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Many paths...one God?

And that is Faith. Problem is...a lot of religions insist that theirs is the only path.
And for that reason wars have been fought and so many lives lost. It is maybe the foremost problem with any religion that requires total allegiance and worship, and maybe is also a reason so many do not believe in God or religion. How can I believe in and support a God that condemns me to hell for not believing, even if I have led a virtuous life according to religious teachings? Am I supposed to love a God like that? For me, that's a hard sell. Throughout history, too many people have believed that their standing with God is enhanced by how many non-believers they have killed.

Anyway - I changed the rules. For me anyway. I have decided that life is not a one and done proposition where you're only born once, live, and die; if you messed up the 1st time then you (your soul) are reborn into another life and you get a second chance to be a better person, whatever that is supposed to mean. And whatever that means to God, I think some of us kinda get those values a little screwed up as we go through life. (IMHO, money and power are not really on the list.) And you keep coming back until you finally arrive at whatever you are supposed to eventually be. The good news is that there is no hell and no eternal damnation and I kinda like that cuz I think I might be in big trouble if I'm wrong. 'Course I ain't rich and I ain't powerful, so maybe I'm not totally screwed.

The bad news is that you gotta keep coming back for as many lives as it takes, AND there's this thing called karma that says if you were a bad person in your last life then you're going to be on the receiving end of misfortune and misconduct in your next life. Maybe the concept of hell is what you create for yourself by your own actions. I never liked the idea that you only get one shot, and I wonder if that was God's intent or whether men kinda wrote that into their religion, even if it was with the best of intentions.
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And for that reason wars have been fought and so many lives lost. It is maybe the foremost problem with any religion that requires total allegiance and worship, and maybe is also a reason so many do not believe in God or religion. How can I believe in and support a God that condemns me to hell for not believing, even if I have led a virtuous life according to religious teachings? Am I supposed to love a God like that? For me, that's a hard sell. Throughout history, too many people have believed that their standing with God is enhanced by how many non-believers they have killed.

Anyway - I changed the rules. For me anyway. I have decided that life is not a one and done proposition where you're only born once, live, and die; if you messed up the 1st time then you (your soul) are reborn into another life and you get a second chance to be a better person, whatever that is supposed to mean. And whatever that means to God, I think some of us kinda get those values a little screwed up as we go through life. (IMHO, money and power are not really on the list.) And you keep coming back until you finally arrive at whatever you are supposed to eventually be. The good news is that there is no hell and no eternal damnation and I kinda like that cuz I think I might be in big trouble if I'm wrong. 'Course I ain't rich and I ain't powerful, so maybe I'm not totally screwed.

The bad news is that you gotta keep coming back for as many lives as it takes, AND there's this thing called karma that says if you were a bad person in your last life then you're going to be on the receiving end of misfortune and misconduct in your next life. Maybe the concept of hell is what you create for yourself by your own actions. I never liked the idea that you only get one shot, and I wonder if that was God's intent or whether men kinda wrote that into their religion, even if it was with the best of intentions.
That is very close to my own beliefs. Like you, I can not accept the belief that person, no matter how good he is in life, could be consigned to hell for eternity simply because he doesn't follow a particular path. I don't believe we are consigned to eternity for the act of a single mortal life. I think, maybe, when we die we are returned to the entity that is God, and then spun out again, to exist in another mortal coat. I believe all life contains a spark of God, a soul, and together we form the entity called earth. Or...God's plan for recycling ;) I also believe God has a great sense of humor.
"When all is said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it's not so much which road you take, as how you take it"
If one is to accept the Holy Scriptures as the righteous doctrine, the very source of all Christian faith and Judeo/Christian philosophy (faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God)...........then one must conclude that not all roads lead to the same end. "There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." -- Prov. 14:12

Many people rely on "feelings"...they might conclude, "This or that seems to be the right thing to do...." But again, what do the Holy Scriptures say about feelings? One might with all honest sincerity feel like they are doing the right thing but all the while they my be heading down the wrong path. A good example would Paul.....formally Saul of Tarsus in his early years spent in persecuting Christ's church .......because he was one of the most intelligent and educated men on the planet as far as knowing the history and doctrine of Hebrew faith. He thought he was doing God a service and was working on the side of righteousness by persecuting the followers of Jesus, but he was actually fighting against God's will (Acts 26:9-11).

