Man in Santa Suit Kills 8

8 billion people and growing .... no, they are very isolated and as long as people keep reproducing so fast and dying so little, it's no loss. Just like ants on a mound, kill a few it doesn't really effect the whole.
8 billion people and growing .... no, they are very isolated and as long as people keep reproducing so fast and dying so little, it's no loss. Just like ants on a mound, kill a few it doesn't really effect the whole.

Hmmm ........ Well one can only hope that you did your part at a young age and went through the sterilization process.

Hang in there, life isn't as bad as you paint it.
Hmmm ........ Well one can only hope that you did your part at a young age and went through the sterilization process.

Hang in there, life isn't as bad as you paint it.

Bah! I don't even like sex, catch up will ya. Thing is, if everyone spends all their energy worrying about each human then there would be no time to do anything else. I just worry about my few best friends. Until our species population decreases to a more balanced level then perhaps .... but until our population falls to an endangered level I just plain don't care.
It's our mob mentality as humans, we seize on one example of an event and then generalise from it. However, that doesn't mean that there's been some pertinent points made in this thread from what might be considered "both" sides of the argument. I think there are more than two sides to the central issue but that overcomplicates it.

I think the point made by ABikerSailor that (and I hope this is not a mis-interpretation) gun control is about harm minimisation in the lawful ownership, possession and use of fireams is very salient.

This bloke was not a "criminal" until he began to murder. I mean he wasn't a crook who habitually carried and used firearms as part of his criminal activity.

But it also makes intuitive sense that the more firearms that are present in a location (eg a nation) then the more firearms-related events there will be. That though is for the locals to decide on, but it seems a bit silly to try and argue that there won't be more such events. The questions is along the lines of what sort of restrictions on actual firearms you're prepared to put up with as against the incidence of events and if you support restrictions on ownership so as to try to reduce the incidence of these events. got it exactly right dude. Comes from a childhood in Montana, with uncles and cousins who were crack shots (my Grandfather also). It was further refined when I joined the Navy and became interested in volunteering for special assignments.
Oh God, they are every where and they are gonna get me!


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You're a foul little person, aren't you? You think it's funny that 8 people were killed by a Santa, or that women are subjugated, beaten and murdered in Saudi Arabia with no recourse through the law?

Both are such hilarious things.

Hey......Usually A ****........let's not forget how some "Christians" have behaved over the past little while shall we?

How about what started this thing? Some dude getting pissed that his old lady had moved on without him. He'd just gotten divorced before he blew all those people away.

Have YOU ever been to SA? I have, and while there is quite a bit of that going on with women being subjugated and all, but, there's also quite a bit of western type things, with western type clothes and attitudes going on all the time.

Might wanna check yourself before you wreck yourself. Your experience is limited, and doesn't apply in most things you think it does.
Bah! I don't even like sex, catch up will ya. Thing is, if everyone spends all their energy worrying about each human then there would be no time to do anything else. I just worry about my few best friends. Until our species population decreases to a more balanced level then perhaps .... but until our population falls to an endangered level I just plain don't care.

Interestingly enough, you leave yourself out from quite a bit of experience when you discount sex. That's the only way that you can truly join with another.

Just make sure you like them, as well as trust them, first.
Hey......Usually A ****........let's not forget how some "Christians" have behaved over the past little while shall we?

How about what started this thing? Some dude getting pissed that his old lady had moved on without him. He'd just gotten divorced before he blew all those people away.

Have YOU ever been to SA? I have, and while there is quite a bit of that going on with women being subjugated and all, but, there's also quite a bit of western type things, with western type clothes and attitudes going on all the time.

Might wanna check yourself before you wreck yourself. Your experience is limited, and doesn't apply in most things you think it does.

SA? This happened HERE? Hell, that takes all the shock and surprise out of it.:lol:
Ya cause criminals and nut jobs can not get guns if we outlaw them, right? You are aware most crime that is committed with firearms is committed with weapons not legally purchased?

If some adults had had conceal carry his little rampage might have ended rather quickly.

being a liberal from an inner city (Boston) I would've argued with you on this one. but at age 18 I met a liberal Jew who was a gunsmith. Then I grew up and saw how easily bullies can control a situation when everyone around them are unarmed with words, physical strength or weapons.

the great equalizers are my friends.

as a liberal I think it is incumbent upon me to support the right to bear arms and to support permits to carry laws. personal freedom is more important than any argument.
Interestingly enough, you leave yourself out from quite a bit of experience when you discount sex. That's the only way that you can truly join with another.

Just make sure you like them, as well as trust them, first.

Tried it, even tried 'relationships' but the men and women were only interested in sex. Just don't like it and never will again.
You know......I grew up in Montana, and hunted for my own meat most of the time.

Why the fuck would anyone think that hunting for a deer with a semi-automatic assault rifle is a good idea?

I was raised 1 shot, 1 kill.

I grew up mostly in Eastern Oregon, much the same way. A clean kill with as little ruined meat as possible. Until I bought some blackpowder guns, I used the same gun that I earned when I was nineteen, a 250 Savage. My first gun was a 32-40 Marlin, which I sold to help my parents at a time they needed money. Wish I had that old gun. Shot lousy, but it was a classic cowboy lever gun.

Now, I beleive that the second amendment is to be honored, but that we should have far more strictures on the people that own them. Guns are not toys, or just tools. They have only one use, that is to kill. Mine are for the killing of game as a source of meat. But they can be used as defense. That said, they are stored where they cannot easily be gotten at, and there is no way the can be used as stored. Ammo is in an entirely differant location, also. And also hidden. Guns, and there ownership is a serious responsibility, the failure of that responsibility results in the daily headlines we see here in the US.

As much as I wish it were otherwise, the general population of the US has a really poor record concerning responsible gun ownership.
"As much as I wish it were otherwise, the general population of the US has a really poor record concerning responsible gun ownership."

compared to who ?

Everyone else? :lol:

Gun Deaths - Health and Medical Information Produced by Doctors -

Across the board, look at the U.S numbers compared to everyone else.

It's like putting a obese person in a room with a bunch of skinny people, you're going to notice the difference. (No offense to any heavy set people however).

However, I don't think that qualifies for our guns to be taken away. Gun Control? Yes. Outrageous Gun Control? No

Edit: Scratch that everyone else comment. We beat everyone but countries like South Africa, Argentina, Brazil (in some), Colombia, Estonia, and Mexico.
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Great Beatles song.


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Yeah, DUmmie, and that DUmbass in CANADA didn't pull out his great big old knife and hack off the sleepy guy's head and proceed to prance around with it and have a little lunch in full view of the Royal Mounted Canadian Pansy Police. did he??? Yeah, it'a all America's fault.

IDIOT .. one headless horseman in Canada does not equal more than 30,000 gun deaths a year in the US.

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