"Lying to the FBI" is the same bullshit charge when they don't got nuthin'


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
No reaction from the usual crowd?

That's because you know it's true.

Charging Flynn with "lying to the FBI" is like charging a black man for jaywalking, just to get him in jail for being black, Flynn is being charged just for being associated with the Trump administration.

The Russians DID NOT do anything to influence the election and Trump DID NOT collude with them.

If these fictional events had happened, we'd see proof by now.

I have asked for proof in nine threads, and so far, NOTHING.
Actually, I pretty much agree with you. Remember Wen Ho Lee?

Indicted by a Grand Jury for supposedly sending secrets to China. Of the 59 original charges, they dropped most of them and settled for mishandling classified data. In other words, after talking for a year about how this was the worse spy since the Rosenburgs, they got him for a parking violation.

He got paid for their mistakes, thanks to a Civil Suit.
Pelosi doesn't think Mueller should be investigating Trump.

PELOSI: “Well, I’d like to say that I think that the women of America are speaking out about, uh, what they think about this whole situation. The women of America are just like other Americans, in that, they value fairness, the value privacy, and do not want to see a person with uncontrolled power, uncontrolled time, uncontrolled, uh, unlimited money, uh, investigation the President of the United States.
Oh wait, that was about Bill Clinton in 1998....

What a hypocrite.

FLASHBACK VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Defends Bill Clinton Against Impeachment Over Sexual Harassment Suit
'"Lying to the FBI" is the same bullshit charge when they don't got nuthin'

'Lying To The FBI' = 'Scooter Libby'
They got whatshername, Martha Stewart on this charge, when they couldn't prove insider trading.
The sad thing is that Flynn probably didn't even lie. The FBI had a transcript of everything Flynn said to the Russian Ambassador and Flynn knew that better than anyone. He probably just didn't remember every detail precisely.

Even Comey said he didn't lie---before the Witch Hunt took off in earnest.

He pled guilty to end the crushing legal bills and stop the profound emotional drain on him and his family.

The lesson is not that Flynn is not a Patriot, he is---the lesson is what an oppressive government can do to you for political ends.

If Hillary Clinton had been elected, it would have been time for people like me, and a lot of you, to start watching what we post on an internet board. We were that close to Bolshevism, and the danger is far from over.

Ben Franklin said they had given us a Republic, but added with the warning..."if we can keep it."

That is in doubt as Trump battles The Deep State and a Media which has become the propaganda arm of a single political party whose leading candidate for President, as of today, is a avowed Socialist.
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
This statement proves Republican's NEVER believe the laws of the USA apply to them. Lying to the FBI is a crime in this nation. But then again we see Republican's also defending pedophilia, sexual assault and, of course, a President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime. If one insists that laws do not apply to them and those of like mind solely to push an agenda you know they lack morality and the ideals that made this country great.
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
This statement proves Republican's NEVER believe the laws of the USA apply to them. Lying to the FBI is a crime in this nation. But then again we see Republican's also defending pedophilia, sexual assault and, of course, a President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime. If one insists that laws do not apply to them and those of like mind solely to push an agenda you know they lack morality and the ideals that made this country great.

Mueller is investigating TRUMP and PUTIN rigging the 2016 election...just a reminder.

"President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That's fucking funny.
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
This statement proves Republican's NEVER believe the laws of the USA apply to them. Lying to the FBI is a crime in this nation. But then again we see Republican's also defending pedophilia, sexual assault and, of course, a President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime. If one insists that laws do not apply to them and those of like mind solely to push an agenda you know they lack morality and the ideals that made this country great.
OH NO!!!! Another LIB sock puppet!
Permanent Ignore asshole!
The Ex FBI Director who aided and abetted Russian crimes - whose President colluded with the Russians numerous times and who left the DNC $24 million in debt - is investigating Russian collusion.

That's not funny - that's just F*ed Up.
I think the calls for this WITCH HUNT to end are going to get louder and more wide spread.

It's been a YEAR, and there's NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, ZILCH as far as the ORIGINAL purpose for this investigation, which was ILLEGALLY STARTED in the FIRST PLACE. A special counsel is ONLY supposed to be appointed AFTER there is AMPLE PROOF of WRONG DOING, and in this COLLUSION case, THERE WAS NONE.

