Man tries to hire killer - to kill unborn baby

As far as a woman being forced to spend 9 months pregnant because some guy she had a one night stand with wants the little brat, that's ridiculous.

Why don't we just outlaw alcohol? That would solve most abortion on demand situations overnight.

It's called CONSEQUENCE for one's ACTIONS, little girl. It's about PERSONAL responsibility. 40 weeks is NOTHING compared to a guy being LEACHED by a vindicitve woman who keeps a child ONLY to suck off the tit of the father. oooh!! As if being PREGNANT is a prison sentence...geeesh...
What you're talking about is for men to have veto power over women's bodies. If you want to grant someone else that right voluntarily, that's between you and him. I don't need anyone's permission to exercise dominion over my body like a child.
No, I'm talking about a man having veto power over the killing of his child. The man doesn't OWN the woman. He doesn't have veto power over any other facet of her body. It's HIS child, too. There isn't much rememdy for the fact that it is implanted in the woman's body instead of his.

And while I agree, in theory, regarding available birth control, sometimes stuff happens. And while I respect the choice to carry a child full time, we can't force that choice on others... much as we might like controlling the morality of those around us.
People know that any time they have sex, pregnancy is a possibility. If they are adult enough to engage in sex, they should be responsible enough to face all the possible outcomes.

Much as I empathize with women who face unexpected pregnancies (I have had a couple of those, myself), the very most basic ethical code should carry a provision for the protection of innocent life.

And, by the by, sometimes, just sometimes, you think you can't get pregnant, so might choose not to use any birth control, and are surprised to find that you did.
THAT is where the "choice" occurs.

Thing is, we can't make people give their reasons and decide some people should have the right and not others. We can't force women to beg a judge for help if she becomes impregnated during a rape (because let's face it, even if you're talking about exempting rape and incest pregnancies from anti-choice laws, you're really talking about having to go to someone else for permission).

Sorry.. .it doesn't fly.

Yes, women SHOULD have to go through roadblocks before ending SOMEONE ELSE'S life. The myth that it is about a woman's control of her OWN body is what doesn't fly.
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i think the should perform late term abortions on the mother and father....and take the baby and give to some parents that know what the f&^*$ they are doing
What states require, by law, that a wife has to give her husband permission to get a vasectomy?

As far as a woman being forced to spend 9 months pregnant because some guy she had a one night stand with wants the little brat, that's ridiculous.

Why don't we just outlaw alcohol? That would solve most abortion on demand situations overnight.

Bingo----people aren't really pro-choice---they are ANTI- GESTATION PERIOD !!
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IIRC the case Hobbit mentioned went something like this:

Girl tells guy she can NOT get pregnant. He asks. She insists. He askes about BC, she says 'I can't get pregnant', he says 'I do NOT want a child', she concurs. She gets pregnant, has the baby and sues him for 20% of his base salary.


He could sue her for fraud or something, but if he was really THAT concerned about it, he should have worn a raincoat.
What states require, by law, that a wife has to give her husband permission to get a vasectomy?
Dunno about law, but it is policy in most urology offices.

As far as a woman being forced to spend 9 months pregnant because some guy she had a one night stand with wants the little brat, that's ridiculous.
She should have thought about that BEFORE she slept with him.

Why don't we just outlaw alcohol? That would solve most abortion on demand situations overnight.

Why don't we just outlaw the growing of hops, barley, and grapes? Yeast sweeps should be made daily in all households in the nations, because we can't have anything fermenting.

I was talking about personal responsibility. They can go out and get drunk, hook up, whatever. Not MY moral values, but that's their choice. Their freedom ends when it comes to the point of taking another's life.
What you're talking about is for men to have veto power over women's bodies. If you want to grant someone else that right voluntarily, that's between you and him. I don't need anyone's permission to exercise dominion over my body like a child.

And while I agree, in theory, regarding available birth control, sometimes stuff happens. And while I respect the choice to carry a child full time, we can't force that choice on others... much as we might like controlling the morality of those around us.

And, by the by, sometimes, just sometimes, you think you can't get pregnant, so might choose not to use any birth control, and are surprised to find that you did. Thing is, we can't make people give their reasons and decide some people should have the right and not others. We can't force women to beg a judge for help if she becomes impregnated during a rape (because let's face it, even if you're talking about exempting rape and incest pregnancies from anti-choice laws, you're really talking about having to go to someone else for permission).

Sorry.. .it doesn't fly.

What you are overlooking is the fact that a conceived child is composed from from part of the father's body as well as part of the mother's body. She has given him permission to join with her body. (let's skip the rape issue for now)

I agree a woman should have dominion over her own body, but after conception takes place, it's not about just her body anymore.
What states require, by law, that a wife has to give her husband permission to get a vasectomy?

As far as a woman being forced to spend 9 months pregnant because some guy she had a one night stand with wants the little brat, that's ridiculous.

Why don't we just outlaw alcohol? That would solve most abortion on demand situations overnight.

Why don't you just say it? Women having uteruses is ridiculous??
It's called CONSEQUENCE for one's ACTIONS, little girl. It's about PERSONAL responsibility. 40 weeks is NOTHING compared to a guy being LEACHED by a vindicitve woman who keeps a child ONLY to suck off the tit of the father. oooh!! As if being PREGNANT is a prison sentence...geeesh...

Don't call me little girl.

I already stated my position on men who don't want to be fathers. They should not be forced to pay. Women do hold more of a responsibility during sex because women are the ones who get pregnant. In my opinion, it's about 90% on the woman and about 10% on the man. If a man absolutely, positively, knows he never wants kids, he should have a vasectomy. If he just doesn't want kids with the woman he's screwing he should wear a condom or pull out and not take the womans word for it.

