Man blocks black delivery driver in Oklahoma neighborhood

It wasn't that this guy was black, it was that he was inside the gate of a Gated Community and was not a resident.

Stewart could tell Miller was not a resident because Miller had a goatee? Or curly hair? Or was there some other physical characteristic about Miller that made Stewart assume Miller didn't live there?

Or, alternatively, Stewart knows and recognizes every resident of the neighborhood and, with no prejudice at all, knew that Miller didn't belong there? And we know there's no prejudice because Stewart has a provable record of stopping every person he ever sees in the neighborhood that is not in his internal memory bank of known residences?

Or, maybe you'll make the claim that Miller was the very first person that Stewart, though he'd lived there long enough to make himself known, run for office, and get elected to the HOA board, ever saw in the neighborhood who didn't live there.

Stewart could tell Miller wasn't a resident, because he knows his constituents as the chief of the HOA. Further, he knows the vehicles that belong to the community's residents and knew that none of the resident had furniture trucks
Another one to file under "working while black"....
Man blocks black delivery driver in an Oklahoma neighborhood
Just typical HOA Nazis thinking they can police the world.

When I drove delivery for a local paint company, I got stopped by HOA folks all the time down in the Potomac area. I just cooperated with them, gave them the info that they thought they needed and was off to do the delivery.

Why did the driver not tell them who the delivery was for?
Where in the law is the concept of furniture delivery- customer confidentiality? Just because someone drives a furniture truck, doesn't make them equivalent to a priest.
And by the same token how does some yokel in a Subaru suddenly take on the ability and authority to grill workers that enter a property like he is from the FBI?
No one is required to divulge private information to every racist Tom Dick and Harry that demands it.

It's none of their flippin' business and if he wants to know something he should go speak to the source.
In normal times, a Type I error is ho hum, and doesn't even make the local news, and that's how it still is for all Type I errors EXCEPT when the person making the error is white and the subject of the error is black. Then it is national news.

It's not ho hum when a man is held against his will, regardless of why. But when racism is the reason the person is held, that makes it national news. Racists need to be publicly shamed and shunned.

Only complete idiots can't find a better reason to like a person or dislike a person, one that goes any deeper than their skin color.
Not all HOA's are the same. We have hundreds of homes in my HOA and no roving patrol vehicle.
Some nazi's live here tho'.
That is true...but this one seems to have roving patrols , gate code restrictions and Nazis...and that's their prerogative. This delivery driver was on private property. The HOA administrator can park his car wherever he wants. He can control ingress and egress. He can block streets. The driver accepted that when he proceeded onto the soon as he dove thru the gate.

The DRIVER never called police...until he was concerned if he was free to leave. That doesn't sound like a hostage. It sounds like someone who knew he was in the wrong.
What happens when you call the police and then leave the area where you asked them to come?

The HOA president called the police & withdrew his request to have officers dispatched and then the driver did also according to what I read.
That is what I read also. The point is...if someone actual feels that they are being "held hostage" and they have a phone and keys to a vehicle...would they not call the police? It is the narrative...or asst best, hyperbole I reject.
Black people in America have a different experience than other groups, particularly whites. Not 100% of the time but on a consistent enough basis for us to have to be aware of things that we needed to be-on-the-lookout for in order to avoid being shot, killed, jailed, harrassed etc. unnecessarily. And not just on the interstate

The Negro Motorist Green Book

The Negro Motorist Green Book (also The Negro Motorist Green-Book, The Negro Travelers' Green Book, or simply the Green Book) was an annual guidebook for African-American roadtrippers. It was originated and published by African American, New York City mailman Victor Hugo Green from 1936 to 1966, during the era of Jim Crow laws, when open and often legally prescribed discrimination against African Americans especially and other non-whites was widespread. Although pervasive racial discrimination and poverty limited black car ownership, the emerging African-American middle class bought automobiles as soon as they could, but faced a variety of dangers and inconveniences along the road, from refusal of food and lodging to arbitrary arrest. In response, Green wrote his guide to services and places relatively friendly to African-Americans, eventually expanding its coverage from the New York area to much of North America, as well as founding a travel agency.

Many black Americans took to driving, in part to avoid segregation on public transportation. As the writer George Schuyler put it in 1930, "all Negroes who can do so purchase an automobile as soon as possible in order to be free of discomfort, discrimination, segregation and insult."[1] Black Americans employed as athletes, entertainers, and salesmen also traveled frequently for work purposes.