There are many different ways that might seem right because you feel they are correct. The most obvious, often incorporated by the secular humanist is THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. These type of individuals could care less whether or not they are following God's will.....they declare since some good came because of my decision........the end indeed justified the means, and if there is a God, He must approve, if not......does it matter if some good came from the decision? But God teaches us its never right to do wrong in order to accomplish any objective. Example: One is never justified by stealing something in order to supposedly feed the poor.....there is no righteousness in perverting the gospel truth in order to appease by sinning.

(in my opinion.........the way many endorse our supposed PROGRESSIVE TAX SYSTEM....which in essence is nothing but legalized thievery......when you take the earned income of one group by force and give it to any number of other groups in order to appease them and purchase their vote.) A flat 10% tax on all purchases would correct the corrupt system now in use that is abused by our politicians who use the IRS system as nothing but an open ended ATM drawn on the PEOPLE'S bank account). If 10% is good enough for God, its Good enough for Uncle SHAM. Its never enough..........every election cycle the politicians stand with hat in hand and declare, "WE NEED MORE SOUP PLEASE....there are babies literally starving in our nation........" Reality: Where are the headlines with all the starving children? If anyone does without in this land of plenty its do to LAZINESS and POOR DECISION MAKING. There is no excuse for anyone to go hungry in this nation those that do are the result of poor parenting.

The end does not justify the means. If our government (at all levels, county, city, state and federal) can't run a nation on close to 8 Trillion dollars a years (the current amount of collected taxes per year)....then they are not capable of running the lives of the average US CITIZEN. A great deal of these tax monies are never seen by the US CITIZEN, they end up in the coffers of foreign nations, another major portion is wasted on FRAUD by those who game the welfare systems.... more is wasted on useless special interest projects, such as studying the mating habits of some endangered animal species...etc., or a bike path through some rich neighborhood who should be funding their own special interest projects...etc.,

Another path that might feel right is the same ole excuse......"Well, everyone is doing it........" or Righteousness through consensus opinion......you might seek the accolade of your fellow man to just FEEL that you belong. The bible has a simple answer to this situation, "Thou shalt not follow a multitude (mob rule), to do evil......." Ex. 23:2 Jesus said the path is narrow and there be few that follow it (Matt. 7:14). Good examples. Global Warming.........there is a consensus it must be correct. Abortion on demand, Its legal and everyone has been doing it for over half a century.

There are many ways that might FEEL right or appear to be right.....but all roads do not lead to the same end, not all roads lead to eternal HOPE, the majority of roads lead to enteral HOPELESSNESS. What is a man without hope? A man filled with APATHY.
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I like my path. I will stay on it because this is the one He put me on. Mine meanders everywhere, like a creek or brook or stream that winds up in a bigger body of water only to veer off again. Over yonder, down thataway, wander over there, etc. I learn alot this way. And He and I have some great chats as I mosey along.

I meet lots of people as our paths cross. Then they continue on theirs...and I mine. Sometimes we walk together, then wind up parting ways only to meet up again later on.

I have a major problem with the bible. Big problem. I don't trust it. Some, yes. Much, no. Why? Because it was written BY MAN, for MAN. And a buttload was either left out or translated according to the agendas of the time and the translators. So I take a lot of it with a grain of salt.

With that said..my path..and I am speaking for myself only...MY path always has Jesus present and God Himself. Whether they are two separate entity or one doesn't matter. They/He is there with me in ALL my meanderings. I refuse to let Him/Them not come with me or me with Him/Them. This includes any tributary I follow.

