Man shows up in bee suit to troll school board: "I have a 0.0001% chance of being stung by a bee today"

How many people are currently in the hospital for bee stings? How many people have died from bee sting over the last year and a half, or so?
That kinda ISN'T his point. Get used to the idea that despite the best efforts of the DC thugocracy, most of the people have had enough of the fearmongering and crushing overreach. Just let Biden TRY to enforce this BS.
This guy's my hero

If this is in regards to a mask mandate that is actually under the school board's control, then good on him. If not, it's just performative. And to be honest, I say this as a conservative--I'm getting sick of performative school board meeting antics when things are not under school board control. For example, if the mask mandate was issued by county health order.
'“Vaccine mandates are un-American,” Jim Jordan tweeted.

George Washington, the commander in chief of the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War, made the bold decision in 1777 to require that his troops be immunized after a smallpox outbreak devastated the nation.

“I have determined that the troops shall be inoculated,” Washington wrote in February 1777. “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army in the natural way and rage with its usual virulence we should have more to dread from it than from the Sword of the Enemy.”

In a February 1905 decision, the Supreme Court ruled 7 to 2 that public health could supersede individual rights. “[T]he liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States to every person within its jurisdiction does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly free from restraint,” Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote for the majority. “There are manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subject for the common good.”
That kinda ISN'T his point. Get used to the idea that despite the best efforts of the DC thugocracy, most of the people have had enough of the fearmongering and crushing overreach. Just let Biden TRY to enforce this BS.
If it's not the point, what was the point of mentioning the likelihood of getting stung?
We live in a free country which is gradually losing that liberty day by day. We now have a President suffering from early stage dementia threatening us to take the vaccine or else. You better comply because this is the tough young life guard who took on Corn Pop and his bad of bad boys at the pool.

I made the decision to get the vaccine but it was MY decision. Of course at age 75, overweight and with COPD I had a big target on my back for the coronavirus to shoot at.

If I was in my 20s or 30s in good health or if I had already had the coronavirus I might have decided I didn’t want the vaccine as it might have long term side effects. These new vaccines do not have a long track record to study.

I was told by my doctor for years to take ibuprofen daily for my back pain. A couple of years ago I was told to stop as long term use of ibuprofen could cause kidney problems. I quit but now I have chronic kidney disease. I was told by my doctor to take Zantac for heart burn so I did. Then it was pulled off the shelves as it was discovered it increased the risk of cancer. So far I don’t have cancer.

My ex-wife and I got the Swine Flu shot back in the 1970s. Later she developed a heart rhythm problem. She wore a heart rate recorder for a few days. Her doctor told her he suspected her problem might have been caused by the Swine Flu shot.

That kinda ISN'T his point. Get used to the idea that despite the best efforts of the DC thugocracy, most of the people have had enough of the fearmongering and crushing overreach. Just let Biden TRY to enforce this BS.

And if he does, what are you gonna do?
Get out your guns and storm the WH?
Spray bile and venom everywhere?

Grow up. You'll do nothing. You've got no guts.
most people don't get it -FACT
of those, most don't die -FACT
So, the odds are in your favor.

Most people who drive don't get in accidents, of those who do, don't die.
So, no need for seatbelts.

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