Maga Hats, Chaperones, and Catholic Boys, a Priest opinion.

The CNN "older generation" pedophiles and homos are full of shit! The high school kid should have smacked that fake ass Indian for getting in his face after enduring that INSANE, GENOCIDAL, HATE, RACIST shit preached by the Congressional Black Hebrews.

Fake News CNN, NY Times, HuffPo etc., describe the Congressional Black Hebrews as "street preachers." :p
That he didn't clock the Injun was proof enough that he was well brought up. I dread to think what Trayvon or Big Mike would have done.

And Trayvon would had been called a hero for fighting against bigotry.
I agree, in hindsight the Catholic School Boys and adult chaperones could of handled things better. However, it's the Indian dude that got in their faces and the blacks yelling out profanity and racial slurs that are the true villains in this story.

As far as I know, the etiquette don't cover what a person should do when a lunatic walks up to you to have a stare down while he beats a drum.
Where were they supposed to go? Into the road?
Ironic yet appropriate for a democrat fascist to put the onus of liberty forfeiture onto Americans standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Where were the chaperones when the Hebrews were yelling at them, they should of got the boys out of range at the bus stop. Where do you think they went, it ended when the bus came.

I thought people should stand their ground against bigots? You would teach children to run away. Not very Christ like. Jesus didn’t run away from evil, he stood face to face with it and denounced it.
And Trayvon would had been called a hero for fighting against bigotry.

Trayvon was shot and killed walking home to his house for being black.

A lot worse than what happened to these entitled little shits.
I agree, in hindsight the Catholic School Boys and adult chaperones could of handled things better. However, it's the Indian dude that got in their faces and the blacks yelling out profanity and racial slurs that are the true villains in this story.

As far as I know, the etiquette don't cover what a person should do when a lunatic walks up to you to have a stare down while he beats a drum.

Sure you walk away. You don't stand their smirking while your buddies say racist shit.
I agree, in hindsight the Catholic School Boys and adult chaperones could of handled things better. However, it's the Indian dude that got in their faces and the blacks yelling out profanity and racial slurs that are the true villains in this story.

As far as I know, the etiquette don't cover what a person should do when a lunatic walks up to you to have a stare down while he beats a drum.

Sure you walk away. You don't stand their smirking while your buddies say racist shit.

None of those kids said anything racist.

Why shouldn’t he stand there smiling? He had every right to.
And Trayvon would had been called a hero for fighting against bigotry.

Trayvon was shot and killed walking home to his house for being black.

A lot worse than what happened to these entitled little shits.
|If that thug had just walked home he wouldn't have died. Instead, he circled around and attacked someone who had done nothing to him. By now Trayvon would be in prison or dead at the hand of another thug anyway.
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Talking points, talking points, all we have are talking points! We used to be Free Thinkers but now we're trapped in George's 1984!!!!

I bet you don't get the reference Penny

Here's the funny thing about it... I had had conducted myself like that when I was in High School, the Christian Brothers would have slapped me upside the head. Apparently, their parents are spending $8000 a year and the little bastards aren't learning any manners.

Penny picking on teenagers. High school Juniors.

These Lefties are so enlightened these days aren't they?

So let's be clear, they were WHITE high school juniors.

We just had a trial here in Chicago, where a white cop shot a BLACK High School Junior, 16 times. The stance of his defense was that this kid was a little hoodlum who deserved to be shot. He got a slap on the wrist, the other cops who engaged in a coverup were acquitted by a judge.

LaQuan McDonald. Tamir Rice. Michael Brown. Funny, the whole, "they are just kids' defense doesn't seem to fly when you are black.

The black kids mentioned were all involved in police situations. We know for a fact the last one was NOT innocent. These white kids were NOT involved in anything criminal and in fact were the recipients of CLEAR racism, which none of you weeping flock can care to mention. You folks are going to get people killed with your ignorant hatred. And you are VERY ignorant for a man your age. Joe.
I agree, in hindsight the Catholic School Boys and adult chaperones could of handled things better. However, it's the Indian dude that got in their faces and the blacks yelling out profanity and racial slurs that are the true villains in this story.

As far as I know, the etiquette don't cover what a person should do when a lunatic walks up to you to have a stare down while he beats a drum.