This entire charade is a FARCE, and a GIFT to the democrats who believe it's their ACE IN THE HOLE find DIRT on president Trump, to TAKE HIM DOWN, to get him IMPEACHED, or at least give democrats dirt to use for the midterm elections.

People know this. The progtards aren't really fooling the majority, and certainly not fooling any conservatives or Trump supporters. If anything, they're still hurting themselves but they're too stupid to know it. They'll cut their nose off to spite their face. Their ZEAL to do anything and everything in their power to TRASH a sitting president is stronger than sort of reasonable thinking or admission that they're only hurting themselves.
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
This statement proves Republican's NEVER believe the laws of the USA apply to them. Lying to the FBI is a crime in this nation. But then again we see Republican's also defending pedophilia, sexual assault and, of course, a President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime. If one insists that laws do not apply to them and those of like mind solely to push an agenda you know they lack morality and the ideals that made this country great.

Mueller is investigating TRUMP and PUTIN rigging the 2016 election...just a reminder.

"President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

That's fucking funny.
What's funny is that Ken Starr was investigating Clinton for Whitewater. People tend to rationalize things they simply do not understand or do not want to understand. A reminder YOU have no idea what Mueller is investigating. You simply quote Hannity, Infowars and other propaganda sites. Bwahahhaaa
This proves what I've been saying all along, there is nothing here but bullshit.

There was no Russian interference in the election, and there was no Trump collusion.

The Democrats and the media have been lying to us all along and this proves it.
This statement proves Republican's NEVER believe the laws of the USA apply to them. Lying to the FBI is a crime in this nation. But then again we see Republican's also defending pedophilia, sexual assault and, of course, a President who asked Putin to illegally release stolen emails which is also a crime. If one insists that laws do not apply to them and those of like mind solely to push an agenda you know they lack morality and the ideals that made this country great.
OH NO!!!! Another LIB sock puppet!
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Sock puppet? Ignore? Asshole? Indeed. This is your conservative, American, party. People that look like me and believe what I believe are always right and always deserve special rights. Otherwise known as definitional bigotry.
The problem I see here is that the Democrats and media are too far in. They've committed all their credibility to this lie, and if they ever admit it was a lie, they will be exposed as liars to the world. So Mueller has to continue his witch hunt, getting whatever bullshit charges he can get, and there will never be an end to it.
The problem I see here is that the Democrats and media are too far in. They've committed all their credibility to this lie, and if they ever admit it was a lie, they will be exposed as liars to the world. So Mueller has to continue his witch hunt, getting whatever bullshit charges he can get, and there will never be an end to it.
Is that the problem you see? I see the problems of whining about sexual assault while voting for a man accused of multiple sexual assaults, another accused of pedophilia all while supporting Putin's attack upon American Democracy. If you will sacrifice you morality, American ideals and laws all because your team MUST win, that is the true problem. Hey, at least you support the same tax "Ideals" that have failed conservatives for 100 years, right? lmao
There is no more investigation as to Russian interference in our election. That's over. It has moved on to an even more unprovable obstruction case. So far, Mueller's investigation has revealed some wrongdoing on Manafort's part back in the 90s. Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI but we have no idea what the lie was. Probably because it was the same lie that got him fired for lying to Pence. And, Papadapolous plead guilty to lying about the date of a meeting.

Meanwhile, Mueller lost part of his team to virulent anti Trump hate. His team is under congressional investigation and it looks like the entire investigation plan was laid by obama before he left office. And the democrat snake keeps eating its tail.
There is no more investigation as to Russian interference in our election. That's over. It has moved on to an even more unprovable obstruction case. So far, Mueller's investigation has revealed some wrongdoing on Manafort's part back in the 90s. Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI but we have no idea what the lie was. Probably because it was the same lie that got him fired for lying to Pence. And, Papadapolous plead guilty to lying about the date of a meeting.

Meanwhile, Mueller lost part of his team to virulent anti Trump hate. His team is under congressional investigation and it looks like the entire investigation plan was laid by obama before he left office. And the democrat snake keeps eating its tail.
Look. Another clue puppy who claims to know what Mueller is doing as well as to what American law is. Just admit you are not a lawyer and not a member of Mueller's investigation. Meanwhile I'll admit, so far, four of Trumps officials are now indicted or have admitted their guilt.

Delusion and falsehood has become the defining aspect of the conservative belief system. Well, that and supporting sex offenders and pedophiles. *eye roll*

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