Man blocks black delivery driver in Oklahoma neighborhood

Are you unaware of the number of people on this message board alone who have readily admitted and stated unequivocally that if they see a black person in their neighborhood they consider them a criminal suspect? As long as there is a significant portion of the U.S. population who believes as they do and acts on it then we will continue to have these incidents.
There is very little difference between blacks and whites in the USA. If you doubt me try living in Europe on the economy and see how fucking weird Europeans are.

After my two years in Germany, though a nice place it isnt America, and Germans are far from being like Americans.

White Americans have far more in common with American blacks than they do with white Germans.

It is amazing how irrelevant race realoly is when you stop using bias confirmation.

Your comments are untrue. Comparing Germans to Americans makes no sense. Confirmation bias has nothing to do with facts.
In normal times, a Type I error is ho hum, and doesn't even make the local news, and that's how it still is for all Type I errors EXCEPT when the person making the error is white and the subject of the error is black. Then it is national news.

It's not ho hum when a man is held against his will, regardless of why. But when racism is the reason the person is held, that makes it national news. Racists need to be publicly shamed and shunned.

Only complete idiots can't find a better reason to like a person or dislike a person, one that goes any deeper than their skin color.
One of the many problems with the Great National Sin being "racism" is that, to the extent it can even be defined, it is misapplied, and, because it is an "ism", it can be asserted anywhere at any time against anybody. That's why the murderous, totalitarian, genocidal left loves it. It' like "enemy of the people". It doesn't require proof of any inculpatory action. Just the assertion is enough to justify execution, as history's most lethal group, the Bolsheviks, amply demonstrated.

You are a case in point. You see that the resident was white and the driver was black, and, presto, you KNOW that the motivating factor was "racism". Just as the Bolsheviks only needed to see that the prisoner was an artist to determine guilt and execute him, all you need to see is that resident was white to determine guilt. As Lenin famously said, all of history comes down to Who? Whom?
If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.
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If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.

Here's the difference. African Americans burn down their own communities, their ghettos, during their Riots. I've never seen Honkies burning down a suburban subdivision or major shopping mall.
Stop. Stop being a prick. If someone asks you a question, what is it to you, to answer the question?
It's very simple. We're not required to under the law.

No, and you can wait until the police arrive, and they FORCE you to say why you are there, and what you are doing. Which is exactly what happened.

Or, you can be an adult human being, instead of a neanderthal, and answer the question to start with, and be on your way.

I said this back when a lady at condo building, stopped a guy from coming in until he said why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the info, told the lady why he was there, and they want on with their business.

Same thing happened here. They blocked him until they found out why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the information, gave it to the people who blocked him, and they went on with their lives.

You can chose how this goes down.

You can be a toddler, and stomp your feet, and scream "I don't have to answer".... but you will. You will either answer right then, and go on with your life... or you will answer when the police come and demand to know why you are there, and the people you refused to answer will find out anyway.

Your choice. You can be an adult, or you can be a toddler. But they will find out why you are there, now or later. They'll either find out when you answer, and let you be on your way in minutes, or you waste hours until the police come, and they'll still find out why you are there.

Your choice. You can cause drama, and cry about how your life sucks, when it's your own fault.... or you can be an adult, answer the dumb questions, and be on your way.

Toddler or adult. Stomp your feet and refuse to answer, or be a man, answer the questions, and be on your way in life.

Again I've done it! When I was doing deliveries, several people demanded to know why I was there. I simply answered their questions, and they let me be on my way. I didn't cause drama, even though I could *STOMP FEET* "I AM NOT REQUIRED TO UNDER THE LAW!".

That is baby talk. Grow up.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.

This is a dishonest response. The discussion was that conservatives need to protest more. It wasn't white conservatives versus black lives matter. Not all conservatives are white and not all BLM members or protesters are black. Try to read along and keep up.

You won't find conservatives destroying property.
If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.
Was that a republican protest? Yeah, i didnt think so. Like i said, only democrats burn shit down when they protest.
If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.
Here's the difference. African Americans burn down their own communities, their ghettos, during their Riots. I've never seen Honkies burning down a suburban subdivision or major shopping mall.
What difference does it make what they're torching? It's still the destruction of someone else's property and in the incidents I linked it wasn't even due to the release of pent up anger and frustration because of continuing injustices within our legal system.

I'm sure the mob of white rioters knew exactly what they were doing when they torched the most affluent black community in the U.S. during the Tulsa race riots. I've read that they even looted the black banks and the FDIC or whatever insurance company that had the responsibility to cover the deposits refused to reminburse the account holders for their losses.

A mob of 3,000 white rioters and not a single one was even arrested let alone held to account for their crimes. 3,000 criminals whose crimes would have never made it into the FBI's statistics had they been keeping them at that time.

