Madeline Albright Converts To Islam

Another madwoman from the Pelosi mold.

The Constitution guarantees the free expression of religion within its borders. It does not prohibit us from banning entrance to those from specific nations simply because many (or all) of its citizens happen to follow a specific religion.

Madeleine Albright 'Ready to Register as Muslim' Over Refugee Suspension
the consititution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" banning people based on their religion is obviously a violation of that

not to mention wrong for a shitload of reasons other than your precious constitution that you like to hide behind, which you shitbags will happily wipe your ass with whenever it suits you

Just in curiosity, how does banning foreigners who happen to practice a particular religion establish or disestablish a religion?
quit acting you like you dont know.... or give a shit either way. you'd support outlawing islam if you could get away with it

Quit acting like you know, because you do not. Otherwise, you could explain yourself using the language of the Constitution.

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