Again, the facts contradict your ''... because I say so'', nonsense.No, they really don't. Again, 60% of Americans lived below the poverty line. I'm sure that people who thought " A chicken in every pot" was a good slogan, but it kind of showed how miserable the times were.
Not seeing a problem here. We've had 400 years of the system favoring white farmers. It's kind of like the argument about welfare... you guys are fine with welfare when YOU get it. You just call it an entitlement.
Okay, let's look at Cuba. Let's look at what JFK said about Cuba after the revolution.
I believe that there is no country in the world, including the African regions, including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country's policies during the Batista regime. I believe that we created, built and manufactured the Castro movement out of whole cloth and without realizing it. I believe that the accumulation of these mistakes has jeopardized all of Latin America. The great aim of the Alliance for Progress is to reverse this unfortunate policy. This is one of the most, if not the most, important problems in America foreign policy. I can assure you that I have understood the Cubans. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will go even further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries.
— U.S. President John F. Kennedy, interview with Jean Daniel, 24 October 1963[108]
Let's look at Cuba before the revolution. 75% of the arable land was owned by foreign interests. American Mafia families were able to set up casinos, prostitution and other criminal enterprises with impunity. In short, there was a reason why those people revolted.
And instead of actually heeding what JFK said, realizing our sins, the US policy for the last 60 years has been treating Cuba like a stalker treats his ex-girlfriend.
really, let's look at what Trump steered the economy into.
600,000 dead.
65,000,000 jobs lost
200,000 businesses bankrupted
Riots in the streets.
No, the middle class did not do well under Trump. Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net job loss.
You seem to think that if the Parasites on Wall Street are doing well, that means the rest of us are. It really doesn't work that way.
The decade of the 1920s, or as it was called by its contemporaries, “The New Era,” was marked by prosperity and new opportunity in the aftermath of World War I. The war began in Europe in 1914, and the United States entered the fray in 1917. The USA was one of the victors in the First World War and it enjoyed a period of great prosperity in the 1920’s, though there was a darker side to American life even then.
No. Leftists don't see the problem with racism. After all, leftists (democrats) were the party of slavery and the party of Jim Crow. The problem with leftist notions of racism is that the courts are not convinced that race based ideology is such a good idea.
Of course, race is the wedge used by democrats to infect this country with the plague of identity politics. It has now expanded to encompass sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and,, most importantly, skin color. The Democrat party has become a coalition of hate groups and has sought to exploit every way in which Americans can be categorized. The Left can be thought of as the party of self-hate and a bottomless pit of want and need. The Cult of Democrats has nothing to offer anyone that must not first be taken from someone else. Therefore it must create groups that see persons not in the in-group as enemies.
Your silly list of "Trump steered the economy into'', is just more your usual hysterics. You're afflicted with the debilitating disease of TDS.
What you listed are the failings of the democrats. Take responsibility for your failures.
Wall Street was very good to middle class investors (you know, the devil white), under Trump. You still refuse to do the right thing and give your money / belongings to the poor and oppressed.