Louisville white family attacked in hate crime by mob of negro's

These things can seemingly appear out of no where and swarm especially at night when they're harder to see. They remind me of locusts.
From the source you cited:
. All the local media calls the perps “teens” and refuses to discuss the racial nature of the violence.
So the local news media does not consider this a newsworthy event or events. And your source is a biased 'conservative' source. Why does the mainstream media igore this if it is such a terrible thing, if 'mobs' of blacks are attacking innocent white people? Wouldn't this make the national news if that were really what was happening?
It should make the national news. The media tends to keep these things quiet. They don't want the number or severity of these attacks to make the national news. It might incite self defense.
Let's see. Jesse's off on spring break with one of his girlfriends this week, but Rev. Al should be along right after his hair straightening appointment to explain the vast degree of racism this incident is good for.

Should be good as old swing-and-miss Sharpton can lie with the best of them. Know whadum sayin'?
If I am wrong set me straight. I viewed the video and what I got from it appeared to be an attack by a single thug who happened to be with a group. It was bad enough, but not like the enslavement, rape and murder of Christian and her boy friend some years ago in Knoxville.

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