Marco Rubio digs in deep with insane thoughts about women and abortion.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Trying to out insane each other, keep on going repubs your kookoo train not picking up many passengers

Cloaked in a veneer of respectability and so-called sanity, Marco Rubio manages to say some of the most stunningly crazy things about women and abortion. During an interview with an Iowa TV station this week, Rubio spun a truly bonkers conspiracy theory about the abortion “industry” that seemed based on the recent hit-job hoax film about a Planned Parenthood that exists only in the fevered “pro-life” imagination.

“Because now what you’ve done is you’ve created an industry,” he told the interviewer. “You’ve created an incentive for people to be pushed into abortions so that those tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit.”

Yeupp, looney tunes. His host was skeptical, asking, “Don’t you think that’s a stretch? Pushing people into abortions?” But Rubio was undaunted and proceeded to imply that women are awfully dumb.

5 Nuttiest Right-Wing Moments This Week: 'Respectable' Marco Rubio Spins Insane Conspiracy Theory
How was the film about Planned Parenthood offering to sell human body parts deemed to be a "job hoax"? What the hell is a "job hoax" anyway? Didn't Dr. Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors in Philadelphia teach the ignorant left anything? Municipalities as large as Philadelphia are so afraid of the political power of the abortion industry that they will not inspect abortion clinics for health code violations until an adult is found dead. They inspect pizza joints for violations of the pepperoni act but they won't go near abortion clinics because the true believers who want to keep the blood flowing for political power and a couple of bucks made on the side have successfully infiltrated the democrat party and have intimidated the few democrat politicians who pretend to be honest.
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You gotta have a strange sense of right and wrong when you call a natural inclination of human beings to protect the unborn as "insane".
You gotta have a strange sense of right and wrong when you call a natural inclination of human beings to protect the unborn as "insane".
Look at what rubio said: "“Because now what you’ve done is you’ve created an industry,” he told the interviewer. “You’ve created an incentive for people to be pushed into abortions so that those tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit.”
^ That is flat out bullshit of the highest degree, it's like fiorina throwing out bullshit about the "video" that literally doesn't exist, at all.
“Because now what you’ve done is you’ve created an industry,” he told the interviewer. “You’ve created an incentive for people to be pushed into abortions so that those tissues can be harvested and sold for a profit.”

The inane 'abortion industry' lie, it's as ridiculous as it is wrong.
"Trying to out insane each other"

They have an equally insane base they're forced to pander to.

This is mostly about the South Carolina primary, heart of the social right's ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

In fact, for republicans, South Carolina is more important than Iowa or New Hampshire – fail to win that primary and your campaign is all but over; just ask John McCain.
"Trying to out insane each other"

They have an equally insane base they're forced to pander to.

This is mostly about the South Carolina primary, heart of the social right's ignorance, hate, and stupidity.

In fact, for republicans, South Carolina is more important than Iowa or New Hampshire – fail to win that primary and your campaign is all but over; just ask John McCain.

The epicenter / ground zero of the Low IQ bible thumping hicks

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