Loons Getting Desperate Being Trump Holds At 50% Approval. What Happens If Trump Hits 55% ?

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: We all see the pattern, the higher Trump goes in approval, the more desperate they get in attempts to take down Trump. So all of a sudden, now Trump is a racist, bigot, womanizer, Tax Cheat, and says the N word time to time. But what happens if Trump edges closer to 55/54 per-cent in October? Will they start fires again? Trash stores on Main Street? Turn off electricity in metropolitan areas? will 300 naked ladies rally in hatred for Trump on the white house lawn?
What else will they do, god forbid Trump comes close to 55 Percent?
:206: :aargh: :boobies:

Exactly what part of that Trump still has the lowest approval rating of any modern president, do you not comprehend????????????????View attachment 210665
What part of an “average” do you not understand?

1 poll has him at 38, and only one other poll has him anywhere near that at 41.

Take those polls out and he is at 45+%

Not the brightest bulb in the bunch are you! Trumps average approval rating is currently at 43.5%! Take the poll that has him at 50
and the poll that has him at 46 . Trumps approval is below 39%!
They will juice the polls all the way until just before the election to try to assure the Dems take the house. All of a sudden, they will report polls have tightened at the last minute. They will hope they did enough damage to discourage people from voting for the GOP candidates. It might work. However, I doubt it. I think the Dems pick up a max of 10 seats and the GOP picks up 3-4 in the senate.
Samantha B, Jimmy Kimmel, and Colbert will hold hands and jump off the Golden Gate Bridge together in a desperate attempt to boost their ratings.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: We all see the pattern, the higher Trump goes in approval, the more desperate they get in attempts to take down Trump. So all of a sudden, now Trump is a racist, bigot, womanizer, Tax Cheat, and says the N word time to time. But what happens if Trump edges closer to 55/54 per-cent in October? Will they start fires again? Trash stores on Main Street? Turn off electricity in metropolitan areas? will 300 naked ladies rally in hatred for Trump on the white house lawn?
What else will they do, god forbid Trump comes close to 55 Percent?
:206: :aargh: :boobies:
You Trumpies need to get your stories straight. You either bleev in polls or you don't.

Get back to us when you are all on the same page.
Democrats will deny it. Then they will come up with a dozen polls showing Trump in the teens.
Which pollster has claimed Trump has an approval rate in the teens? If you are only making a prediction, which pollsters do you think will fulfill your prediction?
I have believed the polls are dishonest for a long time. One of the most notable for me was the Coakley vs Brown senate special election in 2010. The Boston Globe poll a week out showed Coakley up by 15 points! Brown won by 5 points. These are professional pollsters. They know what they are doing and would never be this far off unless they were juicing them on purpose.

Senate poll: Coakley up 15 points
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: We all see the pattern, the higher Trump goes in approval, the more desperate they get in attempts to take down Trump. So all of a sudden, now Trump is a racist, bigot, womanizer, Tax Cheat, and says the N word time to time. But what happens if Trump edges closer to 55/54 per-cent in October? Will they start fires again? Trash stores on Main Street? Turn off electricity in metropolitan areas? will 300 naked ladies rally in hatred for Trump on the white house lawn?
What else will they do, god forbid Trump comes close to 55 Percent?
:206: :aargh: :boobies:

Exactly what part of that Trump still has the lowest approval rating of any modern president, do you not comprehend????????????????View attachment 210665
What part of an “average” do you not understand?

1 poll has him at 38, and only one other poll has him anywhere near that at 41.

Take those polls out and he is at 45+%

Not the brightest bulb in the bunch are you! Trumps average approval rating is currently at 43.5%! Take the poll that has him at 50
and the poll that has him at 46 . Trumps approval is below 39%! View attachment 210719
You fail horribly at math kid.

You can’t have an average of 39% if there is only one poll below 39%.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: We all see the pattern, the higher Trump goes in approval, the more desperate they get in attempts to take down Trump. So all of a sudden, now Trump is a racist, bigot, womanizer, Tax Cheat, and says the N word time to time. But what happens if Trump edges closer to 55/54 per-cent in October? Will they start fires again? Trash stores on Main Street? Turn off electricity in metropolitan areas? will 300 naked ladies rally in hatred for Trump on the white house lawn?
What else will they do, god forbid Trump comes close to 55 Percent?
:206: :aargh: :boobies:

Dotard currently stands at 39% in Gallup weekly poll.

His highest rating 45%

Lowest rating 35%

Obama was at 44% in August of his first term.

Trump is a loser. Deal with it.

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