Make your own hydroxychloroquinine at home!!!!!

Trump sent out checks for $trillions to buy votes
Every liberal is free to send those checks back. Especially the ones who have effectivly zero tax liability after refund.
Frankly I consider it a rebate of the 9,000 I actually had confiscated from my income last year which was taxes paid "after " my meager refund.
I didn't get a check, because I am a job creator.
Regardless of political party, there will always be some people who look for ways to remove themselves from the gene pool.
Hydroxychloroquine is extremely cardiotoxic. If you take it make sure you have your affairs in order.
Wow................just when I didn't think it could get crazier, last night on Inside Edition, I saw a story about where people are putting up videos of how to make your own hydroxychloroquinine using fruit rinds.

Others were saying that you could get a dose of quinine by drinking seltzer water. And, while seltzer water DOES contain quinine, you would have to drink 6 gallons of it per day to have any real effect.

Snake oil salesmen are everywhere people, be careful, and don't believe everything you read on YouTube.

Pro-Trump conspiracy theorists are sharing recipes for homemade hydroxychloroquine using fruit rinds after the president revealed he's taking the drug to avoid catching COVID-19
  • A promoter of the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory recently shared a DIY recipe for hydroxychloroquine using the rinds of citrus fruits
  • The recipe was posted on a Twitter thread urging people to drink the concoction 'if you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap'
  • The thread has been retweeted nearly 2,000 times
  • Health experts have strenuously condemned the use of self-prescribed remedies for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19
  • The frenzy over hydroxychloroquine intensified this week after President Trump announced he's been taking the drug for weeks to prevent infection
  • Several Trump allies subsequently announced they're also taking the drug
tRumptini anyone?
Why not just inject bleach, like DearLeader recommended?
You lose credibility when you keep pushing something that is a clear lie.
Except that it isn't.
I've seen the video where President Trump asks about injecting disinfectant as a possible treatment. Is there another one where he says to inject bleach? Please post a link, it seems you Trump haters have exclusive rights to this blockbuster.
Why not just inject bleach, like DearLeader recommended?
You lose credibility when you keep pushing something that is a clear lie.
Except that it isn't.
I've seen the video where President Trump asks about injecting disinfectant as a possible treatment. Is there another one where he says to inject bleach? Please post a link, it seems you Trump haters have exclusive rights to this blockbuster.
Lol, look at you, splitting those hairs!

Ain't she cute, guys?
Trump sent out checks for $trillions to buy votes
Every liberal is free to send those checks back. Especially the ones who have effectivly zero tax liability after refund.
Frankly I consider it a rebate of the 9,000 I actually had confiscated from my income last year which was taxes paid "after " my meager refund.
I didn't get a check, because I am a job creator.
Interesting, were you able to remain open or did you have to close your business?
Why not just inject bleach, like DearLeader recommended?
You lose credibility when you keep pushing something that is a clear lie.
Except that it isn't.
I've seen the video where President Trump asks about injecting disinfectant as a possible treatment. Is there another one where he says to inject bleach? Please post a link, it seems you Trump haters have exclusive rights to this blockbuster.
Lol, look at you, splitting those hairs!

Ain't she cute, guys?
Let's see how many Trump haters agree with you that bleach and disinfectant are equivalent. This will be interesting. Come on guys, ain't I cute?
Let's see how many Trump haters agree with you that bleach and disinfectant are equivalent.

Are you denying bleach is a disinfectant?

Just how much bleach have you injected?
More deception and twisting from a Trump hater. Business as usual. Unless you are mentally challenged you know very well that disinfectant describes a wide range of chemicals SOME OF WHICH are most certainly injected in certain circumstances. But you have your precious "bleach" lie and you cling to it like a little child.

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