African-American travelers faced hardships such as white-owned businesses refusing to serve them or repair their vehicles, being refused accommodation or food by white-owned hotels, and threats of physical violence and forcible expulsion from whites-only "sundown towns". Green founded and published the Green Book to avoid such problems, compiling resources "to give the Negro traveler information that will keep him from running into difficulties, embarrassments and to make his trip more enjoyable."[2] The maker of a 2019 documentary film about the book offered this summary: "Everyone I was interviewing talked about the community that the Green Book created: a kind of parallel universe that was created by the book and this kind of secret road map that the Green Book outlined".[3]

Continued here:
The Negro Motorist Green Book - Wikipedia
Stewart could tell Miller wasn't a resident, because he knows his constituents as the chief of the HOA. Further, he knows the vehicles that belong to the community's residents and knew that none of the resident had furniture trucks

So you're sticking with the "he knows everyone who lives there and what they drive" argument. I can accept that. Please provide links to where he stopped each and every other person who he saw who didn't live there.
That is, by definition, NOT empirical evidence. That is what's known as anecdotal evidence. Using words you don't understand makes you look like a dunce attempting to sound intelligent.
That's real sharp thinking for a red necked moron! Empirical evidence is gathered by observation.
I observed through many delivery stops at security gates I often did not need any assistance to enter or leave a property because I was already given the access code.

Don't call me a dunce when you consistently deny this black driver was held hostage by some vigilante red
neck, speaking of people misusing words.
Grrr. Did you stamp your foot and shake your fist at the sky while you typed that?

The difference are only attempting (and failing) to insult me by calling me a redneck because you have lost control of your emotions...likely because you are a weak individual mentally.

I, on the other hand, know for a fact that you are both a dunce and an idiot... because you think a man can be "held hostage" for an hour in a vehicle with keys and a cell phone...but never drives away and never calls the police.

You have no argument.
Did you miss the part in the article where the driver said he couldn't get around the vehicle without trespassing on the property of someone other than the delivery customer? The fact that he was worried about being accused of criminal activity if he did that should tell you something about his state of mind, particularly in light of the recent shooting in Georgia of Ahmaud Abery which many are attempting to portray as having occurred as a result of an alleged trespass a few minutes earlier.
I get that...but if you felt you were "being held hostage" would you be worried about some grass? And why wouldn't he call the police?

And why wouldn't he tell them from whom he received the gate code?

I think we are in the same movie...two screens conundrum.

Ready for speculation?

I don't think they gave a crap about this guy being there. I think they wanted three person who came three gate code to a non-resident...because it compromised their security...and they wanted to give that person (the homeowner) a fine to teach them a lesson. Once they found out who it was...they were satisfied.

Further speculation...I think the driver KNEW he wasn't supposed to have the gate code. Thatthe homeowner had said he/she wasn't supposed to give it out...and the driver was trying to protect his customer (who may have been doing the driver a favor by allowing him to deliver during working hours instead of at night) which is completely admirable.

It was a minor thing to the driver and the homeowner...but HOAs take that stuff seriously.

Now...that's all just a theory...but it is as good a theory of not better than "everyone's a racist" and it explains a lot of the unexplainable in this story.

I'm not saying this is what but it could be.

We are too quick to jump to conclusions. And I just don't understand that. Just because the driver is black doesn't mean the root of the conflict is racism.
Another one to file under "working while black"....
Man blocks black delivery driver in an Oklahoma neighborhood
Just typical HOA Nazis thinking they can police the world.

When I drove delivery for a local paint company, I got stopped by HOA folks all the time down in the Potomac area. I just cooperated with them, gave them the info that they thought they needed and was off to do the delivery.

Why did the driver not tell them who the delivery was for?
You live in Maryland ?
Grrrr. Did You shake your fist add you posted that?

So...why didn't he call the police? I had a guy who would move blocking me from making a turn...refused to back up...and I couldn't back up. I have it on video. I called the cops. In 15 minutes they showed up and made him back up. No big deal. The guy was a dick but I wasn't going to just sit there and I couldn't force him to move. Same deal here. So why didn't he call the police?

Intimidated? Doesn't trust cops?
I don't know. He should have!
Especially since he was blocked.

Why did the dimwit use his private car to block him?
It's a private street. Just like I can block you in my driveway if I don't know why you're there or what you're doing. I can legally stand next to your bumper and keep you from moving...and if you push me in person or with your are the one who has committed a crime.

Weird how the law works.

The public has access to HOA roads. So public law applies to HOA roads except for one, and only one difference. And that is parking. Just like a private business can set rules on parking as long as they post signs, violaters will be towed, no parking signs, etc.
The public doesn't have access to a gated community. It is private a really long driveway.