But I also know what it's like to get caught up in the moment and not give a shit about consequences. And I don't even have the excuse of beer to blame. We were doing it at 10 o'clock in the morning, both of us were stone cold sober, but we just happened to be doing it in a position that pulling out wasn't exactly ....feasible.

I just didn't want to make a mess. And we should have discussed it sooner, then right before we were both ready to ...finish... but the bottom line is that I lied to the man. Lets just leave it at that.

No man should be forced to pay for a 30 second mistake for 20 years.
Don't call me little girl.

I already stated my position on men who don't want to be fathers. They should not be forced to pay. Women do hold more of a responsibility during sex because women are the ones who get pregnant. In my opinion, it's about 90% on the woman and about 10% on the man. If a man absolutely, positively, knows he never wants kids, he should have a vasectomy. If he just doesn't want kids with the woman he's screwing he should wear a condom or pull out and not take the womans word for it.

But I also know what it's like to get caught up in the moment and not give a shit about consequences. And I don't even have the excuse of beer to blame. We were doing it at 10 o'clock in the morning, both of us were stone cold sober, but we just happened to be doing it in a position that pulling out wasn't exactly ....feasible.

I just didn't want to make a mess. And we should have discussed it sooner, then right before we were both ready to ...finish... but the bottom line is that I lied to the man. Lets just leave it at that.

No man should be forced to pay for a 30 second mistake for 20 years.

You're just dying to tell us all the juicy details, aren't ya. You were trying to get away with one and didn't. Poor you--and you were only trying to have an orgasm!
Don't call me little girl.

I already stated my position on men who don't want to be fathers. They should not be forced to pay. Women do hold more of a responsibility during sex because women are the ones who get pregnant. In my opinion, it's about 90% on the woman and about 10% on the man. If a man absolutely, positively, knows he never wants kids, he should have a vasectomy. If he just doesn't want kids with the woman he's screwing he should wear a condom or pull out and not take the womans word for it.

But I also know what it's like to get caught up in the moment and not give a shit about consequences. And I don't even have the excuse of beer to blame. We were doing it at 10 o'clock in the morning, both of us were stone cold sober, but we just happened to be doing it in a position that pulling out wasn't exactly ....feasible.

I just didn't want to make a mess. And we should have discussed it sooner, then right before we were both ready to ...finish... but the bottom line is that I lied to the man. Lets just leave it at that.

No man should be forced to pay for a 30 second mistake for 20 years.

I have to admire the fact that you took responsibility for your actions and chose not to end the life of your child.
I have to admire the fact that you took responsibility for your actions and chose not to end the life of your child.

It was my decision and I made the choice for a lot reasons. I owned my own house. I made very good money. I could afford to raise a child myself. But the main reason I choose to have her is because I loved the man.

I knew he wouldn't want it, and I knew it meant the end of it. But there was always that hope that maybe he'd change his mind and come around to the idea. But he never did.

He'd be almost 60 now. If he showed up at my door, I'd let him in. But he won't show up. His loss.
Dunno about law, but it is policy in most urology offices.

And many doctors refuse to perform abortions so why do we need any state, much less the federal government, to pass laws about it?

She should have thought about that BEFORE she slept with him.

That's where the alcohol comes in. Must be nice to be perfect, but most of the rest of us aren't.

Why don't we just outlaw the growing of hops, barley, and grapes? Yeast sweeps should be made daily in all households in the nations, because we can't have anything fermenting.

That was exactly my point in saying we should outlaw alcohol. You don't exactly get humor or sarcasm, do you?

I was talking about personal responsibility. They can go out and get drunk, hook up, whatever. Not MY moral values, but that's their choice. Their freedom ends when it comes to the point of taking another's life.

Personal responsibility is up to each individual person. And abortion is not taking anothers life. You just think it is. That's your opinion. And when it comes tothe private medical decisions of others, thankfully, your opinion means shit.

You have no right to tell someone else what to do with their own body. Try to remember that. Abortion is about privacy and the right of any woman to decide what to do with their own bodies. It is none of your business and you need to remember that you are an absolute stranger who has no right to concern yourself with the private medical decisions of others.
And many doctors refuse to perform abortions so why do we need any state, much less the federal government, to pass laws about it?

That's where the alcohol comes in. Must be nice to be perfect, but most of the rest of us aren't.

That was exactly my point in saying we should outlaw alcohol. You don't exactly get humor or sarcasm, do you?

Personal responsibility is up to each individual person. And abortion is not taking anothers life. You just think it is. That's your opinion. And when it comes tothe private medical decisions of others, thankfully, your opinion means shit.

You have no right to tell someone else what to do with their own body. Try to remember that. Abortion is about privacy and the right of any woman to decide what to do with their own bodies. It is none of your business and you need to remember that you are an absolute stranger who has no right to concern yourself with the private medical decisions of others.

Abortion is about women who do not want to take responsiblity for who they are and what they have consented to. Don't kid yourself.
That's exactly the problem. Because our society is SO against males, MOTHERS have COMPLETE authority over their reproductive choices. If a MOTHER chooses a man can pay $$ for two decades for "support" of his offspring. If a MOTHER chooses, she can end the life of a man's offspring w/o him having ANY legal authority to stop her. Or, she can give the baby up for adoption, or otherwise cut ties. Men, however, are stuck with whatever SHE decides. True inequality. :(
a man has just as much control over his reproductive choices-condoms are much easier to obtain than the pill or diaphragm or whatever. He could have just as easily said no condom=no sex if she didn't like it. He can take just as much if not more responsibility.
a man has just as much control over his reproductive choices-condoms are much easier to obtain than the pill or diaphragm or whatever. He could have just as easily said no condom=no sex if she didn't like it. He can take just as much if not more responsibility.

Why should he if a woman can do anything she wants if the union proves fruitful?
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