Man Solicits Violent “Anal” rape of online friend

From the looks of the perp, he can't get any or can't get it up himself so he has to hire someone else to do it as punishment....which he probably CAN get it up watching it happen.

Very ironic that this scumbag solicited the “violent anal rape” of an online friend…. to which he will soon be the victim of multiple violent anal rapes from a real world prison “husband.” 😂
Advocating rape of anyone is immoral.

In Canada and Scandinavia, prisoners live in humane conditions and they are protected from violence.
Believe it or not... not everyone finds stories about anal rape as fascinating as you.

No judgement.
No matter your fascination or not. The lesson is clear.
Don't comment out of ignorance.
You jumped to conclusions (the wrong ones) and then after commenting on the story,
try to defend moronic behavior, by not being interested in the stories content.

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