Mainstream media Chase after Hillary like adoring fans do

get that Van she "supposedly" riding in

ALL black, blacked out windows, cost the taxpayers gawd knows how much money for her COMFORT... and she's so important she probably has armed guards driving.

These Politicians Believe they are our ROYALITY are so frikken PHONY
I can hear Hilary now....go slow so they they think they have a chance.
You can bet she was cackling like a loon the whole time...hell I would have been.
The dude in the orange pants would have had me in tears of laughter.
Somebody needs to add some Monty Python music to it stat!!
Aren't these idiots embarrassed. What has happened to the media is this country:eusa_eh:

We shouldn't blame the Main Stream Media. It's the general public that's eager for any event that produces emotional highs. We're interested in sports, weather, world events, elections, the economy, religion, science, education, the government in general, the stock market, immigration, wars, energy, the environment, natural disasters, plane crashes, train derailments, chemical spills, corruption, murder trials, movie stars, celebrities, war heroes, animal rescues, world records broken, obituaries, and other media coverage. The Main Stream Media is simply feeding our need for news, any news. This forum is a prime example of the media's influence on all of us. How many times a day do we discuss and debate what we hear and read in the news? We should be thankful for the modern day technology that allows us to be kept well informed on anything happening around the globe in real-time. We're very lucky and fortunate to live in an era of Hi-tech and advanced innovations that allows us to educate ourselves from our own homes.

Hillary is news, and the general public creates the demand capitalized on by the Main Stream Media. Remember, this is the beginning of campaign season for 2016. We'll be fed tens of thousands of these stories between now and election day. If a candidate farts, the media will do its damnedest to enable us to smell it.
Ran Paul has to chase the media to get attention, same with Rubio, and they think they can win.....
LOL.... the mainstream media is part of her constituency.. What does Hillary stand for again?
Aren't these idiots embarrassed. What has happened to the media is this country:eusa_eh:

We shouldn't blame the Main Stream Media. It's the general public that's eager for any event that produces emotional highs. We're interested in sports, weather, world events, elections, the economy, religion, science, education, the government in general, the stock market, immigration, wars, energy, the environment, natural disasters, plane crashes, train derailments, chemical spills, corruption, murder trials, movie stars, celebrities, war heroes, animal rescues, world records broken, obituaries, and other media coverage. The Main Stream Media is simply feeding our need for news, any news. This forum is a prime example of the media's influence on all of us. How many times a day do we discuss and debate what we hear and read in the news? We should be thankful for the modern day technology that allows us to be kept well informed on anything happening around the globe in real-time. We're very lucky and fortunate to live in an era of Hi-tech and advanced innovations that allows us to educate ourselves from our own homes.

Hillary is news, and the general public creates the demand capitalized on by the Main Stream Media. Remember, this is the beginning of campaign season for 2016. We'll be fed tens of thousands of these stories between now and election day. If a candidate farts, the media will do its damnedest to enable us to smell it.

Nobody gives a shit what Hillary is doing at this point ...Please:rolleyes-41:
"Mainstream media Chase after Hillary like adoring fans do"

The ridiculous right: whining about 'the media' rather than addressing the issues – which is understandable given the fact conservatives lose on the issues.
get that Van she "supposedly" riding in

ALL black, blacked out windows, cost the taxpayers gawd knows how much money for her COMFORT... and she's so important she probably has armed guards driving.

These Politicians Believe they are our ROYALITY are so frikken PHONY

Hillary is royalty in her own mind.:cuckoo:
"Mainstream media Chase after Hillary like adoring fans do"

The ridiculous right: whining about 'the media' rather than addressing the issues – which is understandable given the fact conservatives lose on the issues.
What issues does Hillary stand for? She's a fraud and you're an admirer. She doesn't stand for anything really, but herself.
Isn't she special?

Hillary Clinton Parks Luxury Van in Handicapped Parking Spot In Desperate Appeal to Youth Voters


Hillary Clinton Parks Luxury Van in Handicapped Parking Spot In Desperate Appeal to Youth Voters Washington Free Beacon

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