Man blocks black delivery driver in Oklahoma neighborhood

But this "driveway" road is a common road used by many others and one of those many others gave permission for me to be on that road. So how can you, as someone who had no knowledge of the permission given, lawfully detain me on that road by refusing to let me leave simply because you were not privy to the permission given?
This all makes perfect sense. I'm sure you've stumped him.
White people ended slavery, that will never go away indeed. Always will be remembered as the least racist.
You know your statement above is like a domestic violence abuser believing he should get brownie points because he STOPPED abusing his victim.

They wouldn't have had to end slavery if they hadn't instituted it in the first place.
What's this "they"? Are whites a homogeneous block that whatever one white does the rest are responsible for?

Cuz that sounds awfully familiar...
Who was responsible for the racist laws enacted and enforced in the United States?

That's the "they" I'm referring to.
Maybe it was because he was a black racist? After all, if he had recognized the authority of the HOA Honky, and just told him the information he had to have, he would have been on his way.

What authority was he supposed to recognize in the HOA board member? That he was white? Because I bet there was no badge, no papers, no vehicle with a red light on top... The only authority to recognize was that the white guy was white... And, once more, you demonstrate your deep racism.
I get that...but if you felt you were "being held hostage" would you be worried about some grass? And why wouldn't he call the police?

And why wouldn't he tell them from whom he received the gate code?

I think we are in the same movie...two screens conundrum.

Ready for speculation?

I don't think they gave a crap about this guy being there. I think they wanted three person who came three gate code to a non-resident...because it compromised their security...and they wanted to give that person (the homeowner) a fine to teach them a lesson. Once they found out who it was...they were satisfied.

Further speculation...I think the driver KNEW he wasn't supposed to have the gate code. Thatthe homeowner had said he/she wasn't supposed to give it out...and the driver was trying to protect his customer (who may have been doing the driver a favor by allowing him to deliver during working hours instead of at night) which is completely admirable.

It was a minor thing to the driver and the homeowner...but HOAs take that stuff seriously.

Now...that's all just a theory...but it is as good a theory of not better than "everyone's a racist" and it explains a lot of the unexplainable in this story.

I'm not saying this is what but it could be.

We are too quick to jump to conclusions. And I just don't understand that. Just because the driver is black doesn't mean the root of the conflict is racism.

To be fair, the driver said he probably could have handled it better.
However, there is a bit of commonesense that should go around, too. How do they think the truck got through the gate in the first place? Smashed through the gate? Jumped it? Of course he had to have a password or key to get into the community.
This is entirely supposition...but I don't think this had anything to do with the driver or believing he wasn't supposed to be there or was committing a crime. I think they wanted to know who compromised their security by giving a delivery driver the pass code too the gate.

From what I've order for a guest (i.e. delivery driver) to be admitted to a gated community the homeowner must be present.

The homeowner gave the delivery company the pass code to bypass this because the homeowner wasn't on site.

This was the issue...that's why the HOA Representative said "we just want to know WHO gave you the code"... so they would know who to chastise.
You can't "lawfully" detain someone unless you have proof of a crime (like blood all over the driver
and a bloody axe in his hand). The most you can do is get information and relay it to the cops.
That no one on the pro racist side wants to acknowledge this is amazing.
"All we want to know is why you're in here and who gave you the gate code," the second man said. "That's all we need to know."

You vill teel us what vee vant to know.
The article doesn't say how they found out who three delivery went to. Called the drivers company? The homeowner came clean? Who knows.
The article indicated that the homeowner where the deliver had been made told the HOA agents to move
And you have no idea whether he did or didn't. You just label people as racist because all you judge them by is race. That makes you the racist.

Did you assume that I am white? Racist.
I assumed nothing at all about you. You proved you're a racist and I have no idea what race you are. If you think it changes the argument here, feel free to share. Otherwise, I don't care what race you are. I know you're an idiot, I know you're a racist. Beyond that, is there something else I need to know?
That doesn't sound right - the part about a private individual can stop you from leaving and question you.
It's a private road.

Imagine I live on a farm with a mile long driveway. As I drive in, I see you coming out. I position my truck so you can't proceed. I have every right to do's my property and my driveway. I can also question you "who are you and what are you doing here?"

You don't have to answer...but you also can't force me to move. You CAN call the police...and THEY can ask me to move...or comed out and investigate. Totally legal.

