WOW! That was a eyeopener....Why everyone needs school choice vouchers

I'm not seeing it....

Again the private school is not getting any money directly that would require them to bow to entrance requirements set by a county/city/state unlike public schools who get their money directly from the county/city/state.....The parents choose the school and pays them directly.

Depends on the program, there a few different ways the "voucher" is distributed:
  • Money is paid directly to the parent and the parent can spend it on anything they want. No tracking required.
  • A certificate is issued to the parent, the parent presents the certificate to a qualifying school. The school chooses to participate in the voucher program or not with any strings attached.
  • A parent certifies that in lieu of a certificate they will homeschool, received the money directly and can spend it in any way they want.
If you have children in college (now or in the past), this should be familiar. Rarely are government scholarships or loans paid directly to the student. Usually such cases involve money not for "education" but for "living expenses". Such education disbursements are normally made to the accredited institution to that students financial account.

When our kids went to college in no case where she received a loan, scholarship, or grant was anything paid to them directly. This is typically a control mechanism to ensure education funds were used for education.

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Perhaps a Education Savings Account (ESA) Program is the way to go.
Change nothing but let people pick their school, the base price would equal whatever is being spent on the public school system, what is more you pay.You say "but I can't affordthat"

No, you just don't know the BIden waste that is going on. So you live in DC
Washington Schools in District of Columbia ($24,535),

PURE daughter went there
If you don't know just say so.

I know common sense is lacking in today's world but I'm having a hard time visualizing that if a parent uses a voucher how a private school, much less a home school, would have to be burdened.

The funds (in whatever form they might take) are not issued to a school but to a parent.

Funny how some would deny a taxpayer's "fair share" as far as educating their minor children yet burden them with paying off college loans of other's adult kids.

They are public funds--taxpayer funds. It is not the parents' money; it belongs to the collective. So the schools have to pay by the collectives' rules.

I have no problem with private schools, btw. But if you're going to spend taxpayer money in them, you have to abide by all federal and state laws.
Depends on the program, there a few different ways the "voucher" is distributed:
  • Money is paid directly to the parent and the parent can spend it on anything they want. No tracking required.
  • A certificate is issued to the parent, the parent presents the certificate to a qualifying school. The school chooses to participate in the voucher program or not with any strings attached.
  • A parent certifies that in lieu of a certificate they will homeschool, received the money directly and can spend it in any way they want.
If you have children in college (now or in the past), this should be familiar. Rarely are government scholarships or loans paid directly to the student. Such disbursements are normally made to the accredited institution to that students financial account.

When our kids went to college in no case where she received a loan, scholarship, or grant was anything paid to them directly. This is typically a control mechanism to ensure education funds were used for education.


Yes, and you can disqualify students for achievement or enrollment issues in colleges, but not for any protected classes like disabilities, health conditions, etc
I'm not seeing it....

Again the private school is not getting any money directly that would require them to bow to entrance requirements set by a county/city/state unlike public schools who get their money directly from the county/city/state.....The parents choose the school and pays them directly.

It's taxpayer money that just comes from the parents' hands. It's still taxpayer money--it's not all THEIR money.
This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.
Vouchers are EBT cards for gubmint schools.

Gubmint "education" needs abolished forthwith.
They are public funds--taxpayer funds. It is not the parents' money; it belongs to the collective. So the schools have to pay by the collectives' rules.

I have no problem with private schools, btw. But if you're going to spend taxpayer money in them, you have to abide by all federal and state laws.

The Collective, are you Borg?

That says all I need to know and don't even try to claim that you support private schools.

You have been half-ass dancing around that issue every time it comes up.....Collective indeed. :laughing0301:
Vouchers are EBT cards for gubmint schools.
Why should my tax dollars be used to send your kids to private school?

You want to send your rug rats to a private school? Pony up and pay for the little parasites yourself...
Gubmint schools are a giant middle class welfare program....As such, vouchers are just a sop to make people believe they have a choice.
My god man, give your brain a chance.

A private school is not a state run school.
Since when do vouchers go to private schools?

Looks like four states (WV, UT, IN, and AZ) have a voucher program for all K-12 students.

Eleven others have them for some students.

Looks like four states (WV, UT, IN, and AZ) have a voucher program for all K-12 students.

Eleven others have them for some students.

Four states out of 50?!?

Regardless, State money -which is what vouchers are- will always eventually come with State strings attached.....Those schools are taking the EBT cards, and will sooner-or-later be made to teach The State's perverted curricula.
Four states out of 50?!?

Regardless, State money -which is what vouchers are- will always eventually come with State strings attached.....Those schools are taking the EBT cards, and will sooner-or-later be made to teach The State's perverted curricula.
It's a start!

So why are you against parents doing what is best for their kids?
Looks like four states (WV, UT, IN, and AZ) have a voucher program for all K-12 students.

Eleven others have them for some students.

methinks i'm confused betwixt 'voucher' and 'school choice' here..... :oops: ...S~

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