Mail-in voting; it's the cat's MEOW!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Well, I guess it always just part of the pattern of discrimination we see in The Democrat Party. I mean allowing dead people to vote...indeed encouraging the practice....but not including our closest friends.

Fortunately (?) those days are over and the discrimination is over!

Deceased cat gets voter registration application in mail

Imagine that! Not even 21 but deceased and therefore eligible! Ah well, Democrats have to suck on every straw if they want to get rid of that Republican governor!


Now there are dogs running rampant in Atlanta streets barking about how pissed off they are at not being allowed EQUAL OPPORTUNITY.

But it won't happen Dogs are Man's Best Friend and that use of "man" means they have to be put down! Democrats won't lift a paw to help them. Fortunately (or maybe not......) dogs can't light matches, throw gasoline or even snap a Zippo.
"The Secretary of State’s Office said it’s quite sure that even if Cody were still alive and showed up at the polls, he wouldn’t be allowed to vote since he does not have a license or state ID. "

What if he "planned" on voting by mail?!? Why do these people think everyone is stupid?

Absentee vs mail in ballot in Georgia how it works ...

ATLANTA — Many households are beginning to receive the absentee ballot request forms that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office is sending to every voter in the state.
The secretary of state's office is hoping to encourage more mail-in voting with the ballots, in a state where about 95 percent of ballots are cast in person, to try and relieve some of the pressure at the polls during the coronavirus pandemic.
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.

And she would have been spending time in Prison for Voter Fraud which is a Felony.
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.

And she would have been spending time in Prison for Voter Fraud which is a Felony.
That's very doubtful. How would she have possibly got caught?
Certainly not you. You aren't smart enough to keep them voting in person much less by mail in voting. Luckily, others a lot smarter than you are are in charge.
If they were smarter than me, they would STOP mail-in voting dead in its tracks, and would monitor closely any mail-in votes already sent in. And luckily, I'm a lot smarter than you. :laugh:
Certainly not you. You aren't smart enough to keep them voting in person much less by mail in voting. Luckily, others a lot smarter than you are are in charge.
If they were smarter than me, they would STOP mail-in voting dead in its tracks, and would monitor closely any mail-in votes already sent in. And luckily, I'm a lot smarter than you. :laugh:

We have had 3 cases of Mailin Voter Fraud in 2018 and all have been by Republicans. One was the State Chair for the Republican Party (may he rot in prison). We have before election audits, audits during the election and the after election audits. If it's handled properly, it works great. The only other problem we had for 2018 was when the Republican County Clerk ignored an entire drop box. The Audit showed where it would have made little difference but it shows that even in a well run system, The Party of the Rump still cheats and then says the other side cheats. The sad part of this is, the County Clerk currently still has her job because the other Party of the Rumpsters banded behind her and no recall was possible. But barring that, the Mailin Voting has been a resounding success.
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.

And she would have been spending time in Prison for Voter Fraud which is a Felony.
That's very doubtful. How would she have possibly got caught?

In Colorado, the Audits would find it. Having mailin voting or even Polling Voting without the Audits is a recipe for voting fraud. But you would be surprised at how many states don't bother.
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.

And she would have been spending time in Prison for Voter Fraud which is a Felony.
Its a felony! Bwhahahaaa!
I know a woman who got an absentee ballot for her dead cat here in Ohio. Her intention wasn't to vote fraudulently. She was just obsessed with gathering official government documents that prove her stuffed dead cat is actually a live person. If she would have sent the ballot in she would have lost the document.

And she would have been spending time in Prison for Voter Fraud which is a Felony.
That's very doubtful. How would she have possibly got caught?

In Colorado, the Audits would find it. Having mailin voting or even Polling Voting without the Audits is a recipe for voting fraud. But you would be surprised at how many states don't bother.
How would the audit catch her?
We have had 3 cases of Mailin Voter Fraud in 2018 and all have been by Republicans. One was the State Chair for the Republican Party (may he rot in prison). We have before election audits, audits during the election and the after election audits. If it's handled properly, it works great. The only other problem we had for 2018 was when the Republican County Clerk ignored an entire drop box. The Audit showed where it would have made little difference but it shows that even in a well run system, The Party of the Rump still cheats and then says the other side cheats. The sad part of this is, the County Clerk currently still has her job because the other Party of the Rumpsters banded behind her and no recall was possible. But barring that, the Mailin Voting has been a resounding success.
You DON'T KNOW how many cases of Mail-in voter fraud there have been in 2018, or any other year. There are many of them (all for Democrat candidates) from illegal aliens here in the US, as well as possibly MILLIONS more, from outside the US from people already deported.

Yup. Mail-in in voting is a "resounding success" all right - FOR DEMOCRATS, who depend upon it, and the illegal voting it supports. Maybe you thought Democrats only support amnesty, citizenship, and sanctuary for illegal aliens, because they're just soooo compassionate, huh ? Democrats don't care about what is immoral or illegal, though. They are scum of the earth opportunists, who will destroy the country in any way, shape, or form, to get power for themselves, BAMN.
In Colorado, the Audits would find it. Having mailin voting or even Polling Voting without the Audits is a recipe for voting fraud. But you would be surprised at how many states don't bother.
Audits cannot "find" illegal voting by illegal aliens. It goes on rampantly all over the country. The government should stop it, by requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, and to vote.

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