And have you forgotten about the WTO protests in downtown Seattle in 1999? It's not generally called a riot but is instead referred to as a protest where 20 million dollars in damage was done to downtown businesses. I'm surprised you don't remember this Godboy since you live in the area - committed by white people - and viewed as a "success".

1999 Seattle WTO protests - Wikipedia
To many in North American anarchist and radical circles, the Seattle WTO riots, protests, and demonstrations were viewed as a success.[35] Prior to the "Battle of Seattle", almost no mention was made of "antiglobalization" in the US media, while the protests were seen as having forced the media to report on 'why' anybody would oppose the WTO.[36]

Previous mass demonstrations had taken place in Australia in December 1997, in which newly formed grass-roots organizations blockaded Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, and Darwin city centers.[37]

Controversy over the city's response to the protests resulted in the resignation of the police chief of Seattle, Norm Stamper,[38] and arguably played a role in Schell's loss to Greg Nickels in the 2001 mayoral primary election.[39][40] The massive size of the protest added $3 million to the city's estimated meeting budget of $6 million, partly due to city cleanup and police overtime bills. In addition, the damage to commercial businesses from vandalism and lost sales has been estimated at $20 million.[41]

On January 16, 2004, the city of Seattle settled with 157 individuals arrested outside of the no-protest zone during the WTO events, agreeing to pay them a total of $250,000.[42] On January 30, 2007, a federal jury found that the city had violated protesters' Fourth Amendment constitutional rights by arresting them without probable cause or evidence.[43][44]
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Stop. Stop being a prick. If someone asks you a question, what is it to you, to answer the question?
It's very simple. We're not required to under the law.

No, and you can wait until the police arrive, and they FORCE you to say why you are there, and what you are doing. Which is exactly what happened.

Or, you can be an adult human being, instead of a neanderthal, and answer the question to start with, and be on your way.

I said this back when a lady at condo building, stopped a guy from coming in until he said why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the info, told the lady why he was there, and they want on with their business.

Same thing happened here. They blocked him until they found out why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the information, gave it to the people who blocked him, and they went on with their lives.

You can chose how this goes down.

You can be a toddler, and stomp your feet, and scream "I don't have to answer".... but you will. You will either answer right then, and go on with your life... or you will answer when the police come and demand to know why you are there, and the people you refused to answer will find out anyway.

Your choice. You can be an adult, or you can be a toddler. But they will find out why you are there, now or later. They'll either find out when you answer, and let you be on your way in minutes, or you waste hours until the police come, and they'll still find out why you are there.

Your choice. You can cause drama, and cry about how your life sucks, when it's your own fault.... or you can be an adult, answer the dumb questions, and be on your way.
Toddler or adult. Stomp your feet and refuse to answer, or be a man, answer the questions, and be on your way in life.

Again I've done it! When I was doing deliveries, several people demanded to know why I was there. I simply answered their questions, and they let me be on my way. I didn't cause drama, even though I could *STOMP FEET* "I AM NOT REQUIRED TO UNDER THE LAW!".

That is baby talk. Grow up.
You are certainly at liberty to relinquish as many of your rights as you see fit, I however am much more protective of mine.

We are not required to inform the law enforcement officer(s) that we are carrying a concealed weapon in my state if pulled over for a traffic stop, yet I generally do so as a curtesy and to put the officer at ease hopefully. While this is one of those situations where I'm not required to do so, I don't mind for the sake of everyone present. This scenario is one that warrants my consideration and an exception being made as opposed to someone who is perhaps seeking to satisfy their curiosity, biases and/or prejudices, perhaps born out of a need to rule over someone else which is not being fulfilled in their personal life (the pecking order).

If I were engaging in the type of juvenile behavior that you're describing I wouldn't have survived in the business I'm in which relies on my professionalism, integrity, knowledge and ability to connect with people in a way that allows them to put their trust in me. These are the people I would make adjustments for if necessary, not random people on the street or elsewhere who demand or try to intimidate or force me into giving them information to which they're not entitled.

It took me a while to realize that just because someone asks or demands things of you, doesn't mean they're entitled to them or that you're obligated to comply.
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As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.
This is a dishonest response. The discussion was that conservatives need to protest more. It wasn't white conservatives versus black lives matter. Not all conservatives are white and not all BLM members or protesters are black. Try to read along and keep up.

You won't find conservatives destroying property.
You know what, my mind automatically blanks out the labels. When I first had a conversation with Godboy it was regarding this same topic - that white people have never rioted and that black people have a propensity for it.

Everytime he would claim "black people always blah blah blah" and "white people never blah blah blah", I would provide him with a historical example that proved he was mistaken. Each time he would change the parameters of the discussion or the time period during which the event had to occur.

