Man Who Trained School Shooters Was Hired By Obama, Tied to DNC

Man Who Trained School Shooters Was Hired By Obama, Tied to DNC

READ MORE: Man Who Trained School Shooters Was Hired By Obama, Tied to DNC
© Neon Nettle
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Following the shocking discovery of a training camp in New Mexico in which a father was training 11 children to carry out school shootings, evidence has emerged that the man has ties to Barack Obama and the DNC. Investigators later confirmed that the compound was a training camp run by 39-year-old Siraj Wahhaj who was preparing the children to carry out large-scale shooting attacks in American schools.​
I guess these idiots thought if they were in a remote, unsuspicious area of the world, no one would ever figure it out. I hope they check out the phones of these monsters, to find out where other locations of "training camps" for small children are located, because this seems like something terrorists could get away with, telling the children whatever it is terrorists tell small terrorist wannabes. :(

New Mexico is a haven for artists, people who love nature, and a rather pleasant place in some remote areas, for that matter.

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