Man blocks black delivery driver in Oklahoma neighborhood

You've never been to Oklahoma. If you had you wouldn't make such an absurd statement. Please refrain from opining on topics on which you are woefully ignorant.
You don't know where I've been. Don't pretend you do.

And I've had neighbors from Oklahoma who were the most amazingly racist people I've ever met.
Beside that I know from history Oklahoma had some of the worst race riots in American history. Tulsa race massacre - Wikipedia
They weren't even riots...they were white on black massacres.

Don't you dare tell me I don't know about Oklahoma and racism.

There are racist people in every state. And not only was this not in Tulsa, no one that rioted in Tulsa in 1921 is still around.
True, and a bunch of them are on this message board.
Of course I wouldn't be outraged if Stewart stopped a white guy. The police records will show if he ever did. Why would I be outraged that Stewart is NOT a racist? The outrage is that he IS a racist.

This is not a question of proving a negative. If he's not racist then HOA and/or police records will show that he has stopped any and every person he has seen in the neighborhood that didn't live there, regardless of race. Get the records and show that he has stopped anyone not black, held them for 30+ minutes, and called the police. Here's the non-emergency number for the OKC PD: (405) 297-1160. Prove Stewart's not a racist.

Police records don't indicate everyone which was stopped, just everyone which was stopped and required police assistance. In this case, the delivery driver chose to be an ass and not be helpful to the HOA guy just doing his job.

Are there white guys with bad attitudes in OKC, who have delivered to this community? If not, police records would show it, but it doesn't reflect one way or another on the HOA fellow.
It was from three different HOAs and an article from the a Los Vegas paper.

Do you expect me to research every HOA bylaw in the county?

Now find one that says it is ok to hand out gate codes to non residents.

I'll wait.
I already gave you my own empirical evidence. I went through a security gate with a code given to me by a dispatcher. Try harder next time.
You've never been to Oklahoma. If you had you wouldn't make such an absurd statement. Please refrain from opining on topics on which you are woefully ignorant.
You don't know where I've been. Don't pretend you do.

And I've had neighbors from Oklahoma who were the most amazingly racist people I've ever met.
Beside that I know from history Oklahoma had some of the worst race riots in American history. Tulsa race massacre - Wikipedia
They weren't even riots...they were white on black massacres.

Don't you dare tell me I don't know about Oklahoma and racism.

There are racist people in every state. And not only was this not in Tulsa, no one that rioted in Tulsa in 1921 is still around.
True, and a bunch of them are on this message board.
Strangly...holding everyone to the same rules is somehow racist. I suspect when all you judge by is race..racism is everywhere you look.
It was from three different HOAs and an article from the a Los Vegas paper.

Do you expect me to research every HOA bylaw in the county?

Now find one that says it is ok to hand out gate codes to non residents.

I'll wait.
I already gave you my own empirical evidence. I went through a security gate with a code given to me by a dispatcher. Try harder next time.
That is, by definition, NOT empirical evidence. That is what's known as anecdotal evidence. Using words you don't understand makes you look like a dunce attempting to sound intelligent.
For the 10 th time...people who are held hostage CALL THE POLICE! idiot.
Don't call me an idiot, racist jackass. This driver says he was not able to leave because this vigilante stooge
blocked him in for about an hour. I saw a photo of the vehicle park on the guy's bumper. Not an inch to back up. For whatever reason you aren't privy to this guy did not call the cops.
But there is zero doubt about him being held in place by this jackass from the HOA. So fuck off!
Just what was the problem there? I'm not sure any "racism" was involved, just some stupidity and over-protective paranoid community people. If the home owner thought this dude was up to something, robbing or whatever, how do they think he got in? Why didn't they just call the cops? And why didn't the truck driver just show them something showing his reason for being there? Or get the license plate of the car blocking him and call the cops? OR file a complaint with the police? Come to think of it, there was wide open space there. I would have told the white guy to just move or else, then just driven around him through the grass and left. Fuck that.

Miller did show why he was there; it was printed on the truck and on his shirt. Stewart stopped him for working while black. That's racism. I've said it before, you're not even close to being a conservative. Your cover is blown. At best, but you're not man enough to be effective, you're an authoritarian. You wouldn't understand conservatism if I slapped you in the face with my conservative right hand.

Stewart would only have the legal right to hold Miller if he'd put Miller under citizen's arrest.

If Stewart made it a practice of arresting all visitors to the neighborhood, he would probably be in jail and not on the board of the HOA but at least he'd just be an asshole and not a racist asshole. But there's no record in evidence that he has made such a practice.
For the 10 th time...people who are held hostage CALL THE POLICE! idiot.
Don't call me an idiot, racist jackass. This driver says he was not able to leave because this vigilante stooge
blocked him in for about an hour. I saw a photo of the vehicle park on the guy's bumper. Not an inch to back up. For whatever reason you aren't privy to this guy did not call the cops.
But there is zero doubt about him being held in place by this jackass from the HOA. So fuck off!
You're an idiot. People who are being held hostage call the police. Words have meanings. If you attempt to convey a narrative that is clearly idiotic...that makes you an idiot. If you don't want to be called an idiot, stop being idiotic. Problem solved.
That is, by definition, NOT empirical evidence. That is what's known as anecdotal evidence. Using words you don't understand makes you look like a dunce attempting to sound intelligent.
That's real sharp thinking for a red necked moron! Empirical evidence is gathered by observation.
I observed through many delivery stops at security gates I often did not need any assistance to enter or leave a property because I was already given the access code.