This began as a series of derogatory remarks about black people and Black Lives Matters and him insisting that blocking traffic couldn't possibly be unlawful otherwise the BLM protestors would have all been arrested. Two branches of the same conversation tree perhaps.
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If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.
Was that a republican protest? Yeah, i didnt think so. Like i said, only democrats burn shit down when they protest.
And where exactly did you say "only democrats..." prior to this post?
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.

This is a dishonest response. The discussion was that conservatives need to protest more. It wasn't white conservatives versus black lives matter. Not all conservatives are white and not all BLM members or protesters are black. Try to read along and keep up.

You won't find conservatives destroying property.
Yes you will. Stop pretending that conservatives are perfect. These racists are conservatives. For some reason they see something in conservatism that allows them to feel a kinship. That, you need to figure out. Conservatives are the ones carrying guns to protests.
This began as a series of derogatory remarks about black people and Black Lives Matters and him insisting that blocking traffic couldn't possibly be unlawful otherwise the BLM protestors would have all been arrested. Two branches of the same conversation tree perhaps.


And this is why people like molly cry about people posting stuff about the past because whites like her like to make blanket condemnations of black people so she needs to be reminded that whites have done and continue doing the same thing they criticize us for and most of the time in higher amounts.
If blocking a car was inherently illegal, BLM would have gone to jail for it a bunch of times. You can prattle on all you want, but nothing will change that fact.

I don't know if it is or is not illegal. All I care is that there's equal justice under the law (the thing that true liberals and true conservatives both care about) - and since no one is generally arrested for obstructing traffic during a protest, I'd say that's how we want it. If they arrest BLM then they must arrest the Virginia gun owners for obstructing traffic.
You do realize that its leftwingers who do 99% of all the traffic blocking, right?

I do realize that the left does do most.. 80%? 90%, 99%? Who knows.. But what that ratio proves is that we conservatives aren't doing enough protesting. We need to get out more.
We constantly protest. We just dont burn shit down when we do it.
Thats a lie.
No, that is fact. Only you left wingers burn shit down and break windows when you protest.
As opposed to burning shit down and breaking windows in celebration?
White People Rioting for No Reason

On the other hand, Category:White American riots in the United States - Wikipedia ( a whole page of listed incidents, I believe at least 108 documented here)

Even I was a little stunned at the African American Explusions hyperlink.

Here's the difference. African Americans burn down their own communities, their ghettos, during their Riots. I've never seen Honkies burning down a suburban subdivision or major shopping mall.
So do whites. And whites have a bad tendency to bomb things.
In normal times, a Type I error is ho hum, and doesn't even make the local news, and that's how it still is for all Type I errors EXCEPT when the person making the error is white and the subject of the error is black. Then it is national news.

It's not ho hum when a man is held against his will, regardless of why. But when racism is the reason the person is held, that makes it national news. Racists need to be publicly shamed and shunned.

Only complete idiots can't find a better reason to like a person or dislike a person, one that goes any deeper than their skin color.
One of the many problems with the Great National Sin being "racism" is that, to the extent it can even be defined, it is misapplied, and, because it is an "ism", it can be asserted anywhere at any time against anybody. That's why the murderous, totalitarian, genocidal left loves it. It' like "enemy of the people". It doesn't require proof of any inculpatory action. Just the assertion is enough to justify execution, as history's most lethal group, the Bolsheviks, amply demonstrated.

You are a case in point. You see that the resident was white and the driver was black, and, presto, you KNOW that the motivating factor was "racism". Just as the Bolsheviks only needed to see that the prisoner was an artist to determine guilt and execute him, all you need to see is that resident was white to determine guilt. As Lenin famously said, all of history comes down to Who? Whom?
That's because whites have a 243 year history of consistent racist behavior. The only white people really whining about being called racists are the whites who actually are racist.
Stop. Stop being a prick. If someone asks you a question, what is it to you, to answer the question?
It's very simple. We're not required to under the law.

No, and you can wait until the police arrive, and they FORCE you to say why you are there, and what you are doing. Which is exactly what happened.

Or, you can be an adult human being, instead of a neanderthal, and answer the question to start with, and be on your way.

I said this back when a lady at condo building, stopped a guy from coming in until he said why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the info, told the lady why he was there, and they want on with their business.

Same thing happened here. They blocked him until they found out why he was there. He refused. The police came, got the information, gave it to the people who blocked him, and they went on with their lives.

You can chose how this goes down.

You can be a toddler, and stomp your feet, and scream "I don't have to answer".... but you will. You will either answer right then, and go on with your life... or you will answer when the police come and demand to know why you are there, and the people you refused to answer will find out anyway.

