Mad Mike Hughes, R.I.P.

He died doing what he loved. Somehow I knew this was his fate

Daredevil 'Mad Mike' Hughes dies while attempting to launch a homemade rocket

From 2 years ago:

Dumb shit. His proof is there in plain sight. If he cannot believe the many pictures from space, all he needs to do is watch the shadow of the Earth as it moves across a full lunar eclipse! Aristotle proved it 2,300 years ago!

How was the size of Earth first measured? | StarDate Online

NOAA National Ocean Service Education: Geodesy

Calculating the Size of Earth | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki

Proof once again that ancient man was far smarter than modern man because he wasn't dependent on modern technology to think for him.
Bit of a tough way to go, maybe. If one has any sort of altitude, after everything one has tried hasn't worked, one has a bit of time to contemplate one's situation.
Oh, looks like he definitely had time to contemplate the future after what looks like a premature deployment then separation of what I assume was his landing canopy. Oh well.

Oh, looks like he definitely had time to contemplate the future after what looks like a premature deployment then separation of what I assume was his landing canopy. Oh well.

But the amazing thing is, this guy BUILT THAT!

Takes a lot of guys to ride a homemade rocket thousands of feet in the air

And no help from Elizabeth Warren.

I think he was inspired by Zefrom Cochrane

OMG, the round-earthers have killed Mike! Is there nothing they won’t do to keep the truth from being exposed?!!!
Actually, like many before him, he discovered hitting a round object was fatal. Too, looked like thousands of feet to me, not that it matters much after the first thousand.
What could Hughes have seen from the rocket that couldn't have been seen from an airplane or passenger jet? I still don't get how he THOUGHT his rockets could ever discover the world was flat.

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