Same idea's a private road. That's why I don't understand why the driver didn't call the police.

Edit-these long quote streams are out of hand.
But this "driveway" road is a common road used by many others and one of those many others gave permission for me to be on that road. So how can you, as someone who had no knowledge of the permission given, lawfully detain me on that road by refusing to let me leave simply because you were not privy to the permission given?
Because I suspect there is a protocol for deliveries...and passcodes are for residents only. The use of the passcode in and of itself gave them probable cause...he shouldn't have had it...but he did. They wanted to know how he got it. You have to remember...this is all private property. It doesn't have to be about racism. Just the sign on the door off the van and the use of a passcode was all out may have taken...and the race of the driver was irrelevant.

Can you concede that this is possible?
And you have no idea whether he did or didn't. You just label people as racist because all you judge them by is race. That makes you the racist.

Did you assume that I am white? Racist.
I assumed nothing at all about you. You proved you're a racist and I have no idea what race you are. If you think it changes the argument here, feel free to share. Otherwise, I don't care what race you are. I know you're an idiot, I know you're a racist. Beyond that, is there something else I need to know?
Just like you've "proved" the HOA rep was a racist...right there in your own mind. I think you need a mirror.
There are racist people in every state. And not only was this not in Tulsa, no one that rioted in Tulsa in 1921 is still around.
And some states notoriously have more racists than others and Oklahoma is one of them.
Do you think the people that massacred an entire town of black people just all vanished into thin air
or didn't leave some sort of legacy for other violent racist assholes to follow?

Oklahoma City has quite a legacy of KKK participation themselves in case you are trying to
claim that sort of thing only happens in Tulsa or once upon a time.

Your link is historical and not about Oklahoma today. Your remark is unfounded and untrue. Yes, Oklahoma has racists. What state are you in? I'll be there are racists there, too.
I am sure he was 'delivering' something...grand theft probably.
No racism here, folks.
What? If a black comes into your neighborhood that you don't recognize and you are not are an idiot.

Racism here though.
The race card...accepting in empty liberal heads everywhere.

If a saw a cracker in my neighborhood...
If you saw a cracker in your neighborhood he would probably be there for cocaine, a prostitute or to evict you for failure to pay. You see...even when we commit crime we introduce money into the economy.
You can't "lawfully" detain someone unless you have proof of a crime (like blood all over the driver
and a bloody axe in his hand). The most you can do is get information and relay it to the cops.
That no one on the pro racist side wants to acknowledge this is amazing.
He wasnt detained. Quit using words you dont understand. At no time was he cuffed. His vehicle was blocked, but that isnt detainment. If it WAS detainment, Black Lives Matter would all be in prison right now for all the traffic they blocked.
I am sure he was 'delivering' something...grand theft probably.
No racism here, folks.
What? If a black comes into your neighborhood that you don't recognize and you are not are an idiot.

You're entitled to be a racist and suspicious because of the color of a man's skin. You're not entitled to act on your racism and block the black man, or any other man.

In my in-town house, I have an elaborate video surveillance system - I have one in my country house, too, but this story is about in town. I live on the end of a dead-end road but the dead end is adjacent to a main road. It's not unusual at all to see people walking down the street to cross the main road there. Since I know everyone on my block of the street I know when someone doesn't live there. I never felt the urge to go talk to or detain any of them. But I watch them all - regardless of color. It's a bit pointless when you think about it. If I'm not home, if I'm sleeping, if I'm not in the living room where the security monitor is, I don't see who's walking down the street and nothing happens. When I watch them, it's almost certain nothing is going to happen. But I watch because I have been burglarized before. But I watch them all; not just the black ones.

So, show us where Stewart watches them all..
All those cameras and not one gun I bet. You can watch them on your little monitor as thye walk right up to your front door to rob you blind.
“All we want to know is why you’re in here and who gave you the gate code,” the second homeowner said. “That’s all we need to know.”

That is a perfectly legitimate question, and here was his reply.....

Miller responded, “It’s none of your business. I’m going out, that’s where I’m going.”
Why would you think Miller should respond to them? Did Stewart have a badge? An official HOA vehicle or uniform? Miller had a company truck with a company uniform and Stewart wasn't supposed to accept that as evidence to back up Miller's story about why he was there yet Stewart had nothing except his word and Miller was supposed to accept just that alone? You're a fucking hypocrite and a racist if you think Miller should have just accepted Stewart because, afterall, Stewart was the white guy.
So instead of calling the cops, the black dude just recorded it all, hoping to create a Rodney King incident? Who’s the real profiling bigot in this one? Sounds like the black driver.