Your choice. You can be an adult, or you can be a toddler. But they will find out why you are there, now or later. They'll either find out when you answer, and let you be on your way in minutes, or you waste hours until the police come, and they'll still find out why you are there.

Your choice. You can cause drama, and cry about how your life sucks, when it's your own fault.... or you can be an adult, answer the dumb questions, and be on your way.

Toddler or adult. Stomp your feet and refuse to answer, or be a man, answer the questions, and be on your way in life.

Again I've done it! When I was doing deliveries, several people demanded to know why I was there. I simply answered their questions, and they let me be on my way. I didn't cause drama, even though I could *STOMP FEET* "I AM NOT REQUIRED TO UNDER THE LAW!".

That is baby talk. Grow up.
I've already responded to your comment but have to admit I didn't read everything you wrote. While skimming through your response and after I saw that you had used the word toddler 3 times I responded more on the spirit of your comment that the actual content. But there was something about it that made me go back and read it again and that's when I realized something.

I can't remember specifically if it was you but I was in a conversation with somone who held similar sentiments as yourself and indicated that because their building had been broken into several times that black people who came to their building had to show ID and answer questions else they wouldn't be allowed to enter and/or the police would be called.

So I'm curious about how serious you are about initiating a legal dispute because of your own "sensitivity" due to having been a crime victim if you are the same person? I'm asking you alo because you seem to believe that you can legally force a violation of a person's civil rights by utilizing the police to do so.

Oh and why would you assume that my life sucks? It seems to me that if it did, I'd be more compliant than I am because I would have less options to exercise. Do you think I'm a poor, ignorant and uneducated black child?
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If we oppose their racism instead of blaming ourselves for the problems caused by racism like they want us to, we have to be failures and out lives have to suck. I would be miserable and my life would suck if I was a black ass sellout repeating what whitey wants to hear.
I don't see any big deal over stopping the truck and just asking what business they had in the neighborhood. But the driver is under no obligation to answer. Aside from that, it sure deems like an illegal detainment to me since there was no proof of a crime. 40 minutes? No one has a right to do that. Besides, the company's name is on the truck. The guy who stopped the truck could have taken a pic of the license plate and the driver if he was so concerned.

Also, there is no proof of racism here. In fact, you seem more like the racist if you bring it up. This guy was out of control and went WAY to far for sure, but people can't be afraid protect their neighborhoods for fear of being called a racist. They just need to follow the law and apply common sense. Unfortunately this guy did not. But it doesn't mean he's a racist.
In normal times, a Type I error is ho hum, and doesn't even make the local news, and that's how it still is for all Type I errors EXCEPT when the person making the error is white and the subject of the error is black. Then it is national news.

It's not ho hum when a man is held against his will, regardless of why. But when racism is the reason the person is held, that makes it national news. Racists need to be publicly shamed and shunned.

Only complete idiots can't find a better reason to like a person or dislike a person, one that goes any deeper than their skin color.
One of the many problems with the Great National Sin being "racism" is that, to the extent it can even be defined, it is misapplied, and, because it is an "ism", it can be asserted anywhere at any time against anybody. That's why the murderous, totalitarian, genocidal left loves it. It' like "enemy of the people". It doesn't require proof of any inculpatory action. Just the assertion is enough to justify execution, as history's most lethal group, the Bolsheviks, amply demonstrated.

You are a case in point. You see that the resident was white and the driver was black, and, presto, you KNOW that the motivating factor was "racism". Just as the Bolsheviks only needed to see that the prisoner was an artist to determine guilt and execute him, all you need to see is that resident was white to determine guilt. As Lenin famously said, all of history comes down to Who? Whom?
That's because whites have a 243 year history of consistent racist behavior. The only white people really whining about being called racists are the whites who actually are racist.
You're kind of a knucklehead, so you probably won't be able to grasp this, but here goes.
  1. Race is nothing more than a very large, very extended, slightly inbred family. That's it. Members of the same race are more related to each other than they are to any other members of any other race.
  2. Therefore, to call someone a racist is to call someone a familyist.
  3. And yes, I am more solicitous of my mother's well-being than any other mother's on earth. She is higher in my affections. I will contribute to her happiness before I will contribute to the happiness of any other mother, and I flat out love her more than any other mother on earth.
  4. So what? If I didn't put my mother first, I would be something of a monster, wouldn't I.
  5. Blacks put other blacks first. Jews put other Jews first. Chinese put other Chinese first. There's nothing wrong with that.
  6. It is only whites who think it's a sin to put other whites first.
  7. Everyone else knows down deep this whole "racism" thing is a huge scam being run on the people who created the greatest civilization in history in order to destroy them.
  8. Other than the whites themselves, the only people who really think racism is evil are the mediocrities such as yourself who've convinced themselves of it out of the need to blame their failure in life on somebody else.

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