Loony Lefties Target Yet Another Pipeline - Pipeline protesters seize Minnesota construction site in bid to stop $4 billion project


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
These dimwits actually believe the AGW bullshit or are Luddites.

Or just useful idiots with money from Russia helping them with funds.

“Good morning water protectors!” Tara Houska, a Native American lawyer and a leader of the Line 3 protests, shouted to the group as she banged a drum and crossed into a pump station that organizers said is used to electrify the pipeline.
The intensifying conflict over Line 3 has been driven in part by Indigenous activists who see a double-barreled threat in the pipeline: a carbon-producing fossil fuel project at a time of worsening climate change and one that also risks polluting tribal lands in the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Emboldened by some victories — such as the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, and the gatherings at Standing Rock — protesters hope to intensify pressure on the Biden administration to suspend the pipeline permit before the project is completed.
So far, the activism has done little to impede the $4 billion project, which is a replacement of a decades-old pipeline, although portions of it travel a new route. About 60 percent of the 350-mile Minnesota portion of the new Line 3 has been built and some 4,000 construction workers — and growing — are at work on five different areas of the project, according to Enbridge officials.
The ongoing protests haven’t “had a significant impact on construction,” said Paul Eberth, Enbridge’s director of tribal engagement in the United States. “Obviously it’s stressful when people are out protesting or if they’re doing damage to equipment or being disrespectful for the workforce.”
“Construction largely has proceeded as planned,” he said.

I swear some of these lefties and b.o.-ridden tree huggers won't be happy until we're all living in tree houses wearing recycled shopping bags for tops and worshipping the sun.

Investment, jobs, capitalism, industry, things that enhance all our lives? nah to hell with that.

They'll do whatever it takes because their idea of heaven is that literally everyone is poor compared to a select few being poor within a natural hierarchy. We're all equal in that scenario, all fucked.
These dimwits actually believe the AGW bullshit or are Luddites.

Or just useful idiots with money from Russia helping them with funds.

“Good morning water protectors!” Tara Houska, a Native American lawyer and a leader of the Line 3 protests, shouted to the group as she banged a drum and crossed into a pump station that organizers said is used to electrify the pipeline.
The intensifying conflict over Line 3 has been driven in part by Indigenous activists who see a double-barreled threat in the pipeline: a carbon-producing fossil fuel project at a time of worsening climate change and one that also risks polluting tribal lands in the headwaters of the Mississippi River. Emboldened by some victories — such as the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, and the gatherings at Standing Rock — protesters hope to intensify pressure on the Biden administration to suspend the pipeline permit before the project is completed.
So far, the activism has done little to impede the $4 billion project, which is a replacement of a decades-old pipeline, although portions of it travel a new route. About 60 percent of the 350-mile Minnesota portion of the new Line 3 has been built and some 4,000 construction workers — and growing — are at work on five different areas of the project, according to Enbridge officials.
The ongoing protests haven’t “had a significant impact on construction,” said Paul Eberth, Enbridge’s director of tribal engagement in the United States. “Obviously it’s stressful when people are out protesting or if they’re doing damage to equipment or being disrespectful for the workforce.”
“Construction largely has proceeded as planned,” he said.

no doubt they drove cars and busses to the protest

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