Sure you walk away. You don't stand their smirking while your buddies say racist shit.

THe people saying racist things WERE THE BLACK PEOPLE, Joe. Not the white kids. The black people, and the Native American. Got it? Understand?
These people cannot face facts and accept truth. The white kids are guilty, because they are white. I would love for ONE of them to explain to me how this is ANY different from saying black kids are guilty because they are black.

It doesn't matter; they are more ignorant than a box of rocks and a lot more hateful. And so, here it comes. AGAIN.

Stupid, short-sighted, IGNORANT leftists. Don't say we didn't warn you.
And Trayvon would had been called a hero for fighting against bigotry.

Trayvon was shot and killed walking home to his house for being black.

A lot worse than what happened to these entitled little shits.

If he would had stood there and smirked, he’d still be alive. Instead he attacked the guy from behind and tried to kill him. Unless you forgot Zimmerman shot him in self defense.
The phrase "Catholic Boys School" has sinister connotations. What goes on there ? What do these young boys learn ?

They learn that homosexuality is a sin and totally unhealthy lifestyle. That must be horrifying to you.
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

The Covington Prep Boys had every right to wear MAGA hats, this is America.

Would you be saying the same if instead of Catholic Preppies, these were pupils from Stokely Carmichael High in Camden attending a big Anti-Life rally and they were wearing pussy hats? And Christian street preachers came right up into their face singing "Amazing Grace" after berating them for an hour for their pro-abort views? If the Camden boys stood silent with a smirk on their face, would they be condemned?
Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing."

Of course, he wishes he walked away when learning large numbers of mostly-likely fatherless knuckleheads want to kill his family and incinerate their home. Dang, some folks are off-the-wall today.

Good to learn law enforcement is investing state and county $$$ to aggressively investigate threats made against the teens, their loved ones and school.

After watching several vids I am confident the older man was attempting to cause the teen a life-long hearing impediment when approaching and INTENTIONALLY banging a drum in the kid's face, instead of simply stepping around the kid and continuing on his way.

Back in the day I went an several class trip to NYC, and never experienced the type of terror and hate I witnessed in these Wash, DC videos.

Apparently, times have changed. I'm thinking not for the better.

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

childhood trauma, red cap1.jpg

I'm offering a sub-set of the MAGA cap pinpointing a major challenge that according to American medical professionals MUST be addressed as we return to greatness.

Make American Great Again by proudly wearing a red cap with specific advice for uplifting our Quality of Life, as well as improving the emotional well-being and physical health of all of our Nation's people and communities.

Introducing Child Abuse Awareness & Education Advocate, pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

These people cannot face facts and accept truth. The white kids are guilty, because they are white. I would love for ONE of them to explain to me how this is ANY different from saying black kids are guilty because they are black.

It doesn't matter; they are more ignorant than a box of rocks and a lot more hateful. And so, here it comes. AGAIN.

Stupid, short-sighted, IGNORANT leftists. Don't say we didn't warn you.
They are also "guilty" because they were wearing MAGA hats. In other words they support Trump who the MSM has branded a racist, therefore the kids wearing the MAGA hats must be racist also.
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

The Covington Prep Boys had every right to wear MAGA hats, this is America.

Would you be saying the same if instead of Catholic Preppies, these were pupils from Stokely Carmichael High in Camden attending a big Anti-Life rally and they were wearing pussy hats? And Christian street preachers came right up into their face singing "Amazing Grace" after berating them for an hour for their pro-abort views? If the Camden boys stood silent with a smirk on their face, would they be condemned?

The elder NA vet forgives them.
Nathan Phillips on viral encounter with Nick Sandmann: ‘I forgive him’
Where were they supposed to go? Into the road?
Ironic yet appropriate for a democrat fascist to put the onus of liberty forfeiture onto Americans standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Where were the chaperones when the Hebrews were yelling at them, they should of got the boys out of range at the bus stop. Where do you think they went, it ended when the bus came.
--------------------------------------------------- your postings and advice represent the COWARDS way of handling things Penny !!
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

So moral of the story is white boys should always run away when confronted by hateful bigots.

What a message.
---------------------------------------------- yeah , run away and hide rather than confront is what the lefty side wants and thats a bad strategy for normal American kids .

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