Don't call me a dunce when you consistently deny this black driver was held hostage by some vigilante red
neck, speaking of people misusing words. You are the worst sort of ignorant dunce, one that tries to pretend
he knows more than other people when just the opposite is true.
You're an idiot. People who are being held hostage call the police. Words have meanings. If you attempt to convey a narrative that is clearly idiotic...that makes you an idiot. If you don't want to be called an idiot, stop being idiotic. Problem solved.
So if you stand at my front door and don't let me leave my home I am not being detained unless I call the
cops on you? That's just plain stupid. Only a caveman would think he has a valid point there.
There may be many reasons why I might not call the police on you. Fuck off, idiot!
All sorts of delivery workers do enter gated communities on a regular daily basis. This is paranoid idiocy.
Why not just inform the vigilante with the Subaru where he had just delivered to? Why wasn't that tried?
It's not Miller's right to disclose the private business of his customer. That's just plain stupid. And he certainly has no obligation to.
The racism of whites is much lesser than that of any other race.
Much less? You all memorialized your racism for all time by writing it into the laws of the United States.

That's NEVER going to go away as we see everyday right here on U.S. Message Board.

White people ended slavery, that will never go away indeed. Always will be remembered as the least racist.

Other than that, it's comical how you track the subject to slavery. Damn, the white sin goes deep. Waiting on a truck was almost as bad as slavery, let's face it.
Because only residents are authorized you have gate codes. If you gave them to everyone...what the fuck good are they.

Deliveries at gated HOAs are scheduled...the deliveries trucks are buzzed in or escorted. The mailman, the fedex guy and UPS might get codes... regulars. Not just anyone. That Is the purpose of having codes.

Please think before you speak.
I don't think "everyone" was given these codes. I don't know why you do except to make your really
weak case seem somewhat strong. You certainly haven't shown that to be the case.

But you have a habit of making unproven claims like this. For instance when you
claimed the home owner was not "authorized" to give these furniture guys a gate code.

Please think before you make unsubstantiated claims.
As your critical thinking skills are sub-par and logical reasoning is lost on you...I took the time to research typical gated HOA rules...

"Security will admit the delivery vehicle and advise the roving patrol of the vehicle’s presence and destination. Failure to advise Security of impending delivery will result in refusal to allow vendor to enter."

"It shall be the responsibility of the host property owner to identify and admit guests. Host property owners must be present and shall be accountable for the conduct of their guests. Providing your gate card to a guest for his/her use when you are not with the guest or within the gated Bay Tree area is not permitted."
"No association is going to provide a gate code to non-residents, as doing so truly negates any security for the homeowners."

View attachment 337405
Is Lake Pointe where this incident occurred?
The idiots could have exercised some discretion and called the company to verify whether he was supposed to be there that day giving them the license plate & photo of the driver if necessary to makes themselves feel better.
You're right but even so, they could have made the call without blocking Miller. They had no right to block him.
That is, by definition, NOT empirical evidence. That is what's known as anecdotal evidence. Using words you don't understand makes you look like a dunce attempting to sound intelligent.
That's real sharp thinking for a red necked moron! Empirical evidence is gathered by observation.
I observed through many delivery stops at security gates I often did not need any assistance to enter or leave a property because I was already given the access code.

Don't call me a dunce when you consistently deny this black driver was held hostage by some vigilante red
neck, speaking of people misusing words.
Grrr. Did you stamp your foot and shake your fist at the sky while you typed that?

The difference are only attempting (and failing) to insult me by calling me a redneck because you have lost control of your emotions...likely because you are a weak individual mentally.

I, on the other hand, know for a fact that you are both a dunce and an idiot... because you think a man can be "held hostage" for an hour in a vehicle with keys and a cell phone...but never drives away and never calls the police.

You have no argument.
Not all HOA's are the same. We have hundreds of homes in my HOA and no roving patrol vehicle.
Some nazi's live here tho'.
That is true...but this one seems to have roving patrols , gate code restrictions and Nazis...and that's their prerogative. This delivery driver was on private property. The HOA administrator can park his car wherever he wants. He can control ingress and egress. He can block streets. The driver accepted that when he proceeded onto the soon as he dove thru the gate.

The DRIVER never called police...until he was concerned if he was free to leave. That doesn't sound like a hostage. It sounds like someone who knew he was in the wrong.
What happens when you call the police and then leave the area where you asked them to come?

The HOA president called the police & withdrew his request to have officers dispatched and then the driver did also according to what I read.

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