The police can come...just like they can come to my driveway...but just like you relinquish rights...such as the right to bear arms...on private property...a private individual can stop you from leaving and question you...similar to shopkeepers privilege in those private parking lots.
That doesn't sound right - the part about a private individual can stop you from leaving and question you.
Are you really from The Blow Me state? In that case, blow me!
Your little petty insults really are telling. They tell me you cannot keep your head above water.
And the meltdown continues. You should lie down and count backwards from 1000 until you can reign in your emotions.
What a shocker the racists here assume because the men who stopped him were white racism had to be their motivation.

There could have been any number of motivations here. Maybe it is against the rules of the Homeowners Association to receive deliveries of furniture on certain days or times- so they know it couldn't have been a delivery?

which is why they asked who he was and where he was going. Instead of answering that simple question he decided to make an issue out of it.

They had every right to ask - even though they only asked the black man. Nothing can prevent an asshole from being an asshole and nothing can prevent a racist from being a racist. They can ask and Miller can tell them to fuck off and keep driving. It's when they blocked his way that it became illegal.

In my in-town home I described above, where I live at the very end of the cul-de-sac, there was a car parked there for over an hour one day, with a guy sitting in it. Since he didn't go to any house and wasn't parked in front of any house, but right at the end of the road, crossways across the road, it was a bit suspicious. I went out and asked him what he was doing there. He told me he was a bail-bondsman and was watching for a guy in an apartment across the main road. I wasn't happy with my quiet street being used for what could become dangerous but couldn't do anything about it; I went back in the house.

The bail-bondsman could have told me to fuck off; that it was none of my business. I would simply have called the cops and gone back in the house. The cops might come; they might not... But that would have been the extent of my "authority" to do anything. I could watch him, outside or the convenience of my living room, all I wanted. What I couldn't legally do is block him in.
Black people in America have a different experience than other groups, particularly whites. Not 100% of the time but on a consistent enough basis for us to have to be aware of things that we needed to be-on-the-lookout for in order to avoid being shot, killed, jailed, harrassed etc. unnecessarily. And not just on the interstate
These keyboard crime busters make me laugh. Why didn't this driver just call the cops? Why didn't he just cooperate with the person badgering him? Why didn't he tell the man what he wanted to know?

I don't think anyone can simply magically put themselves in this man's shoes and tell him how he should
have responded. Apparently he was moved to tears by this blowhard who wouldn't let him leave.

I'm truly stunned by the ignorance of some of these racists, and that's not a word I throw around lightly.
I've had run ins with several of them here and they are all like virulent rabid animals (not that the black
supremacist contingent here is any better).

My father was from Missouri (which I have always called the state of Misery, for good reason due to his whole nutty extended family) and I've known my share of Texans and Oklahoman deep fried racists.
I would never paint everyone with one wide brush stroke, but when it comes to these people I think
a roller would be appropriate sometimes.
So instead of calling the cops, the black dude just recorded it all, hoping to create a Rodney King incident? Who’s the real profiling bigot in this one? Sounds like the black driver.

The "black dude" has a name. Travis Miller.

Travis Miller said that he made the video as protection against false claims about what was said. He didn't know it was going to be 37 minutes; he didn't know it was going viral. His fear was that the racist on the ground would lie about what Miller said, or didn't say, and use it against him with his employer. The video was the act of a smart man, under the circumstances, and of an apparently wise and gentleman, as well. He stayed calm in a situation where anger, perhaps even violence, would have been understandable.
That doesn't sound right - the part about a private individual can stop you from leaving and question you.
It's a private road.

Imagine I live on a farm with a mile long driveway. As I drive in, I see you coming out. I position my truck so you can't proceed. I have every right to do's my property and my driveway. I can also question you "who are you and what are you doing here?"

You don't have to answer...but you also can't force me to move. You CAN call the police...and THEY can ask me to move...or comed out and investigate. Totally legal.

Same idea's a private road. That's why I don't understand why the driver didn't call the police.

Edit-these long quote streams are out of hand.
White people ended slavery, that will never go away indeed. Always will be remembered as the least racist.
You know your statement above is like a domestic violence abuser believing he should get brownie points because he STOPPED abusing his victim.

They wouldn't have had to end slavery if they hadn't instituted it in the first place.

As far as tracking said racist behaviors back to slavery, from where do you think they originated, this attitude that white people have the right and authority to stop and question black people anywhere we're found? If you knew a little bit more about all American history instead of the whitewashed version apparently taught in our schools (I was taught the same things) you'd be a little bit more knowledgeable.
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What a shocker the racists here assume because the men who stopped him were white racism had to be their motivation.
The racists are the ones denying that race was a factor.
White people ended slavery, that will never go away indeed. Always will be remembered as the least racist.
You know your statement above is like a domestic violence abuser believing he should get brownie points because he STOPPED abusing his victim.

They wouldn't have had to end slavery if they hadn't instituted it in the first place.
Say it again sister!

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