Majority of Swedes have lost faith in their future

Are you optimistic about the future of Sweden?

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May 21, 2015
The entire 63 percent of Swedes believe that Sweden in the wrong direction, according to a new survey from Novus.There is a sharp increase compared to March when the same question was asked.

Sweden Democrats' supporters are the ones that look most bleak future - 93 percent of them believe that Sweden is going the wrong direction.The corresponding figure among Alliance voters, 64 percent and 49 percent for the red-green voters.

Source: Sex av tio svenskar har tappat framtidstron Fria Tider

Translation: Google Translate

I'll start by saying that I think there are some things that Sweden does right and should be praised for, but the extreme political correctness and unwillingness to allow any criticism of the status quo (unrestricted immigration, lack of integration, etc.) is destroying the country.

What do you guys think about this news?
No surprises here, Sweden is doomed to a slow death of becoming the first 3rd world country since the iron curtain fell, as long as it maintains its self as a humanitarian capitol of the planet. Their basically economically killing themselves because they cant afford to keep accepting immigrants at the rate they have. Theirs nothing wrong with being a humanitarian, and accepting immigration in a practical way, i support immigration tremendously, There is however, a shit ton wrong with neglecting your native populace and running basically uncontrolled immigration policies, and excessively pandering to minorities.
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Sweden is becoming a Islamic third world hell hole. COngrats man hating femnazi'sssss... Now you're going to be ruled by people that are going to treat you like trash.
If people loose faith, it's bad news. Personally I sometimes feel that there is no clear direction at all. Frustrating.

A lot of issues exists that has an uncertainty to them:

Are we going to stay neutral? Last week US B52's conducted exercises with our airforce. Have we already changed stance?

Are the reception of fugitives good or bad? Should we enforce restrictions or not?

Our government is in minority, can coherent decisions be made?

The foreign policy, focusing on human (soft) values are upsetting both Muslim nations and Israel, making it hard to middle.

Events around also unfolds around that are out of our control. What's going to happen with the union? What's going on with Russia?
Yo, Sweden is a sign of the future of the U.S.A., and the Sociaist Progressive Democrats in this Country!
You can start counting down now!

If they keep bringing in 80,000 to 100,000 muslims and non-whites per year...Sweden is going to be transformed into a fucking shit hole in the next 20 years.

This must be stopped and woman need to start having more white Swedish babies.
Europe is being invaded by non-Europeans of every religion. There is no solution unfortunately. If Italy started sinking those boats full of migrants, the state would be sanctioned, if they didn't save them and let them drown they would criticized and the leaders would probably face indictment.
The entire 63 percent of Swedes believe that Sweden in the wrong direction, according to a new survey from Novus.There is a sharp increase compared to March when the same question was asked.

Sweden Democrats' supporters are the ones that look most bleak future - 93 percent of them believe that Sweden is going the wrong direction.The corresponding figure among Alliance voters, 64 percent and 49 percent for the red-green voters.

Source: Sex av tio svenskar har tappat framtidstron Fria Tider

Translation: Google Translate

I'll start by saying that I think there are some things that Sweden does right and should be praised for, but the extreme political correctness and unwillingness to allow any criticism of the status quo (unrestricted immigration, lack of integration, etc.) is destroying the country.

What do you guys think about this news?

Think that you used terms of 'unrestricted immigration' and 'lack of integration' suggests you're the one with a problem, not Sweden.

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