Man Survives without Food and Water for 70 YEARS!


Apr 22, 2007
Here is the story. An Indian Man claims to have survived without Food or Water for 70 years. So under observation 12 days no food, no water and no going to the bathroom.

I'm very skeptical. I don't think it can happen, but I hope its true. This could be an amazing discovery.

Holy Man Claims to Have Lived Without Food, Water for 70 Years - Incredible Health -
Indian doctors are studying an 83-year-old holy man who claims to have spent the last seven decades without food and water.

Military doctors hope the experiments on Prahlad Jani can help soldiers develop their survival strategies.

The long-haired and bearded yogi is under 24-hour observation by a team of 30 specialists during three weeks of tests at a hospital in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

Two cameras have been set up in his room, while a mobile camera films him when he goes outside, guaranteeing round-the-clock observation.

His body will be scanned and his brain and heart activity measured with electrodes.

"The observation from this study may throw light on human survival without food and water," said Dr. G. Ilavazahagan, who is directing the research. "This may help in working out strategies for survival during natural calamities, extreme stressful conditions and extra-terrestrial explorations like future missions to the Moon and Mars by the human race."

Since the experiment began on April 22, Jani has had no food or water and has not been to the toilet.

"The exercise of taking this yogi under the medical scanner is to understand what energy supports his existence," Ilavazahagan added. "Jani says he meditates to get energy. Our soldiers will not be able to meditate, but we would still like to find out more about the man and his body."

Jani, who dresses in red and wears a nose ring, grew up in Charod village in the Mehsana district in Gujarat.

I agree it break all levels of logic. HOWEVER, after 12 days of 24 hr supervision the guy hasn't had a single thing to drink or eat and he is doing fine. That is absolutely amazing in itself.
Here is the story. An Indian Man claims to have survived without Food or Water for 70 years. So under observation 12 days no food, no water and no going to the bathroom.

I'm very skeptical. I don't think it can happen, but I hope its true. This could be an amazing discovery.

Holy Man Claims to Have Lived Without Food, Water for 70 Years - Incredible Health -
Indian doctors are studying an 83-year-old holy man who claims to have spent the last seven decades without food and water.

Military doctors hope the experiments on Prahlad Jani can help soldiers develop their survival strategies.

The long-haired and bearded yogi is under 24-hour observation by a team of 30 specialists during three weeks of tests at a hospital in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

Two cameras have been set up in his room, while a mobile camera films him when he goes outside, guaranteeing round-the-clock observation.

His body will be scanned and his brain and heart activity measured with electrodes.

"The observation from this study may throw light on human survival without food and water," said Dr. G. Ilavazahagan, who is directing the research. "This may help in working out strategies for survival during natural calamities, extreme stressful conditions and extra-terrestrial explorations like future missions to the Moon and Mars by the human race."

Since the experiment began on April 22, Jani has had no food or water and has not been to the toilet.

"The exercise of taking this yogi under the medical scanner is to understand what energy supports his existence," Ilavazahagan added. "Jani says he meditates to get energy. Our soldiers will not be able to meditate, but we would still like to find out more about the man and his body."

Jani, who dresses in red and wears a nose ring, grew up in Charod village in the Mehsana district in Gujarat.

Just wanted to update a story that I found extremely interesting;

The long-haired and bearded yogi was sealed in a hospital in the city of Ahmedabad in a study initiated by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the state defence and military research institute.

The DRDO hopes that the findings, set to be released in greater detail in several months, could help soldiers survive without food and drink, assist astronauts or even save the lives of people trapped in natural disasters.

"(Jani's) only contact with any kind of fluid was during gargling and bathing periodically during the period," G. Ilavazahagan, director of India's Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), said in a statement.

Jani has since returned to his village near Ambaji in northern Gujarat where he will resume his routine of yoga and meditation. He says that he was blessed by a goddess at a young age, which gave him special powers.

During the 15-day observation, which ended on Thursday, the doctors took scans of Jani's organs, brain, and blood vessels, as well as doing tests on his heart, lungs and memory capacity.

"The reports were all in the pre-determined safety range through the observation period," Shah told reporters at a press conference last week.

Other results from DNA analysis, molecular biological studies and tests on his hormones, enzymes, energy metabolism and genes will take months to come through.

"If Jani does not derive energy from food and water, he must be doing that from energy sources around him, sunlight being one," said Shah.

"As medical practitioners we cannot shut our eyes to possibilities, to a source of energy other than calories."
'Starving yogi' astounds Indian scientists - Yahoo! News

Though it's hard to believe that this man has lived 70 years without food or water. 15 days with no sustenance is quite remarkable, especially if he was able to leave on his own two feet. I'm not saying it's impossible, just interesting. Can't wait for the tests results to be published.
Okay, I'll bite, where is the Indian Holy Man Cam?

Continuous "LIVE" coverage all recorded so the world can see. Until then, it's all smoke and mirrors.
Okay, I'll bite, where is the Indian Holy Man Cam?

Continuous "LIVE" coverage all recorded so the world can see. Until then, it's all smoke and mirrors.

Couldn't find it, but yea that would help
Nope. I don't buy it. Not in the least.

Too many first principles of laws of physical sciences are broken.
put him under control of the usa army and doctors then I might believe it
This is not the first time I've heard of something like this. There is a similar account in the book, "Autobiography of a Yogi," detailing a woman saint named Giri Bala who reportedly was able to live without food as well.
Here is the story. An Indian Man claims to have survived without Food or Water for 70 years. So under observation 12 days no food, no water and no going to the bathroom.
Yeah, just like those guys that can do pull tumors our of your body with their bare hands but it ends up just being bacon strips soaked in blood.

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