Lottery Humor: The Death Priest [Futurama Capitalism!]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This TrumpUSA lottery-parody was inspired by It Could Happen to You, and since it's patriotic in tone/theme, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section (but I welcome any and all comments!).

Cheers (signing off),


"Cyclonus and Agus were two space-traveling robot-warriors. They both believed in capitalism and the logistics of power hierarchies and the intrigue of politics and civilization. Cyclonus was part of an anarchist robot unit called the Destroyers, while Agus was part of a Republic-oriented robot-empire known as RoboTech. Cyclonus and Agus decided to camp out on Earth's moon and spy on human civilization and noted the peculiar American practice of lottery-raffle prizes (socially/federally endorses/sponsored/legitimized) and noticed the cheers of a man and woman in New York who won $3 million. Cyclonus and Agus began thinking about the everyday 'normalities' of capitalism --- as tedious or pedestrian as they seemed(!) for 'TrumpUSA' --- an umbrella of 'socialized commerce-consciousness'."


"Unfortunately, Cyclonus and Agus were not alone on the moon, for another robot had landed there just one month prior and was also spying on 'TrumpUSA.' This robot was called T-1000, and it was a machine-being resembling a humanoid skeleton, which suggested to Cyclonus and Agus that T-1000 was built by another species that was spying on humanity for some time. T-1000 made itself known to Cyclonus and Agus and wanted to debate/discuss with them the 'aesthetics' and 'logic' of TrumpUSA capitalism, so Cyclonus/Agus agreed. This was a very symbolic discussion about the ironies of commerce and the complexity of capitalism itself!"


CYCLONUS: This handsome man/woman in N.Y. who won the $3 million are giddy!
AGUS: They're celebrating the flowery of TrumpUSA and the fruits of capitalism.
T-1000: Lottery is like a state-oriented 'tithe' promoting consumerism.

CYCLONUS: Yes, lottery-money reminds people of taxation and consumer-spending.
AGUS: Right; there're even American TV shows depicting what winners do with money!
T-1000: Therefore, TrumpUSA celebrates this form of 'state-oriented tithing' (lotteries).

CYCLONUS: It therefore seems that capitalism is a social compact on Earth.
AGUS: Capitalism under TrumpUSA is oriented towards commerce and lifestyle!
T-1000: Yet, when lottery-winners celebrate their money, others become 'envious.'

CYCLONUS: So what?
AGUS: Envy is natural and 'normal.'
T-1000: You two (Cyclonus/Agus) are warriors and do not contemplate virtue/sin!

CYCLONUS: What's so dangerous about envy?
AGUS: Envy, like pride, is simply something you transcend...
T-1000: No! It's something you have to evaluate and even dissect!

CYCLONUS: Are you talking about the 'consciousness' of competitiveness?
AGUS: In other words, the lottery-system (under TrumpUSA) is a 'death game.'
T-1000: Precisely; spying on Americans cheering lotteries should remind you of peace!

CYCLONUS: Well, just because we're warriors, it doesn't mean we 'scoff' at games.
AGUS: It seems this N.Y. winning-couple who won $3 million are charmed/charming.
T-1000: Yet, noticing the 'pedestrian' quality of such 'celebration' is 'routine.'

CYCLONUS: I suppose Agus and I considered these lottery-cheers somewhat 'child-like.'
AGUS: They're innocent and harmless; I admit Cyclonus and I didn't consider it 'religion.'
T-1000: That's why I'm debating with you two warrior-robots; never trivialize social life.

CYCLONUS: Alright; we admit --- TrumpUSA has a sort of 'worldly charm.'
AGUS: There's something 'downright playful' about commerce-in-games (lotteries)!
T-1000: Good; I'm returning to my own planet now, content you two learned about 'humans.'

AGUS: Thanks!
T-1000: Farewell...


"Cyclonus and Agus concluded that T-1000 was no joke. That skeleton-like robot was a true messenger of the intricacies of capitalism-theory and how 'commerce-in-lifestyle' promoted general socialization 'meditation.' Cyclonus/Agus reasoned that T-1000 was some kind of 'death priest' reminding warriors and poets alike of the 'invisible magic' of commerce in civilization and the simple charms of games promoting money, wealth, and capital (e.g., lottery-raffles!). Cyclonus and Agus decided to return to their armies/dominions (Destroyers/RoboTech) content that they'd learned a valuable lesson about TrumpUSA capitalism from the strange T-1000 --- everyday fortune is a thing of folklore."



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