Maine now arresting domestic abuse VICTIMS to make them testify


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The real reason this is being done is because so many women are making false abuse charges against men in hopes of getting money out of them in exchange for recanting their accusation.

Maine law allows police to arrest victims to make sure they testify | Police State USA

September 23, 2013
HandcuffsCHELSEA, ME — A battered woman was arrested by police in an effort to force her to testify against her abuser. She was detained without charges, locked in a cage, and a bail was set. The startling practice of arresting the victim is actually legal in Maine, thanks to a seldom used statute.

Jessica Ruiz, 35, was the alleged victim of domestic violence at the hands of 45-year-old Robert Robinson, Jr., in an April incident. On September 17, police arrested Ruiz to make sure she testified against Robinson.

Maeghan Maloney, district attorney in Kennebec and Somerset counties, was elected last year after campaigning on a zero-tolerance policy on domestic violence. She defended her decision to arrest the victim, saying “I would rather have to explain why she was arrested than why she was dead.”
Alleged domestic abuse victim.

Personally I think if you're going to make the criminal charge you should be required to testify.
Actually, many women don't want to testify is because of reliving the whole ordeal on the stand in front of a courtroom, then having your ex's lawyer belittle and make a mockery of the woman's pain.
For a moment there, I though ShootSpeeders was actually going to post something thought provoking and human. Then I read this -

The real reason this is being done is because so many women are making false abuse charges against men in hopes of getting money out of them in exchange for recanting their accusation.

Sumar is correct -
Actually, many women don't want to testify is because of reliving the whole ordeal on the stand in front of a courtroom, then having your ex's lawyer belittle and make a mockery of the woman's pain.

From the article:
She defended her decision to arrest the victim, saying “I would rather have to explain why she was arrested than why she was dead.”

Since men usually get off with very light or no sentence, it really serves only to make him angrier and you can bet he will take it out on her.

Where will the cops be then?

SHAME on this
For many it is because they have no other life and way to support themselves. A woman with children who doesn't have a job or a very low paying job can't afford to send the guy to beat her to jail. She might want to when she's angry that night the cops came, but a few weeks later when she's had time to think about her situation and hear the usual apologies and vows to never do it again she chooses a different route. Otherwise maybe homeless etc.
The real reason this is being done is because so many women are making false abuse charges against men in hopes of getting money out of them in exchange for recanting their accusation.
Hah spoken like a wife-beater with firsthand experience making excuses.
What the police should do is set this woman and her kids up in a safe house. There, they would help this woman find a place to live and help her get a job.
Actually, many women don't want to testify is because of reliving the whole ordeal on the stand in front of a courtroom, then having your ex's lawyer belittle and make a mockery of the woman's pain.

HAHAHA. How many times have we heard that liberal crap? Sorry,but people know the truth. Like rape accusations, domestic abuse accusations have become a shakedown tactic.
What the police should do is set this woman and her kids up in a safe house. There, they would help this woman find a place to live and help her get a job.

You're assuming she's telling the truth and that is by no means certain. This is a shakedown.
We should outlaw or ban human relationships, think of all the lives that would be saved.
For many it is because they have no other life and way to support themselves. A woman with children who doesn't have a job or a very low paying job can't afford to send the guy to beat her to jail. She might want to when she's angry that night the cops came, but a few weeks later when she's had time to think about her situation and hear the usual apologies and vows to never do it again she chooses a different route. Otherwise maybe homeless etc.

BS - it's all about shaking the guy down for money. Once they get their money they tell the cops "i changed my mind".

You are making a fool of yourself for denying what everyone knows.
We should outlaw or ban human relationships, think of all the lives that would be saved.

No - but women should be told "if your hub or bf abuses you, then leave him". When they stick around, everyone knows they made the accusations up.
For many it is because they have no other life and way to support themselves. A woman with children who doesn't have a job or a very low paying job can't afford to send the guy to beat her to jail. She might want to when she's angry that night the cops came, but a few weeks later when she's had time to think about her situation and hear the usual apologies and vows to never do it again she chooses a different route. Otherwise maybe homeless etc.

Very correct. They go back until they die. He never changes. She does. She becomes more accepting of being beaten, taking pride when it's not too bad, a couple of black eyes instead of a broken arm.

These women need to be arrested. It will ultimately do them some good. Living in the abuse revolving door never will.
Actually, many women don't want to testify is because of reliving the whole ordeal on the stand in front of a courtroom, then having your ex's lawyer belittle and make a mockery of the woman's pain.
All of that is true, but if you want the actual nightmare to end, you have to go through what would hopefully be just a one time thing unlike however many times the woman was beaten.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. And if going down the legal road ends up being a dead end, the girl will definitely have a right to be ready to defend herself should the nightmare continue. :) :) :)
Actually, many women don't want to testify is because of reliving the whole ordeal on the stand in front of a courtroom, then having your ex's lawyer belittle and make a mockery of the woman's pain.

very true
What the police should do is set this woman and her kids up in a safe house. There, they would help this woman find a place to live and help her get a job.

and who is going to pay for that?
Very correct. They go back until they die. He never changes. She does. She becomes more accepting of being beaten, taking pride when it's not too bad, a couple of black eyes instead of a broken arm.

These women need to be arrested. It will ultimately do them some good. Living in the abuse revolving door never will.

What they oughta do is leave the guy. What's so forking complicated about that.? You brainless liberals always say "but they can't" and that's BS.

They stick around cause they need a man to sponge off of. The morons refuse to fend for themselves.

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