So, like I said..I like my path. It's comforting, difficult, soothing, hard, scarey, peaceful, confusing, happy. Just like life.

Also, I will not JUDGE anyone in this thread like they are doing, claiming if one does not do this or that or follow a certain path, they are being lead astray. Bullhockey. To each his or her own, says I.
I like my path. I will stay on it because this is the one He put me on. Mine meanders everywhere, like a creek or brook or stream that winds up in a bigger body of water only to veer off again. Over yonder, down thataway, wander over there, etc. I learn alot this way. And He and I have some great chats as I mosey along.

I meet lots of people as our paths cross. Then they continue on theirs...and I mine. Sometimes we walk together, then wind up parting ways only to meet up again later on.

I have a major problem with the bible. Big problem. I don't trust it. Some, yes. Much, no. Why? Because it was written BY MAN, for MAN. And a buttload was either left out or translated according to the agendas of the time and the translators. So I take a lot of it with a grain of salt.

With that said..my path..and I am speaking for myself only...MY path always has Jesus present and God Himself. Whether they are two separate entity or one doesn't matter. They/He is there with me in ALL my meanderings. I refuse to let Him/Them not come with me or me with Him/Them. This includes any tributary I follow.

So, like I said..I like my path. It's comforting, difficult, soothing, hard, scarey, peaceful, confusing, happy. Just like life.

Also, I will not JUDGE anyone in this thread like they are doing, claiming if one does not do this or that or follow a certain path, they are being lead astray. Bullhockey. To each his or her own, says I.

Earlier in this thread you said many paths, one God. Now you say the Bible was written by man. This contradicts many things Jesus said about Himself, about God, and about the Bible. I think you know this, so you throw in that last part which really means "I don't want to hear it". Well okay. But other Christians know it.

When people who claim to follow Christ say there are parts of the Bible they don't agree with, it usually means there are parts of the Bible that are really, really hard in lots of ways.

Um, yes. Every. Single. Day. The path is narrow and the cross is heavy. We're not better people because we are attempting to do it. We suck at it, but have a merciful Savior.
Earlier in this thread you said many paths, one God. Now you say the Bible was written by man. This contradicts many things Jesus said about Himself, about God, and about the Bible. I think you know this, so you throw in that last part which really means "I don't want to hear it". Well okay. But other Christians know it.

When people who claim to follow Christ say there are parts of the Bible they don't agree with, it usually means there are parts of the Bible that are really, really hard in lots of ways.

Um, yes. Every. Single. Day. The path is narrow and the cross is heavy. We're not better people because we are attempting to do it. We suck at it, but have a merciful Savior.
Judge much?
Earlier in this thread you said many paths, one God. Now you say the Bible was written by man. This contradicts many things Jesus said about Himself, about God, and about the Bible.
In your opinion. And who are you again? Oh. A christian. What denomination?

And who wrote the bible? Why, men, that's who. Duh.
Where are the other gospels? Oh. Wait. Not in there, right? Gosh. I wonder why. Oh I know. Those parts did not fit the agendas. Oh oh oh. Wait again. You know all, correct? You speak for God. You speak for Jesus. Because you are a christian and I am not? In your opinion, of course. Yet, you just slap it out there, all judgy with prune lips pursed as you thump your book. Well Okay.

You know nothing about me, nor my path, nor my relationship with Him. It is those just like you that lead me where I am on MY path. Not yours. MINE.

Personally, now I think of you as you think of me. I want nothing to do with such people. My judge is in a higher realm. You are not even close.
One Path. One God.
What about the Great White Throne judgment? The Christian Bible says that non-Christians will be judged. It's my understanding that they can receive salvation at that point. Am I mistaken?
Many paths and they all lead to the One God. People just don't know it because those are very meandering paths, and comfortable for the one on it.

One beginning. One end.

