Low Energy Heidi Heitkamp, incumbent Democrat Senator, in serious trouble in 2018

Uncle Vlad promised to help.

"...according to a poll commissioned by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and shared first with Roll Call...."

I don't think any Democrat is in danger in 2018
Cramer Ahead of Heitkamp in NRSC North Dakota Poll

Republicans will gain 10 Senate seats in 2018 and get that filibuster proof majority. they'll only lose a couple of seats in the house...

Where do you get "low energy Heidi Heitkamp"?

"Low energy" based on ---- what? Clearly not on a comparison to a message board troll who spends all day plopping bullshit threads on a message board, so --- on what basis does Heitkamp have "low energy"?

I don't think any Democrat is in danger in 2018

even Mad Maxine Waters could lose her seat to Omar Navarro. her district is majority Hispanic.

The dirty little secret about the Democratic Party's future is that Anglo and Black Democrat politicians are going to be replaced by racist Aztlan Nationalist.

Perhaps they'll pass a law requiring message board posters to learn how plurals work.

Ya gotta dream.
I don't think any Democrat is in danger in 2018
Dianne Feinstein has already been blown out of the saddle.

Yeah, by another Democrat and that was only for the state party endorsement

Doesn't that mean she isn't getting the nomination?

No, it doesn't, and what difference would that make anyway? If DeLeon wins he'll end up being the next Senator. There is zero chance of a Republican winning the California Senate race.

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