


What year do you live in and what country?
I'll take my business elsewhere and use my power, along with my family and friends, to try to get the place shut down.

Oh, and if you don't think racism happens in places of service these days just because the CRA exists, you're naive and sorely mistaken. It's happened to people I've known. The servers just "conceal" it.

Thank God the government makes that illegal and a person can legally sue. If ol Rand gets his way, it will be legal for a kid behind the counter to scream at a family they are not allowed there.

You can tell you have never been discriminated against. It must be great living your life and a lot of people want the good ol days. I have had first hand experience with that crap in a place called Meridian Mississippi. I don't ever want a MAN or his family to ever have to endure that crap. This was back in 84 and I hoped it got better there. Ol rand wants it to be worse. He wants it so its actually legal to have signs posted. No concealment needed. How do you defend this?

What kind of America is this? Is this 63 all over again?
tell me, would you do business in such a place?

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