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I believe that people who live their lives rejecting God and his commandments are going to pay a STEEP price in the hereafter. That's not to say that they can't or won't be forgiven and saved, but not until they have paid for their life of sin.
a God that condemns me to hell for not believing, even if I have led a virtuous life according to religious teachings?
The Christian Bible says that non-Christians will be judged. They can, however, still be granted salvation. Read up on The Great White Throne Judgment.
And for that reason wars have been fought and so many lives lost. It is maybe the foremost problem with any religion that requires total allegiance and worship, and maybe is also a reason so many do not believe in God or religion. How can I believe in and support a God that condemns me to hell for not believing, even if I have led a virtuous life according to religious teachings? Am I supposed to love a God like that? For me, that's a hard sell. Throughout history, too many people have believed that their standing with God is enhanced by how many non-believers they have killed.

Anyway - I changed the rules. For me anyway. I have decided that life is not a one and done proposition where you're only born once, live, and die; if you messed up the 1st time then you (your soul) are reborn into another life and you get a second chance to be a better person, whatever that is supposed to mean. And whatever that means to God, I think some of us kinda get those values a little screwed up as we go through life. (IMHO, money and power are not really on the list.) And you keep coming back until you finally arrive at whatever you are supposed to eventually be. The good news is that there is no hell and no eternal damnation and I kinda like that cuz I think I might be in big trouble if I'm wrong. 'Course I ain't rich and I ain't powerful, so maybe I'm not totally screwed.

The bad news is that you gotta keep coming back for as many lives as it takes, AND there's this thing called karma that says if you were a bad person in your last life then you're going to be on the receiving end of misfortune and misconduct in your next life. Maybe the concept of hell is what you create for yourself by your own actions. I never liked the idea that you only get one shot, and I wonder if that was God's intent or whether men kinda wrote that into their religion, even if it was with the best of intentions.
We have a creator and he expects to live by his rules. The belief that one can do anything they like and won't be held responsible for their behavior is false unless one is repentant and is a follower of Christ.
if one does not do this or that or follow a certain path, they are being lead astray. Bullhockey. To each his or her own, says I.
That is what Satan and his demons teach the world. They hate God and they hate you too because you are God's creation. They know that they are condemned to Hell. They want to mock God and his creation by tempting us to reject God and to engage in sin. They laugh with delight when people give in to their temptations. In the end, they will be consigned to Hell, a place God made for Satan and his demons. You're expected to reject Satan and to live a life that is pleasing to God. Those unwilling to do so WILL pay a high price.
Earlier in this thread you said many paths, one God. Now you say the Bible was written by man. This contradicts many things Jesus said about Himself, about God, and about the Bible. I think you know this, so you throw in that last part which really means "I don't want to hear it". Well okay. But other Christians know it.

When people who claim to follow Christ say there are parts of the Bible they don't agree with, it usually means there are parts of the Bible that are really, really hard in lots of ways.

Um, yes. Every. Single. Day. The path is narrow and the cross is heavy. We're not better people because we are attempting to do it. We suck at it, but have a merciful Savior.
Nice post.
In your opinion. And who are you again? Oh. A christian. What denomination?

And who wrote the bible? Why, men, that's who. Duh.
Where are the other gospels? Oh. Wait. Not in there, right? Gosh. I wonder why. Oh I know. Those parts did not fit the agendas. Oh oh oh. Wait again. You know all, correct? You speak for God. You speak for Jesus. Because you are a christian and I am not? In your opinion, of course. Yet, you just slap it out there, all judgy with prune lips pursed as you thump your book. Well Okay.

You know nothing about me, nor my path, nor my relationship with Him. It is those just like you that lead me where I am on MY path. Not yours. MINE.

Personally, now I think of you as you think of me. I want nothing to do with such people. My judge is in a higher realm. You are not even close.

Jesus said that He would send another, the Holy Spirit, to guide the apostles, who wrote a significant amount of the New Testament. You can rest assured that same Holy Spirit had a heavy hand in what is in the Bible right now. But you scoff and dismiss, saying "don't fit the agenda".

You scoff at weighty things. You might call me "prune lips" for trying to warn you. Okay, so be it.

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