Maddow Says Her Viewers Are Too Stupid To Understand Muslims Taking Over Europe?

Trump mainstreaming fringe right with Breitbart hire

^^ In this video, cue to around 7:20

Maddow who seems to be talking to millennials here, is saying essentially "just keep getting drunk at your cocktail parties and don't worry your silly little heads about all the rapes and stuff in Europe by Muslims. It's OK you're too stupid to know who Angela Merkle is. Better you just don't think about her and what's going on with Germany anyway!" (ie, if your "cool" with Rachael, you just don't want to think about that!)

Maddow with her classic poker face (not) agenda has let the cat out of the bag that Merkle's failed immigration policy is one that is immediately impacting her countrywomen in the form of rapes, murder and domestic terrorist attacks.

Now I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump. In fact, I'm not a fan at all. But telling your viewers "stay stupid you little darlings!" "You don't need to worry your silly little drunk heads about who Angela Merkle is ;and what's going on with her"..might have an impact on MSNBC's viewership...for those still stopping by there. And, it might have an impact if one of the two candidates is saying "enough is enough!" with Muslim rapes etc.

Maddow acts as if these (stupid?) millennials don't have access to daily news reports and feed on Facebook or Google or any of the other places they log on to feed their daily social media addiction. In fact, if I had to pick a generation that stays up on the latest news more than any other; whether or not their "stupid little heads" want to, it's the millennials by sheer time-exposure to images and headlines.

I know quite a few millennials in fact and they are anything but underinformed. Maybe poorly educated, but not from some lack in social media. You see shows like "Watters World" where the millennials look pathetically undereducated and yes, even dumb. But it's usually in areas of historical fact or nitpicking details of current political scapes such as "do you know who the current governor of Virginia is?". OK, dumb not to know if you're a kid from Virginia. But I'll be they know about the terrorist attacks in Nice and the rapes in Germany. Young millennial women might be keeping track of the latter especially. And, I bet they know who Donald Trump is.

...And I bet they know Hillary's similar soft stance as "Germany's" (OK, maybe they don't know the leader is a woman named Merkle) on letting Muslims into the country. If Trump continues with this dialogue, even "stupid drunk millennial kids" will learn that Hillary's position is likely to land them in danger? Or maybe they'll just flock around Rachael Maddow like good little sheep and not worry their goofy pea-brains about silly details like massive rapes going on in Germany; courtesy of "it's all good!" with Muslim immigrants..
Rachel Anne Maddow is my favorite Lesbian.

She is fun to listen to and usually a crack up.

She is obviously a tomboy and even looks like a guy -- more like a college frat boy.

Since she is LGBT you can bet that she won't be very inclined towards the GOP or their John Birch Society views. But I am surprised that she as espoused Trump's view of Muslims.

Rachel Maddow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We can't have people thinking for themselves. We can't have people knowing that muslims are out breeding other races and moving into the socialist countries to get their freebies....but the freebies have disappeared since socialism has never worked. Ramhi has plenty of time now to work up his plan to bomb the european infidels as he kicks backs and laughs at the millions of gullible loons who praise him. These are those same folks he'll bomb next week.
Negroes all over the world are also outbreeding other races, and look where it has gotten them?


So why worry about the Arabs then?
Rachel Anne Maddow is my favorite Lesbian.

She is fun to listen to and usually a crack up.

So, are you one of her drunk, dumb, viewers who doesn't know or care who Angela Merkle is or what's going on with Muslims in Germany? You've seen the video from the OP I take it?

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