Manhattan Clam Chowder (MCC): The New Ovaltine(?)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a consumerism-consciousness modernism vignette I cooked up inspired by the consumption-dissertation film Thank You for Smoking and referencing the Americana culinary 'delights' the Manhattan Clam Chowder (MCC) soup, which is a tomato-red spin on the classic New England Clam Chowder (NECC) soup, the creamy-white favorite 'counterpart' of MCC.

I also got inspiration from the Ovaltine-ad decoder-ring sequence from A Christmas Story.




Dr. Seuss loved to hype the consumerism sacredness of Manhattan Clam Chowder (MCC) in America. MCC, unlike its 'counterpart' New England Clam Chowder (NECC), which was white in color, was red in color because of tomato ingredients. Dr. Seuss believed that MCC was appealing to a broader consumer market, while NECC was popular more about Caucasian-Americans. MCC would be a great commerce podium for the modern-day Wall Street oriented consumer 'audience' looking for nifty 'consumption trophies,' and Campbell's Soup was so respected in American culture that its rendition of MCC seemed perfect for Seuss's purposes.


Dr. Seuss started selling the MCC appeal to the members of the 1990s Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) professional American football team, including touted African-American quarterback (QB) Randall Cunningham and his revered Caucasian-American head-coach Buddy Ryan. Dr. Seuss realized that MCC would prove to be a valuable pluralism-marketing pedestal in the prophetic 'City of Brotherly Love' (Philadelphia), a U.S. city of great pluralism symbolism (arguably since the signing of the monumental Declaration of Independence!). Incidentally, Randall (Cunningham) became a huge fan of Campbell's MCC soup!


Someone wanted to challenge Seuss as a 'sociological adversary,' however. This 'nemesis' was an underworld ghoul, a purple-colored warlock (and minion of Satan) named Devil Melvyn. Melvyn despised capitalism, commerce, and consumerism and wanted to use Seuss's MCC pro-pluralism consumerism marketing campaign to exploit American's propensity for consumption related avarice/gluttony. Melvyn hoped to 'sabotage' Seuss's special NFL MCC project with the Philadelphia Eagles, so when Super Bowl 52 rolled around years later (2018), Melvyn planned to crash the Halftime Show as a disguised disgruntled post-office worker (named Melvyn!) and drop buckets of pig-blood on the football field as an 'animal-rights protest' prank designed to slander 'TrumpUSA' (a 'culture of consumption and media and commerce').


Fortunately, Seuss had help! Seuss attended Super Bowl 52 and was going to place a special public-relations message about the value of nutrition and parental supervision in a consumerism-centric American culture, but Devil Melvyn's antics were going to undermine any optimism-agenda Dr. Seuss worked out in detail. Dr. Seuss realized that Scarlett (female soldier of U.S. President Donald Trump's operative-team of democracy-defenders known as 'G.I. Joes') was also at Super Bowl 52, and she brought with her a self-assembling crossbow and hidden throwing Chinese-stars (blade-weapons) which she quickly put together as 'post-office terrorist Melvyn' tried to carry out his pig-blood prank on the football field. Scarlett disarmed and disabled Melvyn, and the police took him away.


Dr. Seuss was able to deliver his important Halftime Show public-relations message about the consumption-values of Campbell's MCC soup. Seuss became an instant 'celebrity,' and people were beginning to compare him to Dr. C. Everett Koop (former U.S. Surgeon General). Seuss was flown to Amsterdam (Netherlands) in a fancy private-jet commissioned by the Trump Administration. Seuss was to establish a nifty trade bridge between America and Europe regarding the balancing of modern consumerism with nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Dr. C. Everett Koop would have praised such as politically shrewd and medically 'wise' initiative. It really looked like 'TrumpUSA' might become more 'mature' than people first assumed. Scarlett (of the 'G.I. Joes') remarked how proud she was serving TrumpUSA as a 'foot-soldier.'


Soon, KLM (Dutch airlines) was serving Campbell's MCC soup regularly, especially on passenger flights between Amsterdam and New York. Dr. Seuss would go down in history as the man who made a simple supermarket-available Campbell's soup-brand (the tomato-zesty MCC!) a perfect modernism symbol of consumption idealism and even national pride towards capital and economics. The MCC would become the new 'banner-flag' of consumerism revelry under the supervision of doctors and social leaders. Dr. Seuss suggested to President Trump that if the G.I. Joes and the CIA curbed anti-American terrorism, consumerism revelry would effectively hoist the MCC as the New Age Ovaltine! Would capitalism yield beneficial fruits (finally)?



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