Majority of Americans agree with President Trump on Temporary Immigration


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...freeze Executive Order...

The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know.

Exclusive: Trump's travel ban polarizes America - Reuters/Ipsos poll


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government approves its ability to screen out potential terrorists from coming here.

Most Support Temporary Ban on Newcomers from Terrorist Havens - Rasmussen Reports™
Democrats on the wrong side of popular opinion again.

Keep up the good work liberals...with your help we'll have a super majority in 2018.

As a side note...notice left leaning Reuters headline spun negatively...Not "Majority supports Trump Order" but instead "Trump Order polarizes US".
the rest of libtard america
And 3M illegals voted for Hilary, and Don's inauguration was the biggest ever, and Mexico will pay for The Wall, and "alternative facts" are reality,
Right wingers will ALWAYS have Rasmussen to "poll" what they want to hear.
Oh, the Alternate Factoids continue from the Alt Right.

The majority of Americans know what the far right is up to.
The top poll is a Reuters/Ipsos that is only two hours old....whoops!

Reading is hard for you....obviously....Here, from the Reuters/Ipsos poll....nothing for Trumpsters to brag about....

In the Reuters/Ipsos poll some 31 percent of people said the ban made them feel "more safe," while 26 percent said it made them feel "less safe." Another 33 percent said it would not make any difference and the rest said they don't know.
The top poll is a Reuters/Ipsos that is only two hours old....whoops!

Reading is hard for you....obviously....Here, from the Reuters/Ipsos poll....nothing for Trumpsters to brag about....

In the Reuters/Ipsos poll some 31 percent of people said the ban made them feel "more safe," while 26 percent said it made them feel "less safe." Another 33 percent said it would not make any difference and the rest said they don't know.

Not hard at all...I put it right in the OP for you...

The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know.

Exclusive: Majority Agree with Trump's travel - Reuters/Ipsos poll

Now, let me hit you with some math...31 percent is more than 26 percent. If 33 percent say it would not make any difference...we call that 'better safe than sorry".

And 49 percent is more than 41 are on the losing side should be getting used to it by now.
Not hard at all...I put it right in the OP for you...

The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know.

Exclusive: Majority Agree with Trump's travel - Reuters/Ipsos poll

Now, let me hit you with some math...31 percent is more than 26 percent. If 33 percent say it would not make any difference...we call that 'better safe than sorry".

And 49 percent is more than 41 are on the losing side should be getting used to it by now.

By all means....grasp at everything a WIN and place that picture of Trump over your bed.....LOL
By all means....grasp at everything a WIN and place that picture of Trump over your bed.....LOL

It shouldn't have even been a fight...restricting immigration from terrorist infiltrated failed states should be a no-brainer...but you decided to pick this fight, not on the merits...but because it was Trump who did it...and you are losing that fight...again.

Now, I can't mess around with you to go get pizza and watch Trump pick the next Supreme Court Justice.

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