The "black dude" has a name. Travis Miller.

Travis Miller said that he made the video as protection against false claims about what was said. He didn't know it was going to be 37 minutes; he didn't know it was going viral. His fear was that the racist on the ground would lie about what Miller said, or didn't say, and use it against him with his employer. The video was the act of a smart man, under the circumstances, and of an apparently wise and gentleman, as well. He stayed calm in a situation where anger, perhaps even violence, would have been understandable.
The title calls him black driver so my label was relevant. Any normal person not looking to start a race riot would have called the police.
Another one to file under "working while black"
"My intention was never to go viral," Travis Miller said. "My intention was to cover myself in case he called my employer and said I did something other than what I did."

May 14, 2020, 1:33 PM PDT / Updated May 15, 2020, 11:14 AM PDT
By Janelle Griffith and Doha Madani

A black delivery driver was brought to tears while recording himself and a black co-worker as they were blocked from leaving a gated Oklahoma City neighborhood for nearly an hour by a white resident who demanded to know why they were there.
Travis Miller, who delivers home appliances and furniture, captured the incident Monday in a Facebook Live video that has gone viral. The 37-minute video had nearly 300,000 views by Thursday evening and had been shared more than 10,000 times.

Miller, like many of those who commented on the video, believe the encounter was racially motivated.

Miller, 42, told NBC News that his customer in Edmond gave him the code to get through the neighborhood's gate. After completing the delivery and as they were trying to exit, a man who identified himself as David Stewart and a board member of the homeowners' association can be seen on the video questioning Miller and his co-worker about why they were on his street.
A man by that name could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Miller said in the video that he was trying to make a U-turn and that as he turned around, the man was blocking him in with a white Subaru.

"If I go around him, I'm going to have to drive on somebody's property and I don't want to make a bad situation worse," Miller said in the video.

Miller repeatedly asked the man to move the car.

"I'm not moving," the man said. "All you have to do is tell me where you're going."

Miller refused, saying he did not have to tell the man anything.

Miller said Thursday that he kept his seat belt on, remained in the truck and recorded the encounter to protect himself and his colleague.

"My intention was never to go viral," Miller said in a phone interview Thursday. "My intention was to cover myself in case he called my employer and said I did something other than what I did."

He said he also did not want the situation to escalate, because he feared that if police had responded, he would have been perceived as the aggressor.

About 30 minutes into the encounter, a second white man confronted Miller.

"All we want to know is why you're in here and who gave you the gate code," the second man said. "That's all we need to know."

After Miller refused to reveal his client's personal information, the man who identified himself as Stewart said he was calling police.

At one point in the video, Miller can be seen with tears streaming down his face. He wipes his tears away with a blue bandanna before he, too, calls police.

The man who initially approached Miller can be seen in the video calling police to withdraw a report after he got in touch with Miller's customer.

Miller said he also called Edmond police to make sure the man had withdrawn his report.

Miller said his customer defused the situation by telling the two men to move.

"He said he was sorry it happened," Miller said. "He said those guys are overprotective of the neighborhood."

Capt. Larry Withrow of the Oklahoma City Police Department said Friday that officers did not go to the scene because the original caller who reported that "there was a trespasser in the subdivision" at 4:21 p.m. called back about 30 minutes later and cancelled the report. Withrow said a third call was placed at about 4:55 p.m. by a man who said he wanted to know if it was OK for him to leave the property.

Story continued here:
Man blocks black delivery driver in an Oklahoma neighborhood

Man blocks black delivery driver in an Oklahoma neighborhood
Well someone who did not get their delivery is going to be really pissed
"All we want to know is why you're in here and who gave you the gate code," the second man said. "That's all we need to know."

You vill teel us what vee vant to know.
The article doesn't say how they found out who three delivery went to. Called the drivers company? The homeowner came clean? Who knows.
The article indicated that the homeowner where the deliver had been made told the HOA agents to move
On the phone. Are you assuming the homeowner called the HOA rep? That could be. I assumed the opposite...that the HOA rep called the homeowner.

Aside...for some reason my phone keeps putting three where it should say the...I don't know why...guess I should proofread.

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