M4 vs J6: The changing face of liberalism, or "What if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground?"


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2021
In May of 1970, four unarmed students at Kent State were murdered by the Ohio National Guard, triggering national outrage and walkouts by millions of students nationwide:

In January of 2021, a decorated veteran, also unarmed, was shot dead in a protest at our Nation's Capitol, triggering not national outrage, but mockery.

On today's 3rd anniversary of this woman's murder, liberal posters on this forum have referred to her as a whore, celebrated their vision of her freezing in Hell, said she deserved to die, called her stupid, and much worse; a small sampling here:

The only thing that would make the spectacle of liberal victim-blaming more perfect would be if she had been wearing a short skirt, and thus "asking for it."

What has happened to liberals over the last 50 years?

Once champions of free speech and protest, they now seek to denigrate an unarmed protestor murdered in the prime of her life.

What if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground?

In May of 1970, four unarmed students at Kent State were murdered by the Ohio National Guard, triggering national outrage and walkouts by millions of students nationwide:

In January of 2021, a decorated veteran, also unarmed, was shot dead in a protest at our Nation's Capitol, triggering not national outrage, but mockery.

On today's 3rd anniversary of this woman's murder, liberal posters on this forum have referred to her as a whore, celebrated their vision of her freezing in Hell, said she deserved to die, called her stupid, and much worse; a small sampling here:

The only thing that would make the spectacle of liberal victim-blaming more perfect would be if she had been wearing a short skirt, and thus "asking for it."

What has happened to liberals over the last 50 years?

Once champions of free speech and protest, they now seek to denigrate an unarmed protestor murdered in the prime of her life.

What if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground?

Sigh....Kent State??? :auiqs.jpg:Man, that's REALLY reaching, seeing as how there was no attempt by students to overthrow the government of the United States that day..from a university campus in Ohio. :)
They were protesting the government's involvement in the Vietnam war. Just like people were protesting the shooting of unarmed black men by police in the summer of 2020.
Unlike 1/6/2021 where a large group of the 2020 general election loser decided to throw an insurrection party at the Capitol..because their man lost. 😫

I gotta ask..again. What..is..it..about..this..man that inspires this level of devotion and adoration??
It's fucking mind boggling.
Hmmm, new, untrue charges. Please link to anywhere that says she was "leading a mob." Then you can present a link to ANY elected representative that was assaulted on J6. Quit lying.
Watch a video of her last moment. Attacking the doors like a monkey at the head of the mob, trying to violently break into congress. What a dum dum.
If it were a capital crime, all the J6 terrorists would have been put down. It more closely resembles suicide by cop than a crime.
It bears a closer resemblance to a political murder. You know, the same thing the Clinton's have been associated with on half a dozen instances. But you commie democrats believe that is acceptable unless it is a violent criminal who is resisting arrest and dies of an overdose. Then the cop is held "accountable." Piglosi and Byrd should rot in jail.
I don't claim to know what that whole event really was, that happened three years, just that it is obvious to me that nearly everything that we have been told about it are lies.

But I've seen enough to be confident in saying that there was no legal just cause for the shot that killed Ashli Babbitt; that that was an act of first-degree murder, on the part of Officer Byrd, and that he should have been fully prosecuted for it, and put to death on conviction.

It's not even apparent to me that he was specifically targeting Ms. Babbitt with that shot; just a random shot into a disorderly crowd, where he knew that it would almost certainly hit someone, and likely result in a death. Officer Byrd is a murderer, and those authorities that had the duty to hold him accountable for it, and willfully refused to hold him responsible, are willing and knowing accessories to that murder.
If it were a capital crime, all the J6 terrorists would have been put down. It more closely resembles suicide by cop than a crime.

“Suicide by cop” entails the subject putting himself into a position where he appears to pose a sufficient thread that a police officer on hand has no choice but to shoot him. Ashli Babbitt did no such thing.
Sigh....Kent State??? :auiqs.jpg:Man, that's REALLY reaching, seeing as how there was no attempt by students to overthrow the government of the United States that day..from a university campus in Ohio. :)
They were protesting the government's involvement in the Vietnam war. Just like people were protesting the shooting of unarmed black men by police in the summer of 2020.
Unlike 1/6/2021 where a large group of the 2020 general election loser decided to throw an insurrection party at the Capitol..because their man lost. 😫

I gotta ask..again. What..is..it..about..this..man that inspires this level of devotion and adoration??
It's fucking mind boggling.
Those dirtbags couldn't have given a fuck less about Viet Nam.

It was about being drafted. The Draft Lottery had just rolled out and the completely and totally useless Sons of the rich could no longer avoid the draft by staying in school. THAT is what they were pissed off about.

There was also the class-driven hatred brought on mostly by students and their out-of-town associates. They loved, I mean LOVED, telling the NGs that while the soldiers had to march in the heat and rain, the students could go back to their dorms or off-campus shitholes and fuck their brains out all night.

The 'students' (many, many of them were NOT) loved taunting the soldiers by telling them that were unworthy of College, had no future, would never amount to anything, etc, etc, etc.

I know. I was around the corner when it happened. And CSN&Y can forever rot in Hell for profiting off of a tragedy. One that should have never happened.
Those dirtbags couldn't have given a fuck less about Viet Nam.

It was about being drafted. The Draft Lottery had just rolled out and the completely and totally useless Sons of the rich could no longer avoid the draft by staying in school. THAT is what they were pissed off about.

There was also the class-driven hatred brought on mostly by students and their out-of-town associates. They loved, I mean LOVED, telling the NGs that while the soldiers had to march in the heat and rain, the students could go back to their dorms or off-campus shitholes and fuck their brains out all night.

The 'students' (many, many of them were NOT) loved taunting the soldiers by telling them that were unworthy of College, had no future, would never amount to anything, etc, etc, etc.

I know. I was around the corner when it happened. And CSN&Y can forever rot in Hell for profiting off of a tragedy. One that should have never happened.
Looking back on Vietnam, it was largely a wasted effort. But we can say that about every United States military action since 1945 (save for going after the Taliban training camps post 9/11).
The point of my response to the OP is that Kent State and J6th were not about the same thing.

In May of 1970, four unarmed students at Kent State were murdered by the Ohio National Guard, triggering national outrage and walkouts by millions of students nationwide:

In January of 2021, a decorated veteran, also unarmed, was shot dead in a protest at our Nation's Capitol, triggering not national outrage, but mockery.

On today's 3rd anniversary of this woman's murder, liberal posters on this forum have referred to her as a whore, celebrated their vision of her freezing in Hell, said she deserved to die, called her stupid, and much worse; a small sampling here:

The only thing that would make the spectacle of liberal victim-blaming more perfect would be if she had been wearing a short skirt, and thus "asking for it."

What has happened to liberals over the last 50 years?

Once champions of free speech and protest, they now seek to denigrate an unarmed protestor murdered in the prime of her life.

What if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground?

M/T; there is a BIG difference between a CLASSICAL Liberal & a SOCIAL Liberal.

Below; I included wiki's entire link on Liberalism. As you can see EVERYONE wants to get into the act so they can say "I created this political theory all on my own(status hounds)." The below link has REALLY GROWN regarding info. In my opinion most of the info in the Wiki link is pure B.S. There are two & ONLY 2 types of Liberalism, & those two types of Liberalism recognized in todays world for the most part are "CLASSICAL Liberalism(original) & SOCIAL Liberalism(communalism). The term Social Liberalism was an ad hoc title created by the statist left somewhere around 1870/1890 to confuse(smoke & mirrors again) the American voting public into thinking their SOCIAL Liberal candidates were of the same ideology as the Jeffersonian(CLASSICAL Liberal) candidates were.

Originally the title "Liberal" stood by itself but once the statist left kidnapped the term then added the word "SOCIAL" to "Liberal" then folks got confused between the two terms. The term "Classical" was added to the term "Liberal" by Americans who harbored a belief in the original intent interpretation of our U.S. Constitution & B.o.R., so to clarify the difference between the statist left Social Liberal religion of communalism vs. the Classical Liberal religion of limited government through INDIIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

"The Americans will never buy communism outright, so we will sell it to them on an installment plan.(Joe Stalin)

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