Male teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender, Banned from Interne

Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?
Teens cannot have consensual sex. The prison term is justified and legal. Think about how the girl's father and mother feel about a boy violating their precious daughter.

According to articles about the case (both the OP link and another link embedded within it) the girl and her mother both asked the judge to dismiss the case, to show leniency, and the girl is quoted as saying something along the lines of 'why can't I be in trouble for this, too?'. Everything I have read about this makes it seem as though the judge decided to be a hardass. The boy is a first time offender, was apparently deceived by the girl regarding her age, and supposedly there is a provision in the state law which allows leniency in cases like this where the offender is under 21, yet still the kid is going to be on a sex offender list for 25 years.

Perhaps there are facts not presented in the articles, but based on the information provided, this sounds like an overly harsh sentence.
How many times does 19 go into 14 anyway? If he couldn't tell she was that young, fuck him.
He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
You might have a valid point if this fellow went out of his way to seductively encourage the girl to lie down with him -- but he didn't. Please consider the fact that all fourteen year-olds are not the same, either physically, biologically, or psychologically, and that girls mature much sooner than boys. An attractive, sexually mature fourteen year-old girl can easily seduce a relatively immature, inexperienced nineteen year-old boy by weakening his will and ability to resist her.

If you doubt that please research the history of Traci Lords who became a widely popular porn star at age fifteen by lying about her age. Traci Lords - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

As the father of three girls (now married mothers) I can assure you as adolescents all young girls think they are "women" and must be closely and lovingly supervised to protect them from themselves.
Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.
Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.

So leave.
What are Facebook and Twitter good for? Nothing but gossip, bullying, sexual predators, beat down videos, and now people murdering others to impress their followers. ISIS is a big user....the feds keep track of every post. You can lose your job by posting drunk or ranting. So my question again.....what good is the "social media" doing and why shouldn't it all be shut down for good?
His ignorance is no excuse. If he thought with a different head he would not have put himself in this position.
What are Facebook and Twitter good for? Nothing but gossip, bullying, sexual predators, beat down videos, and now people murdering others to impress their followers. ISIS is a big user....the feds keep track of every post. You can lose your job by posting drunk or ranting. So my question again.....what good is the "social media" doing and why shouldn't it all be shut down for good?

Shut down by who, the government?
... So my question again.....what good is the "social media" doing and why shouldn't it all be shut down for good?

You'd think a fake Marine would have more respect for the Constitution than to post such nonsense.
Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?
Teens cannot have consensual sex. The prison term is justified and legal. Think about how the girl's father and mother feel about a boy violating their precious daughter.

That's in the article quoted in the OP:

Does anyone thinking treating him this way is necessary to keep kids safe? Anderson and his family certainly don’t.

Neither does his supposed underage victim. The girl readily admitted that she lied about her age, and in this WSBT-TV interview her mother admitted that Anderson “didn't do anything my daughter didn’t do.” Everyone agrees the encounter was completely consensual. The only reason the police became involved at all is because the girl suffers from epilepsy, and when she didn't come home as quickly as expected her mom worried and called the cops for help.

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."
What are Facebook and Twitter good for? Nothing but gossip, bullying, sexual predators, beat down videos, and now people murdering others to impress their followers. ISIS is a big user....the feds keep track of every post. You can lose your job by posting drunk or ranting. So my question again.....what good is the "social media" doing and why shouldn't it all be shut down for good?

Once the cat's out of the bag you can't put it back in.
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.

So leave.
Fuck off, dipshit
He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.

So leave.
Fuck off, dipshit

No. If you are unsatisfied with "this country," then LEAVE. We have no need for you.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.

So leave.
Fuck off, dipshit

No. If you are unsatisfied with "this country," then LEAVE. We have no need for you.
I didn't say that I'm unsatisfied with this country, fucktard. I said this country is too prude. When a 19 yr old's life is ruined for having CONSENSTUAL sex with a minor who admittedly misled him about her age, then there's something seriously wrong with the legal system in this country. Leave? No thanks. I'll stay and hope to see changes for the better.
You sir have the morals of an alley cat.
You, sir, have the morals of a 1800s schoolhouse teacher. The year is 2015. A 19 yr old going to prison for having sex with a 14 yr old passing herself off as a 17 yr old is way wrong and over the top. If he were 40? Yeah ok. But 19? That's fucking ridiculous. This country is way too prude.

So leave.
Fuck off, dipshit

No. If you are unsatisfied with "this country," then LEAVE. We have no need for you.
I didn't say that I'm unsatisfied with this country...

Sure seems like it. Bye, forget to write!
he should be punished for the act, as it was statutory. However the labeling him as a sex offender is over the top. His purpose was to have sex with a 17 year old, which is legal, not a 14 year old. He shouldn't be lumped in with people who intend to have sex with 14 year olds.

We only have his word for it he didn't know she was 14.

What happens the next time he tries it and no one identified him properly.

Sorry, not getting upset over this guy.
he should be punished for the act, as it was statutory. However the labeling him as a sex offender is over the top. His purpose was to have sex with a 17 year old, which is legal, not a 14 year old. He shouldn't be lumped in with people who intend to have sex with 14 year olds.

We only have his word for it he didn't know she was 14.

What happens the next time he tries it and no one identified him properly.

Sorry, not getting upset over this guy.

His word, and her word, which her mother seems to believe.
So what's your solution? Give a 19 year old a pass for having sex with a 14 year old because she looks old for her age?

How about taking some time to get to know a girl before you have sex with her. You know, meet her parents and shit? That would have solved a lot of problems here.

I agree in part. However, the boy did not harm the girl, or threaten her. He didn't force himself on her, and treated her well. He isn't the same as other sex offenders simply because he didn't prey on this child. He deserves to be punished, but to have his life ruined for the next 25 years for an act which didn't harm anyone? I